
If you can't hug each other, say goodbye in 2021

The past scene comes to mind, so many years alone to support this love, how difficult, 2021 and one day is going to pass, do not want to bring things that do not belong to themselves to 2022, if you can not hug each other, then say goodbye!

If you can't hug each other, say goodbye in 2021

"The best attitude towards feelings is: I like you, and if you like me too, then let's be together." I like you, but if you don't like me, then let's forget about it. However, in the future, if someone likes you as much as I do, you must be with her, and I will be here. ”

In the future, even if they don't meet, they will have their own beautiful scenery!

In the past, I always felt that if I seriously loved one, I would no longer have a feeling of heartbeat, but when you came over, it seemed that everything had changed, you seriously loved each other without serious love, everything was in vain, only the love that ran in both directions was beautiful!

If you can't hug each other, say goodbye in 2021

It can't be said that you have never felt warmth, you have often stroked your hair, you have been hurt by injuries, and you have eaten instant noodles for a week for a gift, since you say goodbye, you can't denigrate each other, because that was the person you used to love with your life!

The experience of life has taught you that no matter how many people you meet and how many people you say goodbye to, everyone is facing all the sadness and separation on their own and no one can replace them.

So ah, since you don't hug each other in 2021, then put your hands in your pocket, no one warms you, then dress more and paste a few warm stickers to warm yourself.

If you can't hug each other, say goodbye in 2021

In 2022, may each of us live out ourselves in the fireworks of the world, keep the years in peace, and live a life plainly!

If you can't hug each other, say goodbye in 2021

#百粉" #

#情感 #

#2021 #

#原创随笔 #

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