
Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

author:Hair to eat

As a food lover of "Zhengnan Qibei", you must have heard of "Shuangliu Rabbit BrainCase", right?

In Chengdu's Xindu District, there is also a quite distinctive "rabbit brain shell", although the price is somewhat expensive 11 yuan a piece, but people can sell hundreds of pieces a day, and even ridiculed by diners as "the most cruel boss in Chengdu"!

The important purpose of this trip to Xindu is the "popular rabbit head" of this east ring road! According to local friends in Chengdu, every time you go to Xindu, you have to punch the clock, eat intermittently for many years, and eat from the initial 5 yuan to the current 11 yuan a piece!

Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

<h1>Chengdu's famous "Bell Rabbit Head", the unique flavor of the time-honored snack! </h1>

When we arrived at the store, we found that their home was actually more like a supper food stall, an uncle who drove a big ben, bought 30 rabbit heads at a time, all of which were vacuumed and packed away by the boss, and it was estimated that they were also bought during the Spring Festival to send relatives and friends.

Listening to the grandmother in the store, she said that every year during the Spring Festival is also the busiest time in their store, many people come to pack rabbit heads. Just heat it up slightly in the microwave after taking it home, and the taste is exactly the same as what you ate in the store!

Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

Their main title is rabbit head, but also comes with the sale of a variety of brine dishes, such as brine beef, brine pig's tail, brine chicken feet, brine duck, etc., in fact, in a long time ago heard of their family's "big name", many diners are also through the exposure of the network media, only to find this "treasure shop".

However, their store has long been a household name in the local "star food", and its careful management over the years has also attracted a large number of "loyal fans"!

Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!
Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

I have eaten shuangliu rabbit head before, and I want to have a taste more than their home! Shuangliu Rabbit Head is definitely one of the well-known "food business cards" in Chengdu, and even has the influence of Shuangliu Rabbit Head throughout the country!

Their rabbit head production process is actually about the same as Shuangliu rabbit head, all of which use aged brine to undergo several hours of slow boiling, unique brine flavor recipe, meat texture into the taste, long brine taste! Stir it hot and cold, pour a few large spoons of bright and rosy cooked oil and spicy seeds, and then add the fried peanut rice, after the red oil is infiltrated, the spicy mellow and long aftertaste!

Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!
Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

Their rabbit head is divided into two flavors, which are spicy and spiced! Because the rabbit head is marinated in advance, the five-spiced rabbit head has a more layered sense of fragrance, and the individual is more recommended for the five-spiced rabbit head!

Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!
Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

This time the food exploration shop, we are a group of five people, the per capita consumption is about 7, 80 yuan or so, the taste of various brine dishes are very good, are excellent appetizers! And their home is very close to the subway station, after eating can also take the subway directly home, it feels quite convenient.

Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

Finally, I will share with you their rabbit head, first brine for backup, when you want to eat the scene is hot, and finally put the seasoning cold mix, you must remember to let the boss add more peanuts!

Before I heard that the boss's attitude is not very good, in fact, we feel that it is still acceptable, although it is not much enthusiasm, but the basic polite quality is still there, which is much better than the boss of those "net red noodle restaurants"!

Not flowing, not clearly high, a group of "half a can of water" foodies

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Sell hundreds of them a day! Chengdu's super hot "cold mix rabbit head", spicy and fragrant, long aftertaste Chengdu's famous "bell rabbit head", the unique flavor of the old-fashioned snack!

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