
At the age of 12, he left home to join the army and returned to the army, talking with the coachman all the way, and finally found out that it was his biological father

During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in our country, countless young people embarked on the road of revolution at a young age, running in battle for the stability of the motherland and the happiness of the people. Give everything for the country. The appearance of a teenager who left home turned into a resolute warrior face in one battle after another. I just don't know the way home again, and my parents at home can still recognize my appearance.

At the age of 12, he left home to join the army and returned to the army, talking with the coachman all the way, and finally found out that it was his biological father

The protagonist of today's story is Our Major General Wang Fuzhi. Born in 1923, his mother died at an early age, and the poor family relied on his father to support him, and the sensible Wang Fuzhi went out to work early to make a living. But my father understood that only reading could change the status quo. So he painstakingly sent Wang Fuzhi to a private school, although it was only a short period of three months, but it had a great impact on Wang Fuzhi's life. Twelve-year-old Wang Fuzhi understood that only resistance could change the life that was now exploited, so he joined the revolution without hesitation. At that time, he only had a dart, and even then he was desperately trying to kill the enemy on the battlefield, that is, this battle gave him the first gun in his life.

After that, he made countless military achievements and was recognized by the organization with his spirit and ability. After a long struggle, the victory of liberation was finally ushered in. Wang Fuzhi, who wanted to go home, had not yet had time to go back, so he participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and in this war, he almost could not return to the motherland. After losing a battle in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he was trapped in a cave. There was no food, no water in the cave, and he didn't know when he would be rescued, but he didn't give up. He went home with his amazing will and, after thirty-eight hours of hard standing, he finally waited for hope. Rescued by teammates.

At the age of 12, he left home to join the army and returned to the army, talking with the coachman all the way, and finally found out that it was his biological father

The war was won, and Wang Fuzhi returned to his dream motherland. I have a lot of feelings in my heart. At last, the motherland no longer has to be tormented by war, and the people do not have to suffer. But the thought of his father was filled with guilt. He left home for 25 years and did not go back, leaving his father alone. Thinking of this, he could no longer bear to miss his father, and hurriedly bought a few things for his father and embarked on the way home.

At the age of 12, he left home to join the army and returned to the army, talking with the coachman all the way, and finally found out that it was his biological father

After a few days of travel, he was finally close to his hometown, and his heart was very excited. At this time, he met a coachman who took the initiative to talk to him. Wang Fuzhi, who offered to help him pull up his luggage and listened to the accent of his hometown, also let down his guard and chatted with the coachman in the process of walking. When he learned that Wang Fuzhi was a soldier, the coachman said that he also had a son, who had sneaked out to join the army when he was a teenager, and had never returned, probably sacrificing. When he heard the age of the coachman joining the army, Wang Fuzhi suddenly thought of something, asked what the coachman was called, and after the old man said his name, Wang Fuzhi burst into tears, and immediately knelt in front of the coachman and said: "Father, I am sorry for you."

At the age of 12, he left home to join the army and returned to the army, talking with the coachman all the way, and finally found out that it was his biological father

The stunned coachman reacted, also full of tears, and hugged Wang Fuzhi hard, the father and son finally met, and after calming down for a while, the two embarked on the road home.

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