
Mixed in North Korea (613) Lao Ma sent money to his predecessor in North Korea

author:Hu Wei's Diary
Mixed in North Korea (613) Lao Ma sent money to his predecessor in North Korea

Episode 613

Lao Ma told me that Russian girls are not scary, they are all tall and beautiful. The Russian aunt is scary, and the Russian subject in my department weighs more than 160 pounds.

Although I haven't seen the old horse for a while, I am not alienated from each other at all, and I get along with the old horse very easily, I can talk about any topic, and I can talk nonsense. If I was so open-mouthed with Zheng Shijun, I might be sent to dig coal as a hooligan.

What made Lao Ma unforgettable was Jin Yuting, and when she was about to return to the apartment, Lao Ma suddenly asked, how did she live after marrying Li Minghao? I was silent for a long time and said, do you want to hear the truth? The old horse nodded and told me truthfully. I told Lao Ma that Yuting was unhappy after marrying Li Minghao, a few days ago Li Minghao was suspected of corruption and was arrested by the people's security guards, and Yuting was also implicated.

Lao Ma asked in surprise, Li Minghao was arrested, why didn't you tell me? I told Lao Ma that not only Li Minghao was arrested, but Li Minghao's family was also arrested. Because I greeted the relevant cadres, Yuting drew a clear line with Li Minghao in time and took the initiative to expose Li Minghao's crimes, so she was not arrested and dealt with leniently.

Old horse said, buddy, thank you, you should have told me earlier. I gave the old horse a blank look, you know what can be done? And Yuting continue the frontier? Lao Ma said seriously, if she can forgive me, it's not that I can't pay for her and make changes.

I said to Lao Ma, you have it, don't go to harm others, Yuting is miserable enough, a few days ago she was asked to write a review and reflection, and post reflection materials in residential areas. You also know that people's words are terrifying, after Li Minghao's accident, she couldn't hold her head up in front of her neighbors. I heard that Li Minghao's family's property has been confiscated, and the house may be repossessed, and if the house is repossessed, Yuting may be homeless.

I didn't lie to Lao Ma, because Jin Yuting told Kim Hyo-joo that the local people's committee had talked to her, saying that she, as the wife of a traitor and a corrupt element, was not qualified to live in such a good house, and wanted to take back her family's house. Although the houses of the North Koreans are allocated by the state, the ownership is not the individual, and the state can take it back at any time if it wants to.

Lao Ma looked at me and asked, do you know where Yuting lives? I said to Lao Ma, what are you going to do? Lao Ma Dao, I know I'm sorry for Yuting and want to compensate her. I told Lao Ma that I really want to compensate for the best financial compensation, she is not working now, and it is really not easy to raise children.

Lao Ma told me, of course, it is financial compensation. I told Lao Ma that I knew where Yuting lived, but it was not good to go to her house so late. Lao Ma told me that it is convenient to go to her house at night when there are fewer people, and it is even more inconvenient when there are many people during the day. I said to Lao Ma, how do I think we are thieves.

Lao Ma took out a few thousand Chinese yuan from his bag and said, you have seen that thief send money to other people's homes. I said to Lao Ma, even if your conscience is discovered, I will accompany you to send money to Yuting. But your thousands of Chinese dollars are a bit small, and your kid is a multimillionaire, so don't search like this. Lao Ma said to me, I don't have much cash in Luo Xian this time, do you have any cash on you? Lend it to me first, and I'll pay it back to you when I return home.

I took out a few hundred Chinese dollars and handed them to Lao Ma Dao, and I only had a few hundred on me. The old horse dislikes the authenticity, so forget it, it's better for you to keep it yourself. The necklace around my neck was gold, and I gave it to her. The old horse removed the gold chain from his neck. I turned around and drove towards Jin Yuting's house.

Jin Yuting's house is not far away, and I have been to Xiaozhu once. At half past nine in the evening when I arrived at the downstairs of Jin Yuting's unit, I parked the Mercedes-Benz on the side of the road and pointed to the corridor of the unit, where Yuting lived. Lao Ma looked in the direction of my finger, and most of the windows in the unit building were dark, and only a few windows were lit.

When Lao Ma and I slipped into the unit building, the street lights outside suddenly went out, and there was a large power outage in the surrounding area. I've long been accustomed to Luo Xian's unsuspecting power outages. In order not to attract the attention of others in the unit building, we also did not take out our mobile phones for lighting. There are no security guards and no gates in the residential area of Rason.

However, sometimes the people's squad leader will be on duty in the residential area, and when he sees a stranger entering the residential area, the people's squad leader will interrogate the stranger's identity. As a foreign businessman, Lao Ma and I sneaked into the local residential area, which was actually unruly. Lao Ma and I broke into the courtyard of the residential area in the dark, and the yard was quiet, and there was no one.

I led the old horse to the stairwell in the middle building, and climbed up to the fifth floor with all my might. Jin Yuting's family lives on the fifth floor, and there are a total of eight families on the fifth floor. Lao Ma quietly asked, which room does Yuting live in? I stood in the aisle and thought for a while, either the fourth or the fifth.

Lao Ma told me, is it the fourth or the fifth? I said awkwardly, I don't remember exactly. Lao Ma Dao, no matter what, I'll knock on the door of both households. I said to Lao Ma, don't knock around, I'll call and ask Xiaozhu. I took out my phone and prepared to call Kim Hyo-joo.

Suddenly, a child crying could be heard in the fifth house. Lao Ma told me that there was no need to call, and he must live in the fifth household. Lao Ma used his mobile phone to illuminate, walked to the door of the fifth house, and knocked lightly.

After a while, the door opened a crack, and a beam of flashlights shone on my and the old horse's faces, so that we couldn't open our eyes. Lao Ma opened his mouth and said, Yuting, can I go in and sit? As soon as the old horse's voice fell, the door slammed shut, and the old horse and I ate the closed door. Lao Ma continued to knock on the door, and Jin Yuting's voice came from inside the house, don't bother me again.

The old horse lay in front of the door and said, can you open the door, I have something to tell you. Jin Yuting said, you go quickly, I don't have anything to tell you. Lao Ma Dao, I was sorry for you before, I hurt you, and I don't know what to do to forgive me. Hu Wei said that you are in trouble in life, I want to send you some money, since you don't open the door, I will leave the things at the door, after we leave, you remember to open the door and get it back.

Jin Yuting said, I don't want your money, you go quickly. The old horse bent down, put a few thousand Chinese dollars and gold chains at the door, and said to the house, I will leave immediately, and I will put the things at the door. After saying that, the old horse pulled me away. When I came to the stairs, I said to the old horse, it's not safe to leave things at the door, right?

Lao Ma said, let's not go first, let's see if she will open the door to get things. After about two minutes, Jin Yuting opened the door, picked up something on the ground, and took a flashlight around it, but did not find me and Lao Ma, and closed the door and returned to the house.

The old horse told me that now we can go back. He and Lao Ma walked out of the unit building and returned to the road, Lao Ma kept looking up at the window of Jin Yuting's house. We were just about to get on the gallop when the light of a flashlight came down from the window of Jin Yuting's house, and it happened to hit the old horse. I looked at the window on the fifth floor, and because it was a bit far away, I couldn't see Jin Yuting's face clearly. Presumably Jin Yuting is looking at us.

The old horse stood beside the gallop and bowed deeply, waved his hand in the direction of the window, and got on the gallop with me. The light of the flashlight flickered on the window of the car a few times before it went out, and the old horse looked at the window on the fifth floor and sighed, buddy, go back.

I started the Mercedes, and the night breeze of early autumn blew into the car, which was already a little cool, and my mind was mostly clear. I told Lao Ma that in fact, we shouldn't disturb Yuting. Lao Ma told me that I just want to meet her and send her some money, so that my heart will be better.

Went back to the apartment with the old horse, who stayed at my hostel for one night. The old horse slept until noon the next day, and the old horse didn't get up until I came back from the electrical appliance store. Lao Ma came to the front desk of the hotel, smiled and said to Zhou Shiyun, Zhou Da Beauty, it's my birthday today, can you give me a face and go out for a meal? Zhou Shiyun said in surprise, you have a birthday today?

Lao Ma asked a little puzzled, is there anyone else celebrating a birthday? Zhou Shiyun replied lightly, I also have a birthday today. I smiled and said, you all have birthdays on September 3rd? Lao Ma smiled and said, I only have a lunar birthday. As soon as the old horse's voice fell, I suddenly felt the water cup on the table shaking, and the old horse also found that the situation was wrong, and asked in surprise, what is going on? How we feel like we're dancing.

I yelled,, there was an earthquake. The old horse panicked, and ran downstairs with his legs, while shouting at us, what are you doing, run quickly, Zhou Shiyun ran to the old horse in a panic, and the old horse grabbed his arm and ran downstairs. Because Lin Meien was still upstairs, I asked anxiously, where is Meien?

Zhou Shiyun said, she was in the toilet. As soon as Zhou Shiyun's voice fell, the building stopped shaking. However, for the sake of safety, she and Lao Ma hurried downstairs.

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