
The Qianlong coffin "ghost top gate" incident is still a mystery

The Qianlong coffin "ghost top gate" incident is still a mystery

1. The mystery of the location of the Qing Dynasty Tombs

The Qing Tombs are the first imperial tombs after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, and there are many theories about its location, some say that it is close to the royal hunting ground, which is convenient for the emperor to come and go. Some people say that because of the good feng shui and aura here, it attracts the true dragon Tianzi, and a more interesting theory is that the Qing Tombs were made up by the Ming Emperor.

According to the Qing history manuscript, it is recorded that the Qing Dongling Tomb was accidentally selected by the Shunzhi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, but the historical truth is that the Changrui Mountain where the Qing Dongling Tombs are located was not only the Shunzhi Emperor, but also the Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, but Zhu Di actually flicked his sleeves and went to choose another place after seeing it.

When the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen, chose the mausoleum, he valued the feng shui treasure land of Changrui Mountain, but it was not long before Li Zicheng's peasant rebel army occupied Beijing, and Chongzhen was hanged on the coal mountain.

However, in the historical materials of the Qing Dynasty, this history is never mentioned, but tells a legendary story of a Qing Emperor who chose the Qing Tombs. Legend has it that after the death of the Shunzhi Emperor, when Kangxi built the underground palace, the Ji Cave selected by the feng shui practitioners was exactly where the wrench fell.

After the death of the Shunzhi Emperor, the Kangxi Emperor built the mausoleum of the Shunzhi Emperor - Xiaoling Tomb in Changrui Mountain according to his father's will, and since then Kangxi, Qianlong, Xianfeng, and the Tongzhi Emperor have all built mausoleums here, and the Qing Dongling Tomb has become the largest and most complete imperial tomb group in the Qing Dynasty.

The Qianlong coffin "ghost top gate" incident is still a mystery

2. The three emperors were childless

The Qing Dynasty ruled China for nearly 300 years, but when it came to the last three emperors, something strange happened to everyone! There were three emperors, the Tongzhi Emperor, the Guangxu Emperor, and the Xuantong Emperor, all of whom were actually "queens"! No heirs were left.

What happened in the last few decades of the Qing Dynasty's Aixin Jueluo imperial family, and why couldn't the emperors even have children in groups of wives and concubines? What is the reason for the aisin Kyora royal family to die? Because the emperor's childlessness was a taboo in the Qing court at that time, the relevant history books and medical techniques did not record this.

However, later generations speculated that it may have been the influence of the marriage system of the Aisin Kyora royal family. Inference is always inference, but the real reason is unknown.

The Qianlong coffin "ghost top gate" incident is still a mystery

3. Qianlong coffin "ghost top door"

Yuling is the mausoleum of the Qianlong Emperor. The mausoleum of such an emperor is not ordinary, the light consumes more than 2 million taels of silver, the precision material is beautiful, the palatial is magnificent, and it is extremely majestic and luxurious. Qianlong, who was exemplary in "Wenzhi Martial Arts", attached great importance to the construction of his mausoleum during his lifetime, and its regulation even exceeded that of his father Yongzheng.

However, such a generation of emperors was repeatedly attacked by tomb robbers after death, leaving a corpse and separating his family. Qianlong once had to "personally" use the coffin top door to prevent thieves, which is the mystery of the two coffin top doors of the Yuling Underground Palace.

In 1928, sun Dianying, the "great thief of Tanglin", led his troops to excavate the Yuling Underground Palace. The first three stone doors were quickly knocked open, but the fourth door could not be opened. The enraged soldiers blew open the stone gate with explosives and forced their way into the golden coupon. Only then did it become apparent that there was water in the underground palace, and a huge coffin had resisted the stone door, which made it more difficult to open the fourth stone door.

Sun Dianying's soldiers opened the coffin and sacked the Yuling Underground Palace. Later, the qing family cleaned up the mess and resealed the stone gate of the underground palace. In 1975, the cultural relics preservation department prepared to clean up the Yuling Underground Palace. Since the fourth stone gate had been destroyed by Sun Dianying's soldiers, there were three stone gates left in the underground palace. At this time, everyone already knew the trick to open the stone door, and the two stone doors in front of them were easily opened.

When I reached the last stone gate, I encountered a problem again, and I couldn't push it open. At that time, the staff wondered, used the jack, put the last stone door up, and found that it was the coffin again. Qianlong's coffin was obviously put back in place, so why did he run off the bed again? Everyone was amazed.

This is the mystery of the two top doors of the coffin of Yuling Underground Palace, which is the so-called "ghost top door". However, there are six coffins in the Qianlong Underground Palace, and the mystery of why only Qianlong's coffin resisted the last stone door needs to be further explored.

The Qianlong coffin "ghost top gate" incident is still a mystery

4. The mystery of the origin of the Great Qing Dynasty

Why is the Qing Dynasty called the Qing Dynasty? How did the name of the Qing Dynasty come about? In 1636, Emperor Taiji yi "Jin" to "Great Qing", but at that time did not explain the origin of the national name, resulting in the "Great Qing" national name becoming a historical suspense case.

What mystery is hidden in this "Great Qing" national name? In this regard, later generations of scholars have different opinions and disagree. Summarized in six statements:

The first statement: derived from cyan. Some people quote the Qianlong Emperor's poem "Heaven makes the emperor Qing, the birthplace of the Great East", proposing that if five colors are matched with five squares, the east is cyan. But associating "Daqing" with cyan seems far-fetched.

The second way of saying it: the pronunciation is similar. If some people think that "jin" is close to the sound of "Qing", changing the original Jinguo name to Qing is a suitable substitute for choosing a similar pronunciation.

The third theory: derived from ancient legends. For example, some people have proposed that the Emperor Taiji changed jin to Qing, which stems from the legend of the Historical Shaohao Jin Tianshi. Shaohao Jin Tianshi called his father Qing, and also called the soil Qing, and the soil was in the Qing. Emperor Taiji compared Jin Guo to Shao Hao Jin Tianshi, and the Jin Tianshi clan was in the Qing Dynasty, so it adopted the name of "Qing" country.

The fourth theory: Zhou Mu was ordained. For example, the word "Qing" can be found in the ancient books "Shang Shu", "Book of Poetry", and "Zhou Song", according to which "Qing" is a symbol of zhou's appointment, and the emperor Taiji's change of national name may be to compare his career to the great cause of King Wu of Zhou.

Fifth saying: Water counters fire. Some people believe that the word "Zhu Ming" of Zhu Jia Daming has the meaning of fire, and uses water to overcome fire, which is in line with the five elements of Xiang Ke theory. Moreover, because of the "fire kejin", the initial jinguo name was unlucky. Emperor Taiji took Qing as the name of the country, clearly showing its intention to replace Daming.

Sixth: Draw hearts and minds. Some people believe that Huang Taiji had abolished the "Jurchen" clan name and changed it to "Manchuria" a year before changing "Houjin" to "Qing". And "Manchuria" in Manchu baritone near "Manshu", is originally the name of the Buddha, meaning "Emperor of the Qing", is the embodiment of the Buddha. Therefore, he used "Qing" instead of "Jin", which played a greater role in winning the hearts of all ethnic groups and further replacing the Ming Dynasty than "Big Jin" or "Hou Jin".

The above statements have their own reasons and complement each other. It can be seen from this that in 1636, Emperor Taiji yi "Jin" was "Great Qing", which may be the result of the combined action of various internal and external factors. Interestingly, Huang Taiji's "Chongde" era name is similar to the Ming Dynasty's "Chongzhen" era name, and as opposed to the Ming Dynasty's "advocating Zhenxiang", his "advocating morality" seems to put himself in a higher position than the Ming Dynasty.

The real reason for the origin of the Great Qing Dynasty name, presumably the Emperor Taiji is the most clear, unfortunately, the historical materials do not record the origin of the national name, becoming a historical suspense case.

The Qianlong coffin "ghost top gate" incident is still a mystery

5. Why did Jingling catch fire three times?

There is a very strange phenomenon in Jingling, that is, frequent fires. For ancient buildings, this is a fatal thing. Jingling has been recorded three times in history, the first time.

The first fire occurred in the first month of the twelfth year of Daoguang (1832), and the eaves of the east-west facing house of Jingling caught fire one after another, but fortunately, the officers and soldiers of the tomb were put out in time, extinguished the fire point, and did not cause a fire. Although the fire did not cause much damage, the Daoguang Emperor, after learning of it, severely punished the officers and soldiers who guarded the tomb.

The second fire occurred on the morning of February 20, the 31st year of Guangxu (1905), when the Long'en Hall of Jingling suddenly caught fire, and the Hall of Linglong'en contained the sacred tablets of the Kangxi Emperor, 4 empresses, and 1 imperial concubine. As the flames took off, the fire spread, and the entire hall quickly turned into a volcano.

The matter was reported to the imperial court by the ministers guarding the tomb. When Empress Dowager Cixi heard this, she was shocked and hurriedly sent two heavyweight ministers to investigate, these two people were Zhao Erxun and Tie Liang. The two Ministers of Chincha did not dare to be idle, and hurried to Tanglin, where they exhausted all means and failed to find out the cause of the fire, so they had to return to Beijing.

In the folds they wrote to the Guangxu Emperor, they said helplessly: The fire comes out from above, and there is no suspicious trace. The Guangxu Emperor had no choice but to punish the officials guarding the tomb to a certain extent. In the end, it didn't work.

The third fire in Jingling occurred on July 14, 1952, during the rainy season. An electric thunder struck the ridge of the great monument, and the fire burned, not only destroying the building, but also the stone stele inside. The three fires that occurred in Jingling changed the fate of Jingling. What exactly caught fire in the Jingling Hall, the emperor was helpless at that time, and now this case is even more difficult to crack, and the cause of the fire may have become an insoluble mystery.

Of course, there are still many unsolved mysteries in the Qing Dynasty waiting for us to crack, and I hope that these mysteries can be solved as soon as possible and restore the truth of history.

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