
When Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, why did Chongzhen refuse to move south? It's not that he's far-sighted

In his life, Chongzhen did a lot of things that made future generations wonder, including that in just a few years of his reign, he actually killed a large number of talents in the Ming Dynasty, not only that, Chongzhen also refused to move south when Li Zicheng was about to invade Beijing, which became the most important event for posterity to regret for him.

Many people felt that if Chongzhen really moved south at that time, maybe later he would not hang up the coal mountain, after all, Nanjing was also the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and all kinds of configurations were complete, and it was complete to support Chongzhen to continue to establish a foothold in Nanjing, and even as long as Chongzhen moved south, the officials in the south would also support him, in fact, was this really the case?

When Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, why did Chongzhen refuse to move south? It's not that he's far-sighted

Why Chongzhen refused to move south

In February of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, seeing that Li Zicheng's rebel army was gradually getting bigger and stronger, Chongzhen had to start thinking about the way back, and above the court, everyone studied the matter of moving south together, and many ministers who supported the southward migration also gave Chongzhen many specific and feasible plans at that time, and even more directly had a strategic deployment, just wait for Chongzhen to take action immediately with an order.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the southward migration, the Tianjin Inspector also spent four months preparing 200 ships and 5,000 infantry guards, which can ensure the safety of Chongzhen's southward migration from Beijing to Nanjing.

For Chongzhen's hesitation at that time, in fact, it was not that he had the foresight to think about what trouble he would encounter after moving south to Nanjing, after all, Nanjing had always played the role of accompanying the capital after the Ming Dynasty set the capital of Beijing, Nanjing retained six departments and garrisons and other systems, it can be said that it is almost the same as Beijing, Chongzhen moved south to Nanjing, you can continue to work directly, there are not too many problems.

Not only that, as Chongzhen's identity, after moving south, he will inevitably be supported by Nanjing officials, no matter what, Chongzhen is always a righteous emperor, in that historical background at that time, even if someone spies on the throne, he does not dare to spread wilderness at such a time.

When Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, why did Chongzhen refuse to move south? It's not that he's far-sighted

From this point of view, Chongzhen should not have hesitated to move south at that time, but why he was always hesitating was mainly because of the ancestral precepts of the Ming Dynasty and a person who obstructed it, this person was the "Great Ming and Qing Stream" Guang Shiheng. According to the Ancestral Motto of the Ming Dynasty, "The Son of Heaven Guards the Gate of the Country, and the King Dies in the Society", Chongzhen really should not move south, otherwise he would be sorry for the bloodiness of the ancestors.

Guang Shiheng used this reason to admonish Chongzhen, who even thought that Guang Shiheng was a bloody person like his ancestors, but unfortunately, after Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, Guang Shiheng's behavior was shocking. When he first admonished Chongzhen, it can be said that Zhenzhen had a word, in Chongzhen's hesitation, Li Zicheng had already invaded Beijing, and now it was impossible to move south, Chongzhen still insisted on "king death sheji" hanging himself on the coal mountain, and still retained the integrity of emperor Daming, while Guang Shiheng was reduced to a hypocrite.

After Chongzhen committed suicide, Guang Shiheng and many ming dynasty officials in Beijing turned to Li Zicheng and took out all the money he had personally pocketed into Li Zicheng's pocket, a total of seventy million taels, to know that when Chongzhen was looking for these officials to raise money because he did not have military salaries, they were unwilling to take out a penny, and they also told Chongzhen to remember the ancestral precepts, what an ironic fact.

Of course, from Chongzhen's hesitation in listening to Guang Shiheng, we can also see that Chongzhen's ability and vision in terms of knowing people and employing people are quite average, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to listen to Guang Shiheng's rumors at a critical moment, resulting in his regrets.

When Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, why did Chongzhen refuse to move south? It's not that he's far-sighted

What would have happened if Chongzhen moved south?

It was precisely because Chongzhen listened to the rumors of the villains at that time and missed the best opportunity to move south, so posterity has always been grumpy about this matter, many people are thinking, if Chongzhen chose to move south at that time, would he be able to get the support of others after arriving in Nanjing? Can he stand firm in Nanjing and turn the tide?

In fact, after Chongzhen moved south, relying on his status as emperor, he would certainly be able to gain everyone's support to continue to be emperor in Nanjing, which basically had no suspense, but after Chongzhen sat firmly on the throne, could he change his life against the sky and turn the tide? The answer to this question is more awkward.

To find out how embarrassing it is, we can delve into three aspects. The most important point in the three aspects is Chongzhen's own ability, perhaps some people will think that Chongzhen, such a bloody emperor, should have good ability, but the real history of Chongzhen, in terms of ability, I am afraid that it will still surprise people.

We don't say anything more distant, from the moment Chongzhen ascended the throne, he killed Wei Zhongxian, and then killed Yuan Chonghuan, Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng and other capable courtiers, according to statistics, Chongzhen actually killed 17 high-ranking officials in the short period of his reign, these people can be called the talents of the ming dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty, but unfortunately Chongzhen eliminated them all because of his own suspicions and rumors.

When Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, why did Chongzhen refuse to move south? It's not that he's far-sighted

With the decline of talented people, the Ming Dynasty has basically fallen to no one to use, in such an embarrassing historical background, Chongzhen has more incredible operations, such as he continues to listen to the rumors of villains, continue to appoint those officials who are not instrumental, such as Zuo Liangyu and others, one has no ability, the other is not loyal, Chongzhen does not dare to provoke them at all, such a ability to recognize people and use people, it is simply worrying.

In general, Chongzhen in the employment of people is to maintain a principle, people who listen to their own words and people who have the ability will be in order to die, people who do not listen to their own words and people who do not have the ability, but constantly reuse, let alone a country, even if a company is carried out in accordance with this management model, it is strange that it will not go out of business in the end.

Of course, in addition to Chongzhen's own limited ability, the Ming Dynasty at that time could indeed be said to be plagued by diseases, including the peasant uprisings of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others, and the tigers of the Qing army, and the worst thing was that even so, all the officials were still fighting among themselves, whether they were civilian officials or military generals.

Among the civilian-official cliques, the Donglin Party and the Eunuch Party have been fighting endlessly, everyone is thinking about their own interests, and they do not take into account the overall situation of the country at all, this situation not only exists in Beijing, Nanjing is also similar, I do not believe that you can see that after the establishment of the Nanming regime, those civilian-official cliques are still fighting for their own interests, putting the national interests aside and ignoring them.

The result of the infighting among the civilian officials group is to give foreign enemies the opportunity to invade, they do not know how to cherish their own country, thinking about some of their own interests all day long, and as a result, after the destruction of the country and the death of the family, they have long regretted it, there is such a group of civilian officials following Chongzhen, how easy is it to talk about making a comeback?

Even if the civilian officials are afraid of death, the military attaches are still incompetent, such as Zuo Liangyu and others in the later period, they did not fight for the country at all, but when they constantly enhanced their own power and clamored with the country, they were absolute masters, and when they fought against the enemy, they were instantly instigated, which was a typical infighting.

When Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, why did Chongzhen refuse to move south? It's not that he's far-sighted


Chongzhen's ability itself is average, the result is also encountered a group of greedy civilian officials who are afraid of death and are not willing to fight for the country's military generals, in the face of such a situation, even if Chongzhen moves south to Nanjing, it is only temporarily delayed for a period of time, Daming's ending will still not change, after all, to that stage of development, Daming's end has long been doomed in the dark, with Chongzhen's ability, it is really difficult to turn the tide!

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