
Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

author:The aftertaste of life

November 22nd, 11:00 Chengdu Ganji fat sausage powder

Chengdu is a city with profound heritage, especially gastronomic culture, which has a long history. All kinds of food are scattered like pearls in the streets of Chengdu. Waiting for your exploration, it will surprise you.

Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

Chengdu's famous food such as fat sausage powder must be in the search list of the Xiaohuang circle food club.

Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

Wang Yuan said that fat intestine powder must eat Ganji, an absolute chengdu time-honored brand.

Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

The powder must be freshly made sweet potato flour. In order to ensure that the taste is sweet and soft.

Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

Fat intestines are washed very clean, and cooking time is key. Too soft to chewy, too hard to bite. On the basis of ensuring these two ingredients. Then mix a bowl of spicy and fragrant bowl bottom, when eating, add some vinegar, the sour taste, the aftertaste is endless.

Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

Among them are heavy mouthers, who like to add nodal seeds (the end of the large intestine). Because this section of casing is thicker, it is more chewy. However, if it is not handled well, there will be a strong smell of organs. I never had the courage to try.

Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

The master of his peers is wu wei and is a well-known gourmet in the industry. Of course, he will not let go of this unique delicacy, and on the standard fat intestine powder, he has added several single knots.

Aftertaste #Taste of Sichuan Fourth Station #Maojiezi What is it? Ganji fat intestine powder

After eating, the master's comment is: one of the best fat intestine powder in Chengdu, freshly squeezed with sweet potato flour, more creamy than the dry hair powder eaten in Beijing, and the fat intestines are washed clean and have no organ taste. Added several fat intestine powder of the knot, it is definitely a luxury version.

The next stop, Chengdu Huichuan Fish Restaurant, stay tuned.

Exchange food, welcome to add WeChat: yuhao7703669

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