
Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew

Starring Tang Wei, Zhu Yawen, Wang Xuexi, Deng Jiajia, Yu Haoming and others, "Daming Fenghua" is being broadcast, which tells the story of the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the country created a prosperous era, and the heroine Sun Ruowei went through the Five Emperors and Six Dynasties. There are three main villains in the whole drama, one is Empress Hu Shanxiang, one is Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han, and the other is Zhu Gaoxuan, the King of Zhao.

Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew

Zhu Gaoxu is the biggest villain of the whole drama, so what kind of person is he in history?

Zhu Gaoxu was the second son of Emperor Ming chengzu Zhu Di and Empress Xu, and of Zhu Di's three sons (Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Gaoxu), Zhu Gaoxu was his favorite son and felt that Zhu Gaoxu was most like him. It was precisely for this reason that Zhu Gaoxu rebelled many times later, because he felt that he was qualified to sit on the throne.

Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew

Zhu Gaoxu was fierce from an early age, and during Zhu Yuanzhang's reign, Zhu Gaoxu was summoned to the capital by Zhu Yuanzhang to study together with Qin, Jin, Yan (Zhu Gaozi), and Wang Shizi on Thursday. However, Zhu Gaoxu refused to learn, and he was also frivolous in his words and deeds, and his behavior angered many people. Zhu Yuanzhang was very annoying to this grandson, but he liked Zhu Gaozi very much.

Zhu Gaoxu was the son of the Prince of Yan hand-picked by Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Gaoxu was only crowned as the Prince of Gaoyang County. Later, Zhu Yuanzhang died and Emperor Jianwen succeeded to the throne. Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaoxu once again entered the dynasty together, and Xu Huizu was their uncle, but seeing that Zhu Gaoxu was idle all day, he secretly warned him many times of misconduct, but to no avail. Zhu Gaoxu did not listen, and stole Xu Huizu's beloved BMW and rode all the way back to Beiping. He also often killed officials and people on the way, and the courtiers blamed Zhu Di, who was still the King of Yan at that time.

Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew
Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew

However, after that, Zhu Gaoxu made a contribution to Zhu Di. In the first year of Emperor Jianwen's reign, Zhu Di launched the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Gaoxu stayed in Beiping as a shizi, and Zhu Gaoxu went out with the army. Along the way, Zhu Gaoxu was brave and good at fighting, and killed the father and son of DuDu Qu Neng. He also saved Zhu Di twice, when Zhu Di was very satisfied with him and said to him: "Work hard!" Shizi is often sick", which means that Shizi Zhu Gao is very sick, afraid that he will not be able to be a prince. Hint that he can be a prince. Zhu Gaoxu was very excited after hearing this, and finally repelled the Southern Army.

Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew

However, Zhu Di usurped the throne in Nanjing and became emperor, but he did not fulfill his promise. Zhu Gaoxu was still made crown prince, Zhu Gaoxu was made the King of Han, and the younger son Zhu Gaoxu was made the King of Zhao. Zhu Gaoxu's domain was still in Yunnan, and it was Zhu Gaoxu who said unhappily, "What crime do I have, I will be driven thousands of miles away." After that, Zhu Gaoxu was reluctant to go to the kingdom and always tried to stay in Nanjing. However, Zhu Di's soft heart allowed Zhu Gaoxu to provoke right and wrong many times in the following years, framing the prince, resulting in Xie Jin's unjust death and Huang Huai's imprisonment. Later, Zhu Di also changed his domain from Yunnan to Qingzhou, but Zhu Gaoxu was still reluctant to go. At this time, Zhu Di knew that he was afraid that he had the intention of taking the wife, and Zhu Di knew that Zhu Gaoxu had done a lot of illegal things after returning to Nanjing, and he was quite angry. Stripped of his crown robes, he was imprisoned inside the Xihua Gate, ready to depose him as a commoner. Under Zhu Gaoxu's persuasion and intercession, Zhu Di gave Zhu Gaoxu a chance.

Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew

But because of this, Zhu Gaoxu had to obey Zhu Di's arrangement and migrate to Le'an Prefecture. Later, Zhu Di died, and Zhu Gaozi took the throne. Zhu Gaozi gave preferential treatment to his two younger brothers, but he died of illness after only 8 months on the throne. On the way to the funeral of his son Zhu Zhanji, he was almost assassinated by someone arranged by Zhu Gaoxu. But later Zhu Zhanji still successfully ascended to the throne.

However, in the first year of Zhu Zhanji's ascension to the throne, Zhu Gaoxu officially rebelled. Zhu Zhan basically did not want to mobilize troops against his uncle, but Zhu Gaoxu always refused to surrender, and finally Zhu Zhanji prepared to march in person, and Zhu Gaoxu began to be afraid. Later, Zhu Gaoxu surrendered, and after Zhu Zhanji captured all of Zhu Gaoxu's remnants, Emperor Xuanzong pardoned the defenders of the city. Zhu Gaoxu's father and son were deposed as Shuren and imprisoned in the imperial city of Xi'an.

Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew
Daming Style: Zhu Gaoxu's historical prototype, repeatedly plotted against him, and was burned to death in a copper cylinder by his nephew

When the chancellor demanded that Zhu Gaoxu be executed, Zhu Zhanji did not want to kill this uncle. But once when Zhu Zhanji went to visit Zhu Gaoxu, he stumbled and fell to the ground. Zhu Zhanji was furious and ordered zhu Gaoxu to be held in a copper cylinder weighing three hundred pounds. But Zhu Gaoxu had a lot of strength and quickly lifted the copper cylinder up. Zhu Zhanji then ordered someone to suppress Zhu Gaoxu in the copper cylinder, and then ordered people to light charcoal around the copper cylinder and burn Zhu Gaoxu alive inside the copper cylinder. Zhu Gaoxu died in this way, and his sons were also killed one after another.

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