
Emperor Wu of Han's Tui En Order, Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power can be successful, why Did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain

Emperor Wu of Han implemented the Tuien Order to further weaken the princes with the same surname, and Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power made the founding generals with heavy troops give up their military power and only enjoy glory and wealth, all in order to ensure the stability of Jiangshan Sheji, Emperor Wudi of Han and Song Taizu could succeed, why did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain?

The Ming Dynasty was a regime established by Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born in the grassroots, and Zhu Yuanzhang was indeed very capable and discerning, but after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, he made a big mistake, which not only buried the establishment of the emperor's regime, but also led to the decline and fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of Han's Tui En Order, Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power can be successful, why Did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain

The Ming Dynasty was the third great unification regime to implement the sub-feudal system after the unification of Qin Shi Huang, and in the Ming Dynasty, which had disappeared for more than a thousand years after the sub-feudal system disappeared from the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of great talent, actually made this mistake, which is really incomprehensible, history has repeatedly proved that the sub-sealing is against the trend of history, but Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to do so, resulting in the failure of the second emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Jianwen, to cut the domain.

Zhu Yuanzhang's sub-feudal system is not the same as the sub-feudal system of the Han Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, the sub-feudal system of the Han Dynasty to the han wudi period, the princes actually have little power, after the implementation of the Tui En order, the land and power of the princes are evenly divided among the descendants, the land and power are divided more and more small, and later, the princes are not as powerful as a local official, and they do not pose a threat at all.

Emperor Wu of Han's Tui En Order, Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power can be successful, why Did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain

Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power is not to reduce the sub-feudal system, but to crack down on the heroes who held heavy troops at the beginning of the founding of the country, in order to ensure the stability of the Jiangshan Society, and will not change dynasties very quickly like the dynasties before the Song Dynasty, which essentially has nothing to do with the sub-feudal system.

And the Ming Dynasty's sub-feudal system is that Zhu Yuanzhang divided his sons to various places as kings, almost all of his sons were divided, the Ming Dynasty feudal lords had no management rights in the fiefdoms, only economic rights, and could enjoy the material wealth of the fiefs, and Zhu Yuanzhang's feudal kings had some guards, the small clan kings had thousands of guards, the big clan kings had 20,000 or 30,000 guards, when Zhu Yuanzhang was alive, the clan kings he divided were honest, after Zhu Yuanzhang's death, the newly enthroned emperor Jianwen Emperor was in the Confucian ministers Qi Tai, Huang Zicheng, Under the guidance of Fang Xiaoru, he began to cut the domain.

Why did Emperor Jianwen cut the domain?

Emperor Wu of Han's Tui En Order, Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power can be successful, why Did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain

There was only one purpose of cutting the domain, that is, to strengthen the centralization of power and strengthen the authority and strength of the emperor, and the same was true of Emperor Jianwen.

Emperor Jianwen was only 21 years old when he first ascended the throne, and a few months after he had just ascended the throne, he began to cut the domain, and began to cut the domain against the Zhou king Zhu Xu, the acting king Zhu Gui, the Xiang king Zhu Bai, the Qi king Zhu Yu, and the Min king Zhu Yu, the weaker clan kings, and the means used by Emperor Jianwen was to deliberately list the crimes, cut off the fiefs and guards of the king of the clan on charges, and cut off these five clan kings within a year, and then put the strongest Yan king Zhu Di at the end.

If nothing else, let's say that Emperor Jianwen's action and time of cutting the domain have a big problem, a 21-year-old young emperor who has just taken the throne and has no experience in government, just a few months after he took the throne, compared with his uncles who are more than ten or twenty years older, how anxious is this mentality? How simple is this means?

Moreover, the order of succession has been reversed, and it is obvious that the slashing of the clan is to get the strongest first, and the last to be weak, not to give the strongest time to prepare, and the strongest Yan king Zhu Di is still the king of the clan who has experienced hundreds of battles and has considerable military ability, can Emperor Jianwen win by such means?

Emperor Wu of Han's Tui En Order, Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power can be successful, why Did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain

Even if Emperor Jianwen did nothing, he would not fail if he first became emperor for ten years and eight years, and then began to cut the domain after being familiar with everything, but the young and vigorous emperor regarded the matter of cutting the domain as too simple and too anxious, which was the main reason for his failure.

The experience of the Han Dynasty in cutting the domain is all there, such as the Han Jing Emperor's cutting of the domain, the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's Tuien Order, under the premise of making military preparations, it is enough to steadily cut the domain, but Emperor Jianwen does not use it, but he is in such a hurry, in addition to saying that he is incompetent, what else can he say?

Zhu Di, the King of Yan, was the most capable of all of Zhu Yuanzhang's sons, who had been guarding the northern frontier for the Ming Dynasty, had rich military experience and military ability, and was also the son-in-law of Xu Da, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, who had been cultivated by Xu Da, zhu Di was not only more than ten years older than Emperor Jianwen, but also the ability of both of them was not of a grade.

Emperor Wu of Han's Tui En Order, Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power can be successful, why Did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain

Since Emperor Jianwen wanted to cut the domain, since Emperor Jianwen put the strongest Zhu Di in the last treatment, he should have thought about how Zhu Di would react, and he should have been prepared to deal with Zhu Di, the King of Yan, but Emperor Jianwen was overconfident, and he finished dealing with the weak king of the domain, and then he came to deal with Zhu Di, and the King of Yan, Zhu Di, resolutely rebelled, which was forced by Emperor Jianwen to rebel, and should have been prepared a long time ago, but in the four-year war, with three or four times the number of troops of Zhu Di, the king of Yan, he was defeated by Zhu Di, which also showed that Emperor Jianwen had no military command experience.

The huge gap in ability, the immaturity of the policy of cutting the domain, the sense of urgency in the wrong time, and the wrong command in military strategy all made Emperor Jianwen lose in this war of cutting the domain, in fact, the most unhurried person should be Emperor Jianwen, he is only 21 years old, and he has a lot of time to deal with his uncles and kings, but he is so anxious, can he not fail?

Why didn't Emperor Jianwen use Emperor Wu of Han's edict to order all the sons of the clan to divide their fiefdoms, population, and army equally, or that the Song Taizu cup of wine release the military power, let the clan kings surrender their military power, enjoy the glory and wealth, and abolish the clan king with a simple and rude way?

The most fundamental reason is that Emperor Jianwen was young and vigorous, with insufficient ability and lack of experience, and talked about soldiers on paper.

Emperor Wu of Han's Tui En Order, Song Taizu's cup of wine to release the military power can be successful, why Did Emperor Ming Jianwen fail to cut the domain

The reason why Emperor Jianwen was so anxious to cut the domain had a lot to do with the three wenchen Qi Tai, Huang Zicheng, and Fang Xiaoru who assisted him on paper, and Emperor Jianwen trusted these three people very much, but these three people, in addition to being full of knowledge and loyalty, did not have any practical political experience like Zhao Kuo talking on paper, Emperor Jianwen used these three Confucian ministers, and the governance of the country may be reluctant, but it is basically impossible to defeat Zhu Di, the King of Yan, in such a thing as cutting the domain and fighting a war.

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