
A bowl of rolling dough, why did Fat Donglai compensate nearly 9 million?

author:Zheng Ye talks

#胖东来为一碗擀面皮补偿近900万##胖东来奖励投诉擀面皮顾客10万##河南胖东来超市为什么能成功?##胖东来奖励 "rolling dough" event has 100,000 # #胖东来为买擀面皮顾客补偿共883 3,000 yuan#

The name "Fat Donglai" is not unfamiliar to consumers in Xinxiang, Henan Province and even the entire Henan Province.

As a business group that started with catering and gradually developed into a diversified service integrating shopping, entertainment, catering and other services, Fat Donglai has a high reputation and influence in Xinxiang City.

However, a recent news about Fat Donglai has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions - "Fat Donglai compensated nearly 9 million for a bowl of rolling dough".

A bowl of rolling dough, why did Fat Donglai compensate nearly 9 million?

What's going on here?

The incident originated on the evening of June 25, when a customer reported on the Douyin platform that the "rolling dough" processing site of Xinxiang Fat Donglai Joint Venture Catering had a poor sanitary environment.

After receiving customer feedback, Fat Donglai immediately asked all the joint venture stalls of the catering department of the two restaurants in Xinxiang to be closed, and set up an investigation team to strictly investigate and implement the matter in conjunction with the head of the catering department.

After investigation, Fat Donglai confirmed that there were major food safety hazards in the "rolling dough" processing site.

In order to thank the customer who found and reported the problem, Fat Donglai decided to give him a cash reward of 100,000 yuan.

A bowl of rolling dough, why did Fat Donglai compensate nearly 9 million?

At the same time, in order to be responsible for all affected consumers, Fat Donglai also decided to refund all customers who purchased rolling dough and spicy noodles at the catering department of Fat Donglai in Xinxiang from June 9 to 19, and gave 1,000 yuan in compensation.

According to statistics, a total of 8,833 orders were eligible, so the total compensation amount reached nearly 9 million yuan.

In response to the dereliction of duty in this incident, Fat Donglai also dealt with it seriously.

The first supervisor and quality controller of the Xinxiang Catering Department were seriously derelict in their work and were dismissed; All other management above the squad leader shall be dismissed; Cancel the year-end benefits of the Xinxiang store manager.

For the Xinxiang Fat Donglai dough rolling merchants who violated the cooperation contract, deliberately concealed and changed the processing site without permission, Fat Donglai stopped business from now on in accordance with the contract, and terminated the contract to terminate the cooperation and withdraw the cabinet within a time limit.

The company also reserves the right to pursue its legal liability.

This incident has aroused widespread concern and heated discussions.

A bowl of rolling dough, why did Fat Donglai compensate nearly 9 million?

Some people praised Fat Donglai's approach as embodying the social responsibility and spirit of responsibility; There are also questions about whether it is suspected of excessive compensation or hype.

The author believes that this incident undoubtedly reflects the social responsibility and spirit of Fat Donglai. As for some people questioning the suspicion of hype, it is pure nonsense. Fat Donglai has always had clear rewards and punishments, and he has a good reputation. As an entity business, it doesn't make much sense to spend so much money on hype.

But in any case, this incident is a wake-up call to us: food safety issues cannot be ignored, and companies must always be vigilant, strengthen internal management and supervision, and ensure that the rights and interests of consumers are protected.

This incident also reminds us that as consumers, we should raise our own consumption awareness and learn how to identify food hygiene and safety.

For example, when buying food, pay attention to check the production date, shelf life and other information on the packaging; When dining, choose a restaurant with complete licenses and a good hygienic environment; When problems are found, they should be reported to the relevant departments in a timely manner.

"Fat Donglai's compensation of nearly 9 million" has set a benchmark for the industry, and I hope that all companies will learn from Fat Donglai and create a reassuring consumption environment for consumers. At the same time, it is also hoped that this incident can attract more people's attention and attention, and jointly promote the development of food safety and social progress.

Finally, a small poem was given to Fat Donglai.

Praise Fat Donglai

Fat Donglai is famous in Xinxiang,

The responsibility of integrity is shouldered.

Strict food safety control,

Customer first.

nearly nine million as compensation,

The spirit of responsibility shines.

Rewards and punishments are clearly told,

The industry model is well-known.