
Rotten Nation 3 uses Unreal Engine developers to open a new studio

Developer Undead Labs announced in 2018 that they were working on Rotten Nation 3, which will land on XSX/S and PC platforms after being acquired by Microsoft. But no more official news has been announced about this open-world horror survival game.

Rotten Nation 3 uses Unreal Engine developers to open a new studio

Recently, Simon Sherr, animation director of Undead Labs, revealed on LinkedIn that Undead Labs is opening a new studio in Orlando, Florida, and that Rotten Nation 3 will be developed using unreal engine 5.

Rotten Nation 3 uses Unreal Engine developers to open a new studio

Sherr said he is opening a new studio for Undead Labs in Orlando, where he will be responsible for directing animation and animation technology for Rotten Nation 3's Unreal Engine 5, as well as driving cross-studio animation technology collaborations and animation technology initiatives across Xbox.

Rotten Nation 3 uses Unreal Engine developers to open a new studio

Rotten Nation 3 is still in the early stages of development, and it may be a few years before it is officially launched. Mitri Van, technical art director of Previously Sopranos 5, also joined Undead Labs as chief technical artist. I hope that these technology experts can promote the development of new works and let the new works come out as soon as possible!

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