
The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

When people think of the founding emperor, they think that this is the founder of a new dynasty, and should be respected and respected by future generations. Of course, after a hundred years of emperors, their tombs should be of the highest level.

Like the tombs of some ancient emperors, they are now not only developed as tourism resources to drive the development of the local economy, but also to facilitate the study of their dynasties and thus improve the history of our country.

But many people would never have imagined that the tomb of such an emperor would be used as a septic tank. What a shocking thing! And the owner of this tomb is the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty- Guanyan Akuta.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

Heroic and good at war, establishing the Jin Dynasty

Born into an aristocratic family, Yan Akuta showed a talent for being a general from an early age. He did not have the impulse to act recklessly, but was very stable.

He seems to have been born to complete the unification, marching and fighting has its own characteristics, and he has great ambitions to develop the Jurchen tribe into the most powerful tribe.

He spent his whole life working tirelessly towards this goal, and under his wise leadership, the Jurchens leapt to become the strongest tribe. However, he was not satisfied with the position of the Jurchens at this time, but launched a war against the surrounding tribes. In 1115, Yan Aku became emperor and established the Jin Dynasty.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

On the map of China at that time, Song Jinliao stood on three legs.

Although Yan Akuta was a military general, he was very interested in the culture of the Song Dynasty at that time.

It is also because of this that the relationship between the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty was very good. However, Yan Ah Kuan was very unaccustomed to the Liao state, so he decided to destroy the Liao state and make the Jin state more prosperous.

The war lasted for seven years before the Jin Dynasty took over the actual power of the Liao State. During these seven years, Guanyan Akuta personally led the troops to fight, and in the second year of the battle, most of the territory of the Liao State had been captured by the Jin Dynasty.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

Yan Akuta made the capture of the Liao regime a goal for all the soldiers of the army. And in the last battle, he personally charged into the battle to cheer the soldiers to win the victory.

Therefore, after the Jin Dynasty seized the Liao state power, it also made the Jin Dynasty the largest dynasty at that time. However, the good times did not last long, and Yan Ah Kuanta unfortunately fell ill and died during his return home. His younger brother succeeded him as the next emperor.

It was shocking to find that under the septic tank was the tomb of the emperor

After the founding of New China, villagers in rural Beijing at that time found a large pit at the foot of the mountain, which was very suitable as a septic tank. So the local villagers dumped feces and urine here.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

But suddenly one day, a villager suddenly tripped over something on the soles of his feet after pouring dung, so he looked down and found a piece of porcelain that was half cut off. But the porcelain had many words on it that he could not understand, so he immediately reported it to the local superior department.

After the local department studied the half of the porcelain, it immediately sent an archaeological team to the local village for field investigation. But what the inspectors never expected was that the environment at the site would be so harsh.

As soon as the expedition arrived at this place, it was smoked by a thick stench, and at first glance, the archaeological pile that was said to be good was actually a septic tank on it.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

But archaeology still has to continue, archaeologists and local villagers will treat the above septic together, so as to facilitate the archaeologists to conduct more detailed research.

After the septic treatment was cleaned, a dungeon appeared in front of the people. However, due to the erosion of fecal water over the years, the surface of the underground palace has become fragmented, and many cultural relics have been damaged large and small.

Out of the urgency of cultural relics protection, archaeologists quickly rescued and excavated many cultural relics. Through the preliminary identification of the relevant cultural relics inside the underground palace, the archaeological team basically determined that this tomb pile can be traced back to the Jin Dynasty.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

At first, everyone thought that it was the mausoleum of a high-ranking official and nobleman of the Jin Dynasty, but after more detailed investigation and excavation, everyone was shocked by the size of this mausoleum. After reading a large number of historical documents, it was speculated that this mausoleum was the tomb of the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Guanyan Akuta.

What makes everyone puzzled is that the tomb of Yan Akuta should be said to be in the Harbin area of northeast China, how could it run to the Fangshan area of Beijing? This is not in line with history, and for a time everyone was full of confusion about this issue.

So the archaeological team and historians conducted another detailed study of the history of the Jin Dynasty. That's what explains the mystery.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

It turned out that It was The grandson of Guanyan Ah Kuanda, Guanyan Liang, in order to better rule the regime and stabilize the hearts and minds of the people in the northern region. His grandfather's mausoleum was relocated, known as RuiLing. But Yan Ah Bone Would never know that after thousands of years, his own RuiLing would turn into a septic tank.

The descendants have done evil deeds, and the finished Yan Ah bone is said to be deserved

When he learned that under the septic tank was the tomb of the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, public opinion was circulating for a while. Some people regret that a generation of emperors has finally ended up in such a realm.

But there are also those who feel that this is all his sin deserved, his retribution for his children and grandchildren. So what did the descendants of Yan Ah Bone Do to hurt heaven and reason?

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

When the Three Kingdoms of Jin, Song, and Liao were at the height of that year, the relationship between Yan Akuta and the Song Kingdom was very good. The two countries also made a gentleman's agreement not to go to war with each other. However, after the death of Yan Akuta, his descendants directly ignored the agreement in order to obtain greater benefits and launched a war against the Northern Song Dynasty.

In the second year of Jing Kang, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed. The Jin army was in the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, burning and looting, and doing no evil. The people along the way were brutally killed by the Jin army, the most tragic of which was the woman who had no power to tie the chicken. For a time, the originally prosperous capital of the Northern Song Dynasty instantly became a purgatory on earth, and the people had few survivors.

After entering the palace, the Jin army intensified: robbing the royal treasures, the palace women in the palace, and the concubines were all abducted by them. Some of Emperor Huizong's daughters were tortured to death, some were forced to become concubines after becoming pregnant, and some became military prostitutes in the army.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things


The concubines and clan women of the Northern Song Harem were all taken captive to the north and treated inappropriately. Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song were also escorted north by the Jin.

On the way north, Empress Zhu and other harem concubines were required to wear golden costumes and expose their upper bodies. Because Empress Zhu had a strong personality, she did not tolerate the humiliation and committed suicide that night. Both Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song died after many tortures. This incident is the shame of Jingkang in history.

In fact, the success of the king and the defeat of the Kou are all unchanging iron laws, but these things done by the descendants of Yan Ah Bone are really unconscionable.

The tomb of the founding emperor was made into a septic tank by farmers, and some people say that retribution is only because the emperor's descendants did these things

History is always astonishing, after the Mongol army led by Genghis Khan broke through the capital of the Jin Dynasty, the shame of the Northern Song Dynasty Jingkang was also staged again in the Jin Dynasty, and even they were more tragic than the Northern Song Dynasty.

If the Jin Dynasty had been able to deal with these defeated people well, perhaps everything would have been different. The tombs of their founding emperors will not become septic tanks thousands of years later. Evil has evil retribution, the heavenly path is reincarnated, and it seems that everything in the underworld has a definite number.

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