
Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

In the consciousness of Chinese are all "beautiful women with heroes", and the wives of those emperors and generals must be the great beauties of the world to be worthy of them.

For example, Liu Xiu once lamented that "marrying a wife should marry Yin Lihua", and Zhu Wen also married the goddess he admired when he was still a dick.

These are also two good stories in history...

"The Two Di Si of Ancient Times, Married the Goddess They Admired, and Embarked on the Peak of Life"

But in history, there is a celebrity, who married an ugly daughter-in-law, and also went to the history books, and there is history to check.

He is Zhuge Liang.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

Zhuge Liang's wife, Huang Yueying, is probably one of the only ugly women in history to go down in history, and I can only remember a few famous ugly women in history, such as Dong Shi, Wu Yan, Jia Nanfeng, and so on.

So the question is, as a young man, as long as he is in good health and mentally normal, he will marry a beautiful woman as a wife, why did Zhuge Liang, who was still a small fresh meat at that time, marry an ugly woman as a wife?

It seems that Zhuge Liang suffered a loss, but in fact, Zhuge Liang made a lot of money.

Because it was Zhuge Liang's high climb to Huang Yueying's family, Di Si Zhuge Liang married Huang Yueying, a "black rich ugly" (not a white rich beauty).

Zhuge Liang was often scolded later: "Zhuge Village Man"! It can be seen that even if Zhuge Liang became the minister of Shu Han, his origin was still insulted and satirized by others.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

Zhuge Liang was born in the fourth year (181) of the Han Ling Emperor Guanghe in a family of officials in Yangdu County, Langya County, Zhuge Shi was a noble family of Langya, and his ancestor Zhuge Feng had served as a lieutenant during the reign of Emperor Yuan of the Western Han Dynasty.

But that was hundreds of years ago.

When Zhuge Liang's father, Zhuge Jue, was only a low-level bureaucrat like Taishan Juncheng in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the administrative region consisted of 13 states, and the prefectures corresponded to the current provinces. Each state was divided into a number of counties, and the counties were equivalent to the current cities.

The official position of the county clerk is responsible for assisting the county sheriff in handling administrative affairs, and if it is in a remote area, it can also be responsible for military affairs. This official position is now equivalent to executive vice mayor, that is, deputy department level cadre.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

Zhuge Liang was a bitter child.

Zhuge Liang lost his mother at the age of 3 and his father at the age of 8, and together with his younger brother Zhuge Jun, he followed Yuzhang Taishou's uncle Zhuge Xuan to Yuzhang (present-day Nanchang, Jiangxi) to take up his post. Soon after, the Eastern Han court sent another person to replace Zhuge Xuan, and Zhuge Xuan went to Jingzhou to defect to Liu Biao.

At Liu Biao's office, Zhuge Xuan estimated that he was only holding an idle position.

In the second year of Jian'an (197), Zhuge Xuan died, and Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong.

To put it nicely, to cultivate in Nanyang, to say that the ugly point is to cultivate land in the countryside, that is, to be a peasant with knowledge and culture.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

People are out of town.

Although the Zhuge family was a prominent family in Langya County, no one took care of it when they arrived in Jingzhou. Therefore, Zhuge Liang laughed at himself as a "corporal of the East".

Therefore, Xu Shu, Cui Zhouping, Shi Tao, Meng Jian and other people who interacted with Zhuge Liang were all marginal figures in the circle of celebrities in Jingzhou, and they could not squeeze into the core, so they had to hug each other for warmth and encourage each other.

Zhuge Liangnong farmed when he was busy, read when he was idle, and often dropped out of farming on ridges and recited "Liang Fu Yin". He often compared himself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi, and interacted with Shi Tao, Xu Shu, and Meng Jian, and the celebrities of Jingzhou disdained them. Zhuge Liang once said to the three of them, "You can do the assassination history and the county guard." The three asked Zhuge Liang what kind of official he could be, and Zhuge Liang smiled and said nothing.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!
Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!
Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!
Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

The Three Kingdoms of the Eastern Han Dynasty paid attention to the status of origin, for example, Yuan Shao said that his family was the "Fourth Emperor and Three Dukes", Liu Bei told people everywhere that he was an "imperial uncle", and used the sign of "General Zuo" to deceive everywhere for half a lifetime, and Cao Cao said that his grandfather was the great eunuch Cao Teng.

Sun Quan's family had nothing to brag about, so they flaunted themselves as descendants of Sun Wu, and later Sun Jian became the Taishou of Changsha and the Marquis of Wucheng, but he was still looked down upon by the Jiangdong clans such as the Lu family, believing that he was born as a small official.

Zhuge Liang came from a humble background and was very unaffordable in the society at that time, so he had to find a way to join the upper class of Jingzhou.

But every circle has a certain degree of closure, and it is not easy to accept outsiders.

The Zhuge Liang family could only think of a way.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

For example, Zhuge Liang had two older sisters, the eldest sister married to the Xiangyang Wang clan of the Ku clan, and the second sister married Pang Shanmin, the son of the famous Jingzhou scholar Pang Degong (Pang Tong's uncle).

As for himself, he married the daughter of Huang Chengyan, a famous Jingzhou scholar who was related to the local Cai clan.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

Pretty boy, do you want a wife?

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the Cai family of Xiangyang in the southern county of Jingzhou was the most prosperous, and even Liu Biao, the mu of Jingzhou, married the daughter of the Cai clan as his successor. Cai Mao's aunt was married to Zhang Wen, the Eastern Han Dynasty eunuch, the older sister was the wife of Huang Chengyan, and the second sister was Liu Biao's wife.

Cai Mao and Cao Cao were iron brothers when they were teenagers.

"Xiangyang Qi Old Record" contains: Cai Mao, the character Deju, Xiangyang people, arrogant and complacent personality. He was less close to Cao Cao.

It can be seen that the Cai family was married to many high-ranking officials and celebrities at that time, and their connections were in Jingzhou for a while.

"Liu Bei Huang Uncle Liu of the "Xingfu Han Room", why are there few celebrities to follow? 》

And Huang Yueying is the daughter of Huang Chengyan and Cai's daughter, if Zhuge Liang marries Huang Yueying, it will pave the way for his own future.

After marrying the ugly daughter of the Huang family, Cai Mao became Zhuge Liang's wife and uncle, and Liu Biao became Zhuge Liang's uncle. With this layer of this relationship is simply a step up to the heavens!

First of all, he established a relationship with Huang Chengyan, a famous scholar in Jingzhou, and then attached himself to the Cai clan of the Hao clan of Jingzhou, and approached Liu Biao, the supreme ruler of Jingzhou, so that he could join the upper class of Jingzhou.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang is Huang Yueying is a political marriage, marrying Huang Yueying, Zhuge Liang can become one of the celebrities in Jingzhou, enter the Jingzhou officialdom, can serve as an official and a half-post, and show his talent in politics.

Therefore, for the sake of his own future, Zhuge Liang did not hesitate to marry the ugly woman of the Huang family as a wife.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

Elated Zhuge Liang

The "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms" notes that the "Xiangyang Chronicle" records that Huang Chengyan Gao Shuang was listed as a famous scholar in the south of the country, called Zhuge Liang: "WenJun chooses a woman; there is an ugly woman with a yellow head and a black head, and he is a match."

Translator: I heard that you chose your wife; I have an ugly daughter with yellow hair and dark skin, and my talent is worthy of you. ”;

Zhuge Liang agreed, that is, to marry Huang.

When people thought it was laughter, the township said: "Don't be a woman chosen by Kong Ming, just get an ugly woman."

(Don't choose a wife like Zhuge Liang, you are choosing the ugly daughter of Huang Chengyan and his family.) )”

The folk name huang yueying is huang ah ugly, although his appearance is not proud, but he is erudite and wise.

Huang Yueying is the daughter of the famous scholar Huang Chengyan, who should be intelligent and erudite.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!
Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

For a man, the future is more important than the appearance of his wife.

As for happiness or unhappiness, in the ancient society of male superiority and female inferiority, where was there any spiritual communication? Just reproductive impulses.

The role of ancient women is to have children and marry for the family, which cannot help anything in their careers.

Therefore, it does not matter whether happiness is unhappy or unhappy.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

In ancient times, a phoenix man like Zhuge Liang, who had a strong sense of enterprise and a great desire for power, naturally did not care about what love was not love, as long as it was beneficial to his career, he could accept it, even if it was to marry an ugly woman as a wife.

However, Zhuge Liang was very single-minded, and the history books record that Zhuge Liang did not marry a concubine.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

However, Zhuge Liang seems to have not had many rooms with Huang Yueying...

Probably zhuge Liang followed Liu Bei's southern expedition to the northern war when he was young, and later he worried about state affairs and concentrated on the northern expedition, "So Xu Xiandi drove away." Later, when he was overthrown, he was appointed to the defeated army, and was ordered to be in danger, and he came for twenty years. "After serving as the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty, he also marched south to Meng Yue and northern Expedition to Cao Wei, which shows that he and Huang Yueying gathered less and more.

Coupled with his poor health and severe rheumatoid arthritis (so he has been sitting on a wooden cart), he was not interested in female sex, and he did not have a son until his old age.

Zhuge Liang was born in 181, and his only son Zhuge Zhan was born in 227, which means that Zhuge Liang did not have a son until he was 46 years old, and Huang Yueying was probably in his thirties. In ancient times, it can be said that it is an old man.

Why did Zhuge Liang marry the ugly woman Huang Yueying? In fact, it is the farmer Gao Pan Bai Fumei!

I speculated that Zhuge Liang rarely shared sex with Huang Yueying, otherwise Huang Yueying would not have become pregnant at such an old age and would not have given birth to a son so late.

Probably Zhuge Liang hated Huang Yueying's dark skin and ugly appearance.


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