
Mentioning Zhuge Liang, I thought of Lufan

The most famous military, politician, and writer of the Three Kingdoms period, he was eight feet tall (about 185 and close to 190), with a face like a crown jade, wearing a scarf on his head, wearing a crane and a feather fan. This lupine fan also followed Zhuge Liang's life (I have to say, it is really durable). The following interesting history Xiaobian will bring you a detailed introduction, let's take a look at it!

Mentioning Zhuge Liang, I thought of Lufan

This lupine fan is actually not made by Zhuge Liang himself, of course, it is not bought, but his wife Huang Shi sent it, Huang Shi, according to Yuan Kuocheng' old mr. Huang, should be called Huang Yueying, is Huang Chengyan's daughter, lives in Xiangyang, and has been very smart and talented since childhood. Moreover, the most proficient is science, Zhuge Liang's wooden cow flow horse is actually the prototype of Huang Yueying, and Zhuge Lian's crossbow and so on, are from Huang Yueying's hand.

Mentioning Zhuge Liang, I thought of Lufan

At that time, Zhuge Liang did not marry a daughter-in-law in his 20s, and Huang Yueying did not marry anyone in his early 20s. It is said that this Huang Yueying is not very good-looking, her hair is a little yellow, her skin is a little dark, and she is very talented and does not look up to ordinary men. Until Shi Guangyuan helped Huang Chengyan say goodbye, he thought of Zhuge Liang.

Shi Guangyuan originally did not have much hope, because Zhuge Liang was so talented, and Huang Yueying did not look very good, and it was estimated that this matter was no play. Who knew that when he told Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang gladly agreed. It turned out that Zhuge Liang had long heard that Huang Chengyan's daughter was very talented, and he had long wanted to personally come to the door to propose to him. But Shi Guangyuan was excited, and he could be said to be a marriage, at least ten more years to live.

So Huang Laozi personally arranged the marriage for his daughter, and Zhuge Liang's lupine fan, that is, Huang Yueying gave him a promise letter. This lupine fan is really amazing, Zhuge Liang was excited to see this fan, so what secrets are there on this fan? Let Zhuge Liang, the great god, be so happy.

Mentioning Zhuge Liang, I thought of Lufan

The fan is made of goose feathers, on which are written the branches of heaven and dry earth, yin and yang gossip, and even written a lot of clever tricks, hidden in a lot of organs. It is no wonder that Zhuge Liang holds this fan everywhere he goes, not only because he is full of feelings for his wife, but also because Zhuge Liang can break the enemy's strategy when he looks at the fan.

Later, when the city was empty, Sima Yi led an army of 100,000 troops to the city soon, and Zhuge Liang was also in a hurry, and as a result, he looked at the lupine fan in his hand. With that, it was not easy to withdraw from Sima Yi's army. (This paragraph has no basis, don't take it seriously)

In the end, Zhuge Liang is very talented, Huang Yueying is not much worse than Zhuge Liang, don't care too much about looks, in ancient times, pay attention to langcai female appearance, Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying are "female appearance langcai".

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