
The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

author:Derpy talks about history

At the end of the 60s of the last century, in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, a girl destined to leave a deep mark on the history of Chinese television was born. She is Wang Xiaoya, a CCTV host who has made countless people fall in love with her.

Wang Xiaoya's father is a well-known local reporter, and she has an innate sensitivity to words and news. When she was in high school, her articles were often published in newspapers and magazines, and she was a well-known talented girl.

However, fate seems to have played a joke on her. In the year of the college entrance examination, she passed by the journalism school she had always dreamed of, and was finally admitted to the Department of Economics. Although she missed out on her ideal major, Wang Xiaoya did not give up her love for journalism.

During her college years, she actively participated in various writing competitions and interned at a television station in her spare time, hoping to get in touch with the journalism industry she loved. After graduating, she worked as an economic reporter at the Sichuan Reform Times, which seemed to be one step closer to her dream.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

However, in the mid-90s, the impact of the market economy made Wang Xiaoya's newspaper dismal and eventually closed down. At the age of 29, she faces a major decision in her life: settle for the status quo or regain her dreams? After careful consideration, she made a bold decision - to apply for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute and study television.

With excellent professionalism and excellent interview performance, Wang Xiaoya got her wish to enter CCTV as an intern. When she first joined CCTV, she started from the most basic work, writing scripts, doing interviews, editing films, and often working late at night.

But she never complained of being tired, but cherished every opportunity to learn and humbly asked for advice. She firmly believes that as long as she works hard, she will one day be able to shine on this stage. In 1997, Wang Xiaoya ushered in an important opportunity in her life.

She hosted a program called "Economic Half Hour" on CCTV Economic Channel. This is the first time she has appeared in front of the camera as a host, and it is inevitable that she will be a little nervous and young.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

However, she quickly adjusted her condition and won the love of the audience with her smart and vivid hosting style and clear and smooth expression. But Wang Xiaoya knows that the competition on the national stage is extremely fierce.

If you want to gain a foothold on this stage, you have to put in more effort than others. She works hard every day to improve her professionalism and hosting skills.

At the beginning of the new century, a program that will change Wang Xiaoya's fate - "Happy Dictionary" was grandly launched. This puzzle program has a novel form and interesting content, and it became popular all over the country as soon as it was broadcast.

And Wang Xiaoya, with her unique affinity and witty and humorous hosting style, has become the soul of this show. She always smiles and encourages the contestants with a gentle voice, creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere even in the face of a tense competition atmosphere.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

"Are you sure?" This simple but powerful mantra has become Wang Xiaoya's logo and one of the most classic pictures in "Happy Dictionary". With the popularity of the show, Wang Xiaoya's career has also reached its peak.

She has not only become a household name, but also won many honors such as the "Golden Microphone" award. In 2002, she hosted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala with Li Yong, which is undoubtedly the highest affirmation of her hosting talent.

From a CCTV newcomer to a "national host", Wang Xiaoya used her own efforts and talents to successfully break through on the fiercely competitive CCTV stage. Her story has become a role model for countless young people who have dreams of hosting.

However, just as her career was in full swing, her love life ushered in an important turning point. Wang Xiaoya's love life is as eye-catching as her career.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

Her two marriages, one is a business elite and the other is a high-ranking political official, which made her the title of "the most prosperous" host. However, behind every marriage, there is an untold story.

Her first marriage began in college. At that time, Wang Xiaoya was a prominent figure in the Department of Economics and was talented, while her husband Lu Chenggong was her counselor, gentle and knowledgeable.

Similar interests and common pursuits make them heart-to-heart and enter the palace of marriage hand in hand. After graduating, Lu Chenggong chose to go to the sea to do business. With his business acumen and bold decision-making, he eventually became a leader in the real estate industry.

At the same time, Wang Xiaoya is stepping towards the peak of her career on the stage of CCTV. On the surface, one is a business elite, and the other is a CCTV celebrity, they are enviable golden boys and girls.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

However, the reality is not so rosy. Due to the nature of their work, the two got together less and left more, and their relationship gradually cracked. Coupled with the difference in life philosophy, the marriage finally broke up peacefully after five years.

Wang Xiaoya, who returned to being single, put all her energy into her work, and the popularity of "Happy Dictionary" made her a household name "CCTV First Sister". Just when her career was in full swing, she met the second man in her life - Cao Jianming.

Cao Jianming is the chief procurator of the People's Procuratorate, more than ten years older than Wang Xiaoya. He is mature and steady, wise and erudite, and gives Wang Xiaoya meticulous care and understanding. By his side, Wang Xiaoya felt unprecedented peace of mind and steadfastness.

Soon after, the two got married in a low-key manner. There was no grand wedding, and there was no public announcement, but with the blessing of relatives and friends, a new life began. This time, Wang Xiaoya chose a partner who could give her more understanding and support.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

From a business elite to a high-ranking political official, Wang Xiaoya's two marriages reflect her life choices at different stages. In her first marriage, she was still struggling for her career and found it difficult to take care of her family; In her second marriage, she has become famous, and she longs for a warm harbor.

These two marriages have witnessed Wang Xiaoya's transformation from youth to maturity, and also let us see her efforts to find a balance between career and family. Although the outside world often uses the term "the most prosperous husband" to describe her, Wang Xiaoya knows that a happy marriage requires the joint efforts of both parties.

In 2006, just as Wang Xiaoya's career was in full swing, a sudden health crisis broke her peaceful life. Due to chronic overwork, she suffered from hydronephrosis and had to temporarily say goodbye to the stage she loved so much.

In the days when she was sick in bed, Wang Xiaoya began to reflect deeply on her life. Once, she worked tirelessly to chase her dreams; Now, when health turns on the red light, she realizes that fame and fortune are important, but health and family are the most valuable assets in life.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

After careful consideration, Wang Xiaoya made an important decision: to return the focus of her life to her family. She began to put off some of her work, no longer working as hard as she used to, and instead left more time for herself and her family.

This decision allowed her to find a balance between her career and life. This health crisis has become an important turning point in Wang Xiaoya's life. It made her re-examine her life values and find a lifestyle that truly suits her.

Since then, Wang Xiaoya's life has become more colorful, she has found a balance between family and career, and has lived a new state of life. The title of "the most prosperous husband" has cast a layer of mystery on Wang Xiaoya in the eyes of the public.

Some people say that she "saved the galaxy in her last life" in order to have such a "wangfu" physique. However, the real Wang Xiaoya is far richer and more three-dimensional than this label.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

In fact, Wang Xiaoya's "wangfu" stems more from her own excellence and silent dedication to her family. As an independent modern woman, she has her own pursuits and achievements in her career.

Even in marriage, she never attached herself to her husband, but supported her husband's career in her own way. In her marriage to Lu Chenggong, although both of them have successful careers, Wang Xiaoya still tries her best to create a warm and harmonious atmosphere for the family.

Even if she eventually broke up because she got together less and left more, she chose a peaceful and rational way. In her marriage to Cao Jianming, Wang Xiaoya showed the wisdom and charm of a mature woman.

She is not only a competent wife, but also her husband's right-hand man in his career. She used her social experience and life experience to provide valuable advice and support to her husband.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

Wang Xiaoya never pursues a luxurious life, but devotes more time and energy to the family. Her indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune allows her to maintain her inner peace and happiness after the prosperity fades.

This is the true face of the "most prosperous" host: independent and gentle, independent but knows how to give. In her own way, she interprets how modern women can balance career and family, showing a unique wisdom in life.

Now, Wang Xiaoya, who is over fifty years old, has faded out of the public eye. However, away from the camera, she did not lose the brilliance of life, but found her own wonder in the ordinary.

Although she has no children, Wang Xiaoya still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. She often participates in various public welfare activities and uses her influence to help more people in need.

The "most prosperous husband" CCTV host and two husbands, one is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a deputy national level

This way of giving back to the society has filled her life with meaning and warmth. On social platforms, Wang Xiaoya shares her life from time to time. In the photo, she is smiling brightly and radiant, and there is no trace of time.

Her elegant temperament and positive attitude to life have become a role model for many middle-aged women. Although she is no longer the much-anticipated CCTV host, Wang Xiaoya has found her own stage in life.

Her story teaches us that stepping out of the spotlight doesn't mean the end of life, but a different kind of wonderful beginning. In ordinary life, we can also live our own wonderful life.

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