
The practice of slippery egg shrimp does not require too many seasonings, highlighting the taste of the food itself, fresh

author:Exclusive diners
The practice of slippery egg shrimp does not require too many seasonings, highlighting the taste of the food itself, fresh

Scrambled shrimp with slippery eggs

Ingredients: 2 native eggs, 15 fresh kiwi shrimp

Ingredients: salt, pepper, green and red pepper, ginger, garlic, cooking oil, dry starch, dry flour

1. Fresh kiwi shrimp cleaned and hulled, shrimp meat marinated with salt, dry starch, pepper for 20 minutes.

2. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add 10 ml of water, 1 g of salt, 5 g of dry flour and stir into egg mixture. Green and red pepper, sliced ginger, green garlic cut into small pieces.

Dry starch and cool water to mix into water starch.

3. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot and add the egg liquid to fry the tray.

4. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, pour in green and red peppers, ginger, green garlic and stir-fry fragrantly, add shrimp to stir-fry semi-cooked, and then pour in the scrambled eggs and stir-fry,

Drizzle with water starch and serve.

Tips: I've tried to fry in a lot of cooking oil, but I personally think peanut oil is the best to fry.

The egg liquid is fried with a little flour and it is more elastic and will not be broken.

What stands out about this dish is the taste of the food itself, the light texture, and the need for too many spices.

Nutrients & Efficacy

Kiwei shrimp: high protein and low fat, kidney aphrodisiac, milk anti-toxicity, blood nourishment and sperm, stasis detoxification, yiqi and yang, tongluo pain relief, appetizing phlegm and other effects.

Eggs: protein, fatty acids, vitamin B2, letin.

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