
I can't help it, Faker talked about the problem of DDOS attacks, and netizens analyzed the reasons

author:You Yuxing

Recently, the T1 team's documentary "THE TROPHY ROOM EP.2 | People Who Protect Esports Culture" has attracted a lot of attention. In the film, Faker talks about DDOS attacks, a topic that immediately caused quite a stir in the esports community. As a veteran gamer, I think it's worth talking about.

FIRST OF ALL, WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT A DDOS ATTACK IS. To put it simply, it is to congest the target server with a large number of requests, resulting in network congestion and service paralysis. In the world of esports, this kind of attack can be deadly, and imagine that you are in the middle of a tense and exciting match, and suddenly the network freezes and lags, and it feels overwhelming. Faker said in the documentary that when he was attacked by DDOS, the matches had to be played on the intranet, which shows the seriousness of the problem.

I can't help it, Faker talked about the problem of DDOS attacks, and netizens analyzed the reasons

Speaking of which, some people may ask, why is T1 attacked by DDOS? It's a bit more complicated to talk about. Some netizens speculated that it was because T1 was too strong in the game, which caused some dissatisfaction and jealousy? After all, the league has been abused by blood for two consecutive years, and the mid-season has been abused by blood, which is indeed too dazzling. In addition, for two consecutive years, the S version seems to be tailor-made for T1, strengthening T1's hero pool and weakening the opponent's hero pool, which is not clear to help T1 win the championship. Such an operation will inevitably make people dissatisfied.

But then again, we can't support DDOS attacks just because of that. This kind of online violence, to put it bluntly, is illegal, which not only damages the fairness of e-sports, but also affects the performance of players and the viewing experience of spectators. You say, what's the fun of esports if you have to watch out for cyber attacks in every game?

I can't help it, Faker talked about the problem of DDOS attacks, and netizens analyzed the reasons

Besides, the T1 team also won the game based on their strength, and they put in hard work and sweat to get where they are today. We can't negate their efforts because of some unfair means. The e-sports circle should be fair competition and common progress, rather than relying on some crooked ways to win.

Of course, as spectators and players, we also have to have our own judgment. Don't blindly follow the trend or take radical actions because of some false rumors or personal emotions. DDOS attacks are a kind of behavior that, to put it bluntly, hurts others and ourselves, hurts not only the esports industry, but also the hearts of those of us who truly love esports.

I can't help it, Faker talked about the problem of DDOS attacks, and netizens analyzed the reasons

So, what should we do in the face of a DDOS attack? I think the most important thing is to strengthen the awareness of network security protection and technical means. For example, you can establish a sound network security system, improve the anti-attack ability of the server, and so on. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the formulation and enforcement of laws and regulations, so that such online violence is duly punished.

Finally, I would like to say that although there are sometimes problems in the e-sports circle, we cannot deny the value and significance of e-sports because of these problems. Esports is not only a form of entertainment, but also a manifestation of competitive spirit. We should work together to uphold the fairness and purity of esports and make esports a truly meaningful cause.

I can't help it, Faker talked about the problem of DDOS attacks, and netizens analyzed the reasons

As for the T1 team, I think they're pretty respectable. No matter what the outside world says about them, at least they showed their strength and style on the field. Hopefully they can keep this momentum going on and get better results in future competitions!

Therefore, we, the players and viewers, should also look at e-sports competitions rationally, and don't blindly follow the trend or take radical behaviors because of some personal emotions or false rumors. Let's work together to contribute to the development of the esports industry! At the same time, I also have to remind those who are disgruntled, don't always think about using DDOS attacks to undermine the fairness of esports. If you really have the ability, you can compete in the arena in a dignified manner, then you are called a real man!