
Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

author:Sister Tong's food diary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread</h1>

Now our living conditions are better, big fish and meat, all kinds of vegetables, seafood and so on, all have everything. However, coarse grains seem to have gradually faded out of people's sight, and for many people, they do not like to eat this kind of thing at all. If you don't eat a delicious dish, do you want to eat it?

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

In fact, this is not the case, coarse grains do not represent poverty, usually eat more greasy and fishy things, eat more coarse grains is conducive to good health, our family will generally eat coarse grain steamed bread every three to five times.

Cornmeal steamed buns, which are our family's favorite, especially my own, are sweet and fluffy and super delicious.

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

When many people think of cornmeal buns, they think that they are particularly choking and coarse. In fact, as long as it is done and done correctly, cornmeal steamed buns are even more delicious than bread. Today to introduce you to 1 trick, after mastering this trick, the steamed bun made is sweet and soft and not rough, and the child is also willing to eat.

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" > [cornmeal steamed bun].</h1>

Ingredients: Corn flour 250g, regular flour 250g, boiling water 250g, warm water 30g, yeast powder 5g, sugar 1 spoonful, 2 eggs

1, first of all, we prepare the cornmeal, pour boiling water into it, pay attention to the skills here, cornmeal must be boiled with boiling water, can not use cold water.

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

2: After putting boiling water, use chopsticks to stir it evenly and stir it into a flocculent shape. Wait a little while, after it cools, we add ordinary flour, yeast powder, sugar, beat the eggs in, and finally pour 30g of warm water, stir it well.

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

3: After stirring, we knead the dough until it is smooth. Cover the surface with a layer of plastic wrap, put it at room temperature to start waking up, now the weather is hot, there is no need to deliberately find a warm place, normal temperature is very conducive to fermentation.

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

4, after seeing the dough expand and become larger, you can take it out, take it out and put it on the board, knead it and exhaust it. Next, it is rolled into long strips, then divided into equal amounts of small agents, each small agent is arranged into the shape of a steamed bun, and then placed in the pot for a second 20 minutes.

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

5: After waking up, add water to the pot and steam for about 15 minutes. After turning off the heat, simmer for a few minutes, you can get out of the pan.

Eating a coarse grain once in a while has many benefits for the body, and it is suitable for all ages. If you like to eat cornmeal steamed buns, you may wish to try making them at home, it is much better than buying them.

Make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread to make cornmeal steamed buns, master 1 trick, steamed buns are sweet and soft and not rough, more delicious than bread [cornmeal steamed buns]

Cooking Tips:

An important trick to making cornmeal steamed buns is that cornmeal must be scalded with boiling water so that it can be softer and not particularly rough.

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