
Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

author:Deer delicacies

The chinese food culture is profound, the regional culture of the north and the south, and the provinces are different, and the same dishes may have different methods and ingredients to make another local dish.

For example, braised pork, many people only know that braised pork is a rice dish, but if you subdivide it according to province, taste, preference, method and ingredients, you will be divided into multiple versions of braised pork dishes, such as:

Grandpa Mao's favorite [Mao's braised pork];

Shanghai's "Ben Bang Braised Pork";

[Dongpo meat] that has been circulating in Hangzhou for a long time;

Wuxi local famous dish [curd milk meat];

With the reputation of "Ten Bowls", "Yuzi Meat";

And so on, because of the different materials selected and the production process, different famous dishes are made.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

And we are familiar with the back pot meat, many people always think that the back pot meat is a simple small fried meat slices, and the back pot meat compared with salt fried meat, small fried meat, regardless of the use of stir-fried materials, into the appearance of the dish, are very similar.

But in fact, these three kinds of stir-fried meat methods are completely different, the taste of the dish is also very different, and when introduced by others, it is easy to make a laugh when confused.

In this issue, Fawn explains in detail where the difference between these 3 dishes is, after increasing knowledge, don't confuse the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The following article will give you a summary of the differences between the 3 dishes.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

Back to the pot meat:

Belongs to the cooked stir-fried meat dish, the emphasis on the pot, meat, is the need to cook again in advance, and then the pot and accessories, sauce mixed with small stir-fry, there is also a saying that is, no cooked meat for small stir-frying, not called back to the pot meat, the most important link when making back to the pot meat, the most important link is "boiling meat", the choice of pork belly can not be cooked for too long, the meat will become firewood, can not be cooked too raw, the taste is not good, what degree of cooking, the following fawn will explain to everyone.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

【Authentic back pot meat &production method】:

【Required ingredients】: pork belly, green onion and ginger, green garlic, Pixian bean paste, tempeh, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, sugar, salt, chicken essence, vinegar

1. First of all, you need to cook the meat, wash the pork belly, put cold water into the pot, put in the onion and ginger, pour in cooking wine or rice wine, boil the water on high heat, skim off the overflowing foam, and then turn the medium heat to cook for 10 to 12 minutes, cook until the meat pieces can be easily penetrated by chopsticks, take out the chopsticks can also bring out some blood and water to leach, reach this level, you can turn off the fire, let the meat pieces simmer in hot water for 10 minutes, you can fish up, suck the water dry, let the cold cut thin slices.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

2. Watercress sauce needs to be crushed into a crushed sauce with a meat grinder.

3. Heat the oil in a hot pan, add the pork belly slices, sauté over medium heat until the meat slices start to roll, and sauté to create excess grease, decant part of the lard into the bowl to reduce the greasiness.

4. Add Pixian bean paste to the pot, fry out the red oil, and then add shallots, ginger slices, rice wine, tempeh, sugar, dark soy sauce, soy sauce and other seasonings, quickly stir-fry evenly on the sauce color.

5. Add the garlic stalks, stir-fry well and then add the garlic leaves, chicken essence, a little salt for the final seasoning, stir-fry on high heat to collect the juice

6. Before coming out of the pot, drizzle a few drops of vinegar along the edge of the pot, stir-fry well to start the pot.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

The whole pot meat sauce is thick and thick, looking at the meat slices fat but not greasy, slippery with charred, eating a special sauce flavor aftertaste, special rice, color and flavor are complete.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

Salted fried meat:

Belongs to raw stir-fried meat, meat does not need to be like the back pot meat, to cook the meat in advance, nor to wrap the starch sizing, but directly to the marinated meat slices, or without marinating, directly into the pot to fry, so that the meat slices quickly dehydrated, and fry out the grease, showing the dry flavor of the fried meat.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

【Salt fried meat &Preparation method】:

【Required Materials】:

1. The selected pork belly should be fat and lean, cut into even thin slices.

2. Prepare the accessories, cut the garlic diagonally into slices, mix the tempeh and bean paste and stack.

3. Pour a little bottom oil into the pot, burn until it smokes, pour in the pork belly slices, change the heat to stir-fry a few times, let the meat slices slightly coated with oil, under a little salt, fry back and forth until the meat slices sauté out of the grease, sauté the fat part of the charred, more dry and delicious.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

4. Pour in Pixian bean paste and tempeh, stir-fry the sauce color, fry out the red oil, pour in the green garlic slices, quickly stir-fry evenly, smell the thick garlic aroma and you can turn off the heat, and then slightly salt to simply season, stir-fry well to get out of the pot.

After direct frying of pork belly slices, the dry aroma is particularly strong, and the fragrance is incomparable.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

Small stir-fried meat:

Belongs to the slippery stir-frying meat method, pay attention to the pot gas, meat slices to be quickly fried thoroughly, before the next pot to fry, meat slices in addition to marinating, but also need to be wrapped in starch sizing, slide the meat slices into the pot and high heat quickly fry, so that the meat slices in a short period of time quickly fried, so that the meat slices to maintain the original taste of the smooth tender.

Therefore, for small stir-fried meat, the marinating steps of meat slices are the most important, here we teach everyone how to marinate meat slices, beef, pork are common.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

【Homemade Meat Slices &Marinating Method】:

1. According to the different meats, the slicing method is biased, follow the "reverse cutting of cattle and sheep, smooth cutting of pork" slicing technique, the meat pieces are cut into even thin slices.

2. Put the cut slices into the water, add a little salt, then grab and wash the bloody water, rinse it again, squeeze the water dry and suck it dry, put it back in the basin, and start marinating.

3. Add white pepper or black pepper, soy sauce, a little old sauce toning, cooking wine, etc. to the meat slices, mix evenly, and then add corn starch, if the family conditions permit, you can also add another egg white, the effect is better, grasp and mix evenly, so that the meat slices and corn starch are completely integrated, showing a sizing state.

5. Finally, drizzle a little peanut oil, mix well, marinate for 15 minutes, and then you can take it and stir-fry.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

No matter what slices of meat are marinated, it is necessary to separate 3 major steps: one is to lower the seasoning on the bottom taste, the other is to hang the powder on the thin pulp, to keep the sauce and gravy moisture is not lost, and the third is to drizzle with the bottom oil to achieve the water-locking anti-stick effect.

Finally, after a high-heat stir-fry, the meat slices are fried in a short period of time until they are cooked thoroughly, so that the best tender and smooth taste can be maintained.

Don't mess around with the back pot meat, salt fried meat, and small stir-fried meat! The article summarizes the differences between the 3 dishes

Don't look back at the pot meat, salt fried meat and small stir-fried meat used in the ingredients are not much different, and the fried dishes are very similar, but these 3 are the same as the fried meat dishes, the method, the taste is very different, completely different, now distinguish the different methods of back to the pot meat, salt fried meat, small fried meat, record it, learn well.

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