
In the first year of domestic hybrid in 2021, the death knell of the joint venture car rings, and the new era of domestic cars is coming

2021 is a very special year, this year, it can be said that the first year of the real rise of domestic cars. With bydir Great Wall Geely Chery and other car companies have launched their own hybrid systems, domestic cars have really caught up with joint venture cars in terms of driving texture and fuel economy, and the era of domestic cars has really arrived.

Let's first review, in the era of fuel vehicles, what are the advantages of joint venture vehicles compared with domestic vehicles?

1. Three major pieces of technical level. In the era of fuel vehicles, the three major parts of domestic cars can be said to be backward in all aspects compared with joint venture cars, and engine technology can be said to be the project with the smallest gap, even if the high-efficiency engines of independent brands have emerged in an endless stream in recent years, but they are still lagging behind the engine products of first-line joint venture brands. The gearbox is even more huge, for a long time, domestic cars can not even build a decent AT transmission.

2. Power matching. Compared with zero hundred acceleration results, power matching is easy to be ignored by many people, but in daily driving, the matching of engine and gearbox is crucial, and the smoothness of gear switching and the dynamic responsiveness of rapid acceleration will greatly affect the driving experience.

In the first year of domestic hybrid in 2021, the death knell of the joint venture car rings, and the new era of domestic cars is coming

3. Chassis tuning. Chassis, in terms of handling and comfort, the previous domestic cars can often only do a good job, in order to ensure the stability of driving, most domestic cars will choose to adjust the chassis hard, sacrificing a certain degree of comfort.

4. Quality stability. In terms of quality stability, the joint venture car is obviously better, which is due to the precipitation of the car manufacturing process and a more stable and refined supply chain system for the joint venture car for decades.

5. Brand aura. Due to the earlier layout and stronger marketing capabilities, the joint venture car is far stronger than the domestic car in terms of brand appeal.

In the first year of domestic hybrid in 2021, the death knell of the joint venture car rings, and the new era of domestic cars is coming

In general, in the era of traditional fuel vehicles, joint venture vehicles occupy a larger market share with their excellent brand appeal, good reputation, reliable product strength, and marketing in place. however.

In the era of new energy vehicles, everything is being rewritten

First of all, in terms of three major parts, in the hybrid model, the domestic production no longer needs to build a comprehensive engine, only needs a hybrid special engine, it does not need to drive the vehicle alone, so it can use the Atkinson cycle to improve fuel efficiency. In terms of gearbox, whether it is a pure electric model or a hybrid model, the traditional gearbox is no longer needed, and the transmission gear is replaced by a transmission gear. In terms of chassis, it is still the short board of domestic cars, but the gap is constantly narrowing.

In the first year of domestic hybrid in 2021, the death knell of the joint venture car rings, and the new era of domestic cars is coming

Secondly, in terms of power matching, in the era of fuel vehicles, the matching of the engine and the gearbox should consider the engine's liter power, torsional platform, thermal efficiency zone, NVH, etc. In new energy models, due to the participation of the motor, the difficulty of power matching is much lower. For example, hybrid models only need to consider the power coupling problem of the engine intervention moment.

In terms of chassis, frankly speaking, the gap between domestic cars and joint venture cars is still obvious, but the gap is narrowing, and the chassis of new models such as Geely Great Wall has shown a very excellent sense of high-grade, comfort and handling.

In terms of quality and stability, the power core of the vehicle has changed from the previous engine to the drive motor, and the motor is simple in process, reliable and durable in operation, convenient in maintenance, and can withstand large changes in working temperature compared with the engine. This also makes the stability of new energy models significantly improved, and the maintenance cost is greatly reduced.

In the first year of domestic hybrid in 2021, the death knell of the joint venture car rings, and the new era of domestic cars is coming

Of course, in terms of brand appeal, it is still the short board of domestic cars, in the short term, it is difficult for domestic cars to surpass joint venture cars in this regard, but as the car buyers become younger and younger, more and more people are beginning to accept and are willing to choose domestic cars.

2021, not only the first year of the hybrid of independent brands, but also the first year of the official blowing of the counterattack horn of domestic cars, compared with the independent brands that actively deepen the transformation, the transformation of joint venture brands in electrification is slower, and the latest data from the Association shows that in November, the penetration rate of independent brand new energy vehicles was 33.2%, while the mainstream joint venture brand was only 3.9%. Joint venture cars are not willing to give up their advantages in the era of fuel vehicles, and this is where the opportunities for domestic cars lie.

In the first year of domestic hybrid in 2021, the death knell of the joint venture car rings, and the new era of domestic cars is coming

Represented by by BYD Geely Great Wall Chery and other brands, the dual motor series parallel hybrid system ends the shortcomings of previous domestic vehicles in fuel economy, driving texture and stability, and is a weapon for domestic brands to break through the ceiling and break the existing pattern. The future will prove that in the combination of oil and electricity, who can play more 6, who also has the future! And domestic cars have undoubtedly been ahead of the curve.

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