
The 5 most influential TV series in the 80s, how many do you know?

author:Daily movie and TV news

Eighteen Years of the Enemy Camp

Exhibit: Inland China

Time: 1981

Writer: Perrin Don

Director: Wang Fulin Duyu

Starring: Zhang Lianwen, Liu Yu, Mei Cheng, Zhang Jiatian

This is the first real TV series in China. The story tells the story of a Communist Party member named Jiang Bo who lurked in the enemy camp for 18 years, fighting the enemy for the liberation of New China.

The story begins in the spring of 1927, when a counter-revolutionary coup d'état took place in Guangzhou, and Jiang Bo, a sixth-term student at the Whampoa Military Academy and a secret CCP member, was imprisoned. Jiang Bo's newlywed wife, Kang Ying, a member of the Peasants' Association's women's rescue, was pregnant and chased by the White Bandit Army and fled to the river.

Zhao Yiqing, an instructor at the military academy, was ordered to carry out the rescue work of Jiangbo together with female party member Teng Yulian. Kuomintang Major General Xuan Ziqi returned to Guangzhou to recruit soldiers and buy horses, and Teng Yulian and her father, Teng Qian, a famous medical professor who returned from studying abroad, met with his old friend Xuan Ziqi. Fuji Yulian lied that Jiang Bo was her lover and that Xuan Ziqi should help bail.

Under the mediation of Xuan Ziqi, Jiang Bo was released and used his wisdom to begin his 18 years of lurking work through the trust of the Kuomintang top brass. In the past 18 years, he has experienced the civil war, the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, conveyed many important messages to the party, and made outstanding contributions to the party at critical moments.

Huo Yuanjia

Starring: Huang Yuanshen, Michelle, Liang Xiaolong, Wei Qiuhua, etc

Genre: Martial Arts

Contents: The story of Huo Yuanjia, a generation of heroes. The story tells the story of Huo Yuanjia (Huang Yuanshen), the fourth son of the Huo family of the Wulin family, who grew from an ordinary young man to a generation of heroes.

Huo Yuanjia was frail and sickly from an early age, and his father asked him to abandon Wu Congwen. However, Yuan Jia watched his father and brother practice martial arts every day. Over time, he developed the Lost Fist and used the Lost Fist to defeat the enemy Cheng Tianxiao on the day of the match, making Cheng angry.

Cheng's apprentice Chen Zhen (Liang Xiaolong) learns from Huo Yuanjia with Liu Zhensheng in order to avenge himself. However, Huo Yuanjia assassinated Huo Yuanjia many times, but Huo Yuanjia impressed Chen Zhen with sincerity and martial arts. Chen sincerely worshiped Huo as a teacher and became Huo's most effective apprentice.

Unexpectedly, the three apprentices were forced to flee their hometown after burning down Long Haisheng's opium smoke house. When they arrived in Tianjin, Huo Yuanjia defeated the Japanese ronin Tetsuo Miyamoto and triggered a hunt. The three apprentices and Yuan Jia's confidant Qiannan (Michelle) are far away from Beijing, and the Japanese spy Wang Xiwen sends people to follow them. The two sides experienced a fierce struggle.

The 5 most influential TV series in the 80s, how many do you know?

In Beijing, Huo Yuan defeated the Russian Hercules Posov early, became a national hero who washed away the shame of the sick man in East Asia, and established the Jingwu Gate. Unwilling to accept defeat, the Russians colluded with Long Haisheng, waiting for the opportunity to begin, and the danger was fraught with danger! The deceitful and vicious Japanese did their best. Chen Zhen finally woke up, angry and hateful, to ensure the safety of Jingwu Gate.

There are no beautiful actresses and no handsome men in the play, but it attracts countless audiences with thrilling stories and vivid characters, especially the martial arts in it are known to all ages.

I was teaching in the mountains. The children on the mountain rarely watched TV, but they were obsessed with Huo Yuanjia. They even play tantric boxing before class. The theme song in the film, "The Great Wall Never Falls", was widely circulated. On the street, children learn to sing the song in half-baked Cantonese.

In the film, we can't remember Ye Zhentang's original song. After all, it is the Cantonese version. For us, there is a language barrier. The Cantonese and Mandarin versions of Cantonese singer Lu Nianzu's cover songs eliminated the language barrier and made it more widely circulated, and tape sales were very hot. Lu Nianzu also became famous in one fell swoop and participated in the Spring Festival Gala. He became a first-line singer, with the same name as Yu Junjian at that time.

Legend of the Archery Hero

Writers: Zhang Huabiao, Chen Qiaoying,

Director: Wang Tianlin

Starring: Huang Rihua, Weng Meiling, Miao Qiaowei, Yang Panpan, Zeng Jiang, Liu Dan

This Jin Yong martial arts drama can be described as an empty alley, with a particularly large impact and a special number of remakes, but this "Legend of the Eagle Shooter" has become a benchmark.

Set in the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty, the story is a story of the growth, life choices and love stories of two young people who love martial arts.

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the sixth prince of the Jin Dynasty went to the Southern Song Dynasty to take the Wumu suicide note left by General Yue Fei. Changchun Province's Changqiu Jiji pursued and killed the enemy soldiers all the way, and met two patriotic ordinary peasants in Niujia Village near Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty. They are the descendants of anti-Jin heroes, one named Guo Xiaotian and the other named Yang Tiexin.

Qiu And them saw each other as they were, and the two drank wine to reminisce about the past, and named two unborn children, one named Guo Jing and the other Yang Kang.

The 5 most influential TV series in the 80s, how many do you know?

Under the instructions of King Zhao of the Jin Dynasty, Duan Tiande, a garrison officer, led his troops to loot niujia village on the outskirts of the capital Lin'an. Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin's families suffered an unexpected disaster, and the whole family died. Pregnant, One of Guo and Lady Yang fled to the Mongolian desert and the other was abducted to the Jindu Palace. Since then, they have been separated.

The Quanzhen Sect Daoist Qiu Made an agreement with the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan to separately find and teach the descendants of the two families, Guo Jing and Yang Kang, and eighteen years later they competed in jiaxing Drunken Immortal Building.

18 years later, under the education of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, Guo Jing, who had learned his skills, returned to the Central Plains and prepared to go to Jiangnan with Yang Kang. In Zhangjiakou, they fell in love at first sight.

Moreover, Yang Kang grew up in Yan Honglie's royal palace and became the little prince of the Golden Kingdom, and in a kissing competition, he met Mu Aici, who loved him.

Yang Kang also knew his life experience, but he was unwilling to give up his glory and wealth, wholeheartedly help others, collude with the scum of the martial forest inside and outside the Central Plains, frame Guo Jing everywhere, put Guo Jing and Huang Rong in crisis, kill Guo Jing's five masters with poison, and finally eat the consequences at the Iron Gun Temple.

With the help of Huang Rong, Guo Jing met many Martial Arts masters of the Central Plains and grew into a generation of heroes with their help and education. Their love has also yielded positive results.

"On the Beach"

Genre: Thriller fight class

Starring: Zhou Runfa, Zhao Yazhi, Lv Liangwei, Liu Dan, etc

Story: Patriotic young man Xu Wenqiang (Zhou Runfa) was arrested and imprisoned for participating in the student movement. After his release from prison, he turned to fame and fortune and was determined to get ahead. Xu Wenqiang had no intention of getting involved in the gang and was joined by the leader Luo Zhi. So he met Ding Li (Lu Liangwei), who grew up in a slum. They made friends and became famous on the underworld.

By chance, he broke the siege of Feng Jingyao (played by Liu Dan) daughter Feng Chengcheng (played by Zhao Yazhi), and later joined Feng Jingyao's group and became a hot figure in the underworld. On the other hand, Feng Chengcheng fell in love with Xu Wenqiang at first sight, but Xu Wenqiang was afraid of being able to afford a beautiful woman. Although he loved it deeply, he did not show it.

The love between the two not only makes the two regret their lives, but Ding Li also loves Feng Chengcheng deeply, and the three of them have a complex and unforgettable love triangle.

The 5 most influential TV series in the 80s, how many do you know?

Although Xu Wenqiang is passionate about fame and fortune, his patriotism remains. He inadvertently discovers that Feng Jingyao is colluding with the Japanese and hurting his compatriots. Therefore, Feng Jingyao's plot was secretly destroyed, causing heavy losses to Feng Jingyao. Feng Jingyao tracked down the truth, and Thunder was angry and ordered the pursuit of Xu Wenqiang.

Hui Wenqiang had to give up everything and flee to Hong Kong alone. Hui Wenqiang arrived in Hong Kong, and fortunately, the poor daughter Wang Di's family took care of her. Xu Wenqiang gradually fell in love with Wang Di because of his feelings. At the same time, he was tired of pursuing fame and fortune. He decided to put down roots in Hong Kong and marry Wang Di instead of living a dull life.

Unfortunately, Feng Jingyao would never let Go of Xu Wenqiang. One day, Xu Wenqiang went out to go home, surprised that the whole family died tragically, did not want to die, made a poison oath, necessary to wash the Feng family in blood, Xu Wenqiang returned to Shanghai to avenge the death of his wife and children.

This TV is the only TV series I haven't watched. At that time, there was no satellite broadcast in our mountainous areas. Whether the TV show is good or not depends on the difference in the transfer station, but the location of our home is not good. A lot of times it's not normal to watch TV shows. In addition, our TV sets also have a certain amount of time. No matter how to adjust, as long as you adjust to the beach, you can't see clearly. The signal is unstable, making it impossible to see the face of the character.

It took me a long time to see this TV, and although I didn't watch it quite, I was drawn to it at first sight. Xu Wenqiang is really handsome. He wore a big hat, a long trench coat, and a white scarf. His eyes could talk, and he smiled when he revealed charming dimples. Dimples of others. From time to time he took a white handkerchief from the pocket of his coat and wiped his nose. Between his gestures, he interprets the feuds of the 1930s on the beach. When Xu Wenqiang finally died at the hands of the gang, I almost cried.

Zhao Yazhi's Feng Chengcheng is so beautiful, and her temperament and charm are so comfortable. She's such a good family. Although she is from Hong Kong, she portrayed a very similar woman in the 1930s. Lu Liangwei is also very good. His Ding Li changed from the first simple to an unscrupulous evil man in order to climb, which also made us know them.


Planners: Li Xiaoming, Zheng Xiaolong, etc

Starring: Zhang Kaili, Li Xuejian, Sun Song, Han Ying, Huang Meiying, etc

Genre: Chamber drama, family ethics

In early 1989, the famous Zheng Xiaolong and Li Xiaoming of the Beijing Television Art Center found us. Speaking of TV series, unlike other previous TV series, this drama is long, at least 40 episodes, low cost, all of which are filmed indoors, multiple episodes, no novel adaptation, and no novel that meets this length and shooting requirements can be adapted. The core or assumption of Zheng Xiaolong's story is a report by a tabloid hundreds of yu, and the rest depends on everyone's savings. One reason is that it directly contributed to his motivation to make such a play. Their center has built a new studio in Xiangshan, and it must be guaranteed that there are shootings every day, and this studio will not lose money. The concept of chamber dramas originated from the Brazilian TV series "Slave Girl" and "Bian Ka", which were broadcast on Chinese television at that time. It can be said that Zheng Xiaolong realized that as a TV drama production organization, to maintain operations, it is too late to expect writers to come up with their own efforts after careful consideration, which is equivalent to relying on the sky to eat, to form a scale, pay attention to efficiency, and must embark on the road of industrial organization and industrial production.

Therefore, in a hotel in Beijing, there is this indoor drama produced by Wanwan empty alley.

"Desire" tells the love story between Liu Huifang, a young and beautiful female worker, and Wang Husheng, a young Shanghainese who came from an intellectual background, and Song Dacheng, the director of the workshop, during the Cultural Revolution, as well as the vicissitudes of more than ten years and people's sorrows and joys. The image of a kind-hearted Chinese woman was created, the interweaving of family and friendship and love, the complexity of human nature, the contest between good and evil, especially the fate of ordinary people in the play touched the audience, and everyone was talking about the roles in it.

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