
This disease may not be able to escape for a lifetime! What to do? Do a blood routine test to know what is the treatment of iron deficiency anemia to diagnose iron deficiency anemia What does the treatment of white blood cells represent? What do platelets represent?

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This disease may not be able to escape for a lifetime! What to do? Do a blood routine test to know what is the treatment of iron deficiency anemia to diagnose iron deficiency anemia What does the treatment of white blood cells represent? What do platelets represent?

The results show that the prevalence of anemia in children aged 6-17 years and adolescents in China as a whole is 6.6%, the overall prevalence of anemia during pregnancy is 19.9%, 10.0% of adults aged 18-44 years in rural China, 9.6% of adults aged 45-59 years, and 12.6% of the elderly over 60 years old, and the relative prevalence of urban areas is even lower.

Anemia can occur throughout a person's life, and about half of it is caused by iron deficiency. However, because anemia is more common and there is no obvious physical discomfort in the early stages, many people may not pay attention to it. However, long-term anemia may lead to weakness, headache, decreased exercise tolerance, fatigue, irritability or depression, and neurological delay in children.

If left unchecked, it is possible to cause other diseases; and anemia itself may be caused by other diseases, so the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia is important.

This disease may not be able to escape for a lifetime! What to do? Do a blood routine test to know what is the treatment of iron deficiency anemia to diagnose iron deficiency anemia What does the treatment of white blood cells represent? What do platelets represent?

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<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="13" > diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia</h1>

Routine blood tests can determine the presence or absence of anemia and its severity.

Blood routine examination is a test that determines the blood condition and disease by observing the changes in the number and morphology of each cell in the blood. In general, about half of the blood is made up of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) and half is made up of plasma.

Therefore, more than a dozen items on the blood routine test can be divided into three major systems, namely the red blood cell system, the white blood cell system and the platelet system. To determine whether anemia and its type and severity are based on the erythrocyte system, which has hemoglobin, erythrocyte count, hematocrit, average erythrocyte volume, and average hemoglobin concentration.

To put it simply, when looking at the test list, if the hemoglobin content shows "↓", it indicates that various types of anemia and blood loss have occurred. If the hemoglobin concentration "↑" indicates hypoxia, dehydration, extensive burns, and polycythemia.

There are many types of anemia, but iron deficiency anemia is more common. The test form is often shown as: hemoglobin ↓, average erythrocyte volume ↓, average hemoglobin content ↓, average hemoglobin concentration ↓.

This disease may not be able to escape for a lifetime! What to do? Do a blood routine test to know what is the treatment of iron deficiency anemia to diagnose iron deficiency anemia What does the treatment of white blood cells represent? What do platelets represent?

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="86" > treatment of iron deficiency anemia</h1>

All patients with iron deficiency anemia and the vast majority of patients with iron deficiency should be treated, regardless of the corresponding symptoms. Causes of iron deficiency such as bleeding, chronic blood loss, celiac disease, autoimmune gastritis and/or Helicobacter pylori infection, gastrointestinal surgery/post-bariatric surgery, etc. must also be found and corrected.

Clinical medication:

Oral: ferrous sulfate (over-the-counter), heme ferric peptides, carbonyl iron, iron citrate, ferrous ascorbate and ferrous succinate;

Intravenous injection (requires professional operation): low molecular weight dextran iron, iron gluconate, etc.

Patients with uncomplicated iron deficiency anemia are generally treated with oral iron because of the ease of administration. Intravenous iron is commonly used in pregnant women and in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, gastric surgery, or chronic kidney disease.

The recommended treatment regimen for iron deficiency in adults is to give 150-200 mg of elemental iron daily, of which about 25 mg can be absorbed and used to produce heme and other molecules. A growing body of data suggests that iron absorption with alternate-day administration appears to be comparable to or better than with daily administration, and that adverse effects are usually fewer.

To increase the bioavailability and absorption of oral iron, note the following:

Iron should be consumed separately from calcium-containing foods and beverages (milk), calcium supplements, cereals, dietary fiber, tea, coffee, and eggs.

Stomach acid contributes to the absorption of iron, and some drugs that reduce stomach acid may affect iron absorption, e.g., antacids, histamine receptor blockers, proton pump inhibitors. Iron should be taken 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking antacids.

Dietary nutrition: In addition to oral iron, the intake of iron-rich foods such as red meat, animal liver, duck blood, pig blood, and fish should be appropriately increased in the daily diet.

After oral iron in adults, reticulocytes begin to rise, peak in 5 to 10 days, hemoglobin begins to rise in 2 weeks, recovers in an average of 2 months, and after the hemoglobin is normal, it is necessary to take another drug for 4 to 6 months (supplemental storage iron). Children should continue to take iron for 6 to 8 weeks after taking the drug for 2 to 3 weeks after taking the drug, normal for hemoglobin for 3 to 4 weeks, and iron should be taken for 6 to 8 weeks after normal hemoglobin.

For patients receiving oral iron therapy, patients are usually reassessed 2 weeks after the start of treatment. Hemoglobin and reticulocyte count are measured, and the patient's tolerance to oral iron is checked. For patients treated with intravenous iron supplementation, the patient is usually evaluated 4 to 8 weeks after iron infusion.

In addition, routine results can also reflect many health conditions in the body.

This disease may not be able to escape for a lifetime! What to do? Do a blood routine test to know what is the treatment of iron deficiency anemia to diagnose iron deficiency anemia What does the treatment of white blood cells represent? What do platelets represent?

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" data-track="88" what do > white blood cells represent? </h1>

White blood cells mainly include: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes 5 kinds.

Neutrophilia, common in bacterial infections: such as furuncle, abscess, pneumonia, appendicitis, erysipelas, sepsis, visceral perforation, scarlet fever, etc.

Lymphocytosis is common in viral infections such as chickenpox, measles, rubella, mumps, viral hepatitis, etc.

Eosinophilia, commonly seen in allergic or parasitic infections such as skin diseases, parasitic diseases, certain blood diseases, etc.

Basophilia is commonly seen in poisoning (significant increase in lead, mercury, nitrobenzene, aniline, etc.), chronic myelogenous leukemia, basophilic leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, and after splenectomy.

Mononucleosis is common in tuberculosis, typhoid fever, infective endocarditis, monocyte leukemia, kala-azar and convalescence from infectious diseases.

A small increase in the number of white blood cells may be a bacterial infection; in addition, fullness, pain, emotional agitation, strenuous exercise, and a woman's pregnancy and childbirth can all cause a transient increase in white blood cells. In addition, day and night can fluctuate, and the afternoon will generally be slightly higher than the morning.

The decline in the total number of white blood cells means that the body's resistance becomes worse, and common causes are viruses and parasitic infections; allergies and poisoning; taking drugs that affect white blood cells, such as drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroidism, antipsychotic drugs, anti-tumor drugs; aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, low hyperproliferative leukemia, etc.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" data-track="89" what > platelets represent? </h1>

The main roles of platelets are: nutrition and support for capillaries; through adhesion, aggregation and release reactions, the formation of white thrombuses in the wound and stop bleeding; the production of a variety of platelet factors, involved in blood clotting, the formation of thrombus and further hemostasis; the release of platelet-shrinking proteins to make the fibrin network retreat and promote blood clotting.

Thrombocytopenia can be seen in: bone marrow hematopoietic dysfunction, aplastic anemia, various acute leukemias, myeloma metastases, myeloffibrosis, multiple myeloma, macrohemangioma, systemic lupus erythematosus, pernicious anemia, megaloblastic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, cirrhosis, hypersplenism, extracorporeal circulation, splenomegaly, blood dilution caused by various causes, etc.

Thrombocytosis can be seen in: acute hemorrhagic anemia, post-splenic removal, post-fracture, transient thrombocytosis; primary thrombocytosis, chronic myeloid leukemia, polycythemia vera, multiple myeloma, myelodysplasia, leukemia-like reaction, Hodgkin's disease, early malignancy, ulcerative colitis, etc.


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Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in adults. Retrieved 2021-06-22.from

[5] Wang Tinghuai, Luo Ziqiang, et al., Physiology Ninth Edition[M] People's Medical Publishing House, 66-67

Note: This article is intended to introduce the progress of medical and health research, not to recommend treatment options. For guidance on treatment options, please visit a regular hospital.

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