
Original 丨 Fire Crystal Persimmon can be drunk with a straw? These 5 mistakes when eating persimmons Should avoid paying attention to watch food safety, you will get the latest food safety original information! For the health of you and your family, welcome to forward this article to the circle of friends!

author:Watch for food safety

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Hello everyone! Welcome to this issue of Food Safety Little Sister Running Street, I am your little Ann, here are the food related topics that you are most interested in. In last year's fire", "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", Zhang Xiaojing held a straw in his hand and sucked up the scene of crystal persimmons, which is still being talked about. The sound of "poof" not only provoked the audience's taste buds, but also made the fire crystal persimmon instantly become a net red fruit.

Original 丨 Fire Crystal Persimmon can be drunk with a straw? These 5 mistakes when eating persimmons Should avoid paying attention to watch food safety, you will get the latest food safety original information! For the health of you and your family, welcome to forward this article to the circle of friends!

Fire crystal persimmons, also known as Lintong fire crystal persimmons, are produced in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. True fire crystal persimmons can only be eaten after mid-to-late October. The most important thing about this persimmon is that you can drink it! The persimmons that can be drunk locally are the most authentic fire crystal persimmons. The reason why it can be drunk directly with a straw is because it is silkless and seedless, like a honeypot. Its outer skin surface is like a layer of paper, after tearing it can clearly see its shiny oily flesh, eat cool and sweet, sweet and not greasy, excellent taste, really in the mouth to melt it.

Original 丨 Fire Crystal Persimmon can be drunk with a straw? These 5 mistakes when eating persimmons Should avoid paying attention to watch food safety, you will get the latest food safety original information! For the health of you and your family, welcome to forward this article to the circle of friends!

There are also many ways to eat fire crystal persimmons, which can be eaten directly, can also be brewed and vinegar, and can also be mixed with flour to make fire crystal persimmon cakes. Fire crystal persimmons can lower blood pressure, relieve constipation, prevent arteriosclerosis, and treat insomnia.

Original 丨 Fire Crystal Persimmon can be drunk with a straw? These 5 mistakes when eating persimmons Should avoid paying attention to watch food safety, you will get the latest food safety original information! For the health of you and your family, welcome to forward this article to the circle of friends!

This is about to eat the best time to eat fire crystal persimmons, Xiao An is also here to remind everyone, no matter what persimmons you eat, the following 5 mistakes you must pay attention to! The first persimmon should not be eaten on an empty stomach, because it contains substances such as tannic acid and pectin, which will react with gastric juice and endanger our gastrointestinal health. Second, persimmons are best not eaten with foods such as crabs, fish, and shrimp that contain high protein. Chinese medicine believes that crabs and persimmons are cold foods, so they cannot be eaten together. The third persimmon is best not to eat with vinegar, and it is best not to eat vinegar before and after eating persimmons, otherwise the persimmon gum contained in persimmons will reflect the acetic acid and form a lumpy object left in the stomach of the human body.

Original 丨 Fire Crystal Persimmon can be drunk with a straw? These 5 mistakes when eating persimmons Should avoid paying attention to watch food safety, you will get the latest food safety original information! For the health of you and your family, welcome to forward this article to the circle of friends!

The fourth persimmon can not be eaten with sweet potatoes and spinach, otherwise it will cohesive and form a refractory hard block - stomach persimmon stone. The fifth persimmon should not be eaten together with wine. The wine tastes sweet and bitter, and the heat is poisonous, while the persimmon is cold, so the two foods cannot be eaten at the same time. Well, today Xiaoan will share with you here, if you like our content, remember to like and forward Oh! We'll see you next time! Chen Xianyi (Title of Chief Journalist)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > pay attention to watch food safety, you will get the latest food safety original information! </h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >For the health of you and your family, welcome to forward this article to the circle of friends! </h1>

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