
Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

Yuan Dynasty's

Contemptuous beggars

Born in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, he lived through the eleventh dynasties of Shizu, Chengzong, Wuzong, Renzong, Yingzong, Taiding Emperor, Tianshun Emperor, Wenzong, Mingzong, Ningzong, and Huizong, and can be called the living fossils of the Yuan Empire.

The Western Liao Empire, which is not well known in the Han chinese historical records, also had a powerful courtier similar to Boyan's experience, from the founding lord

The Great Stone of Jerusalem

Entrepreneurship, to dominate the title of the founding of Central Asia, through the five dynasties of Dezong, Gantian, Renzong, Chengtian, and the last emperor, it can be called a living fossil of the Hala Khitan Kingdom, and this person is the minister of the Ju'er Khan Dashi and the family of the family-

Xiao Huili

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

01, three unknown kings of the Southern Courtyard

The Sixth Patriarch Xiao Huoli (born and died unknown), was the founding hero of the Hala Khitan Dynasty, and due to the lack of historical materials, even if he was a major minister of a country, he was also a three-unknown person, the ethnicity is unknown, the parents are unknown, and the birth and death are unknown.

Although Xiao Huili suddenly jumped out like the male protagonist of the ancient dragon, he could still speculate roughly about his provenance.

There are online articles saying that Xiao Huili was a Xi person, and it turned out to be the King of Xi

Xiao Gan

(that is, hui left bao) subordinates, but a limited reference to the information can be found that there is no historical data to prove that Xiao Huoli is Xiao Gan's subordinate, let alone that Xiao Huoli is a Xi person.

Judging from the fact that he later ranked first among the founding heroes of the Western Liao Dynasty and was appointed by Yelü Dashi as the Great King of the Six Chambers, I personally believe that Xiao Huili is more likely to be the xiao clan of the posthumous clan, and if he is a Xi person, he should be appointed as the Great King of the Six Branches of Xi.

Since he was ranked first in the list of meritorious heroes, he was naturally the heart of the more than two hundred of his cronies who were taken away by Dashi in exile, and Xiao Huili was at the latest in September of the third year of Baoda (1123), next to Yelü Dashi, who had been captured by the Jin people and fled back.

As early as in the second year of Baoda (1122), when Yelü Dashi was fighting against the Song army, he became Dashi's confidant, followed him from Nanjing to the Tiande army, and then was captured by the Jin people for half a year, and then fled back together, and finally left the Tianzuo Emperor to go north and west together, creating the foundation of the Western Liao.

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

02, follow Oishi to start a business

In July of the fourth year of Liaobao (1124), Yelü Dashi, because he opposed Emperor Tianzuo's aggressive strategy and feared that Emperor Tianzuo would be jealous, killed him and spied on him

Xiao Yixue



, leading more than 200 henchmen to the north.

Dashi and his party set out from Jiashan Mountain, marched for three days, crossed the Black Water and BaiDada, and came to the city of Kedun, that is, the Town Prefecture of Shangjing Province, which was established by the Imperial Concubine Xiao Huren in the twenty-second year of reunification, and among the two hundred henchmen who followed Dashi into exile, there was Xiao Huili.

Although the Jin army captured many areas of the Liao state at that time, the northwest road was not affected, and more than 20,000 tribal armies stationed in Kedun City were not damaged, as well as 100,000 imperial horses, which became the capital of dashi.

The Great Stone gathered the Seven States and Eighteen Ministries in The City of Cotun, just like the Party Item

Li Jiqian

As in those years, he gave an impassioned speech to the leaders, first pulling out the ancestors of the Great Liao, and then explaining the current situation bitterly, remembering the end of the sweet thoughts, and informing everyone that the purpose of his coming to Kedun City was to resist the Jin Weiguo and restore the homeland.

Because of the conciseness of his speech and the concern for the country and the people, everyone present was very infected and responded to Dashi's call.

Dashi also collected more than 10,000 elite soldiers, set up officials from the north and south, and called the wang to establish a banner of self-reliance, and Xiao Huili was a good helper for Dashi to create a foundation.

While accumulating strength, Dashi actively engaged in diplomacy, not only with the Western Xia and Dada people, but also tried to establish diplomatic relations with the Southern Song Dynasty, and finally because the Western Xia people fell to the Jin Kingdom, they finally did not have a relationship with the Southern Song Dynasty, at this time it was already the sixth year of Dashi's reign (1129, the seventh year of the Jin Tianhui, the third year of Song Jianyan).

In the same year,

Dashi, who felt that he had the strength to conquer, sent troops to attack two camps in the north of the Jin Dynasty, and the commander was likely to be the number one cadre General Xiao Huoli

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

03, the Western Liao meritorious heroes ranked first

Naturally, Jin Taizong did not want to sit idly by and watch the Khitan remnant Yelü Dashi grow, and he sent khitan generals the following year (1130).

Jeroboam saw it

The others led an army in pursuit of Yelü Dashi, and for various reasons, the Jin army reached Wunashui and retreated without engaging Dashi's army.

However, the strength of the Golden State also allows Oishi to see the reality, he is not yet able to compete with the emerging Golden State, in order to expand the field, accumulate strength, can not go east, then there is only the Western Expedition.

On February 22 of that year, Dashi and Xiao Huili and other generals sacrificed heaven and earth and ancestors with green cattle and white horses, and led their troops to the west.

Along the way, this army feared the Uighur state, attacked the country of Gilligisi, came to Yemili (present-day Emin, Xinjiang), and gathered a large number of Turkic people, with a population of 40,000 households, and the territory stretched from the Tula River in the east to the Emin River in the west, which was extremely vast.

On the fifth day of the fifth month of the ninth year of Dashi's reign (1132, the tenth year of the Jin Tianhui and the second year of Song Shaoxing), Yelü Dashi was proclaimed emperor in Yemili, Jianyuan Yanqing, and Ju'er Khan, meaning Khan of Khan.

Ju'er Khan Dashi rewarded his henchmen and his father and grandfather, so that all the heroes and khans could share the honor.

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

Comrade Xiao Huili was ranked first among the founding heroes of the Western Liao Dynasty, and was named the Great King of the Six Courts, and his father and grandfather were also posthumously knighted because of him.

The Sixth Yuan Division is actually the Great King of the Southern Courtyard, that is to say, Xiao Huili is the same as Xiao Feng in the Jin Yong world, and they are both the Great King of the Southern Courtyard.

Because the Khitan royal family had an old system, Apaoji's grandfather Suzu


the eldest son


One, known as the Five Houses Division; the third


, Old Four


, and the second elder Yizu


The second son


, the third son


The four branches are known as the Six Branches Division.

These five branches are called the Royal Family of the Second Yuan, which belongs to the governance of the Great King of the Northern and Southern Courtyards, and the Five Houses, which are known as the Five Houses of Knowledge, are called the Great King's Court;

The Ministry of the Six Houses, known as the Six Houses, is called the Southern Great King's Courtyard, so it can be known that the Six-YuanSi Grand King, who was crowned by Xiao Huili, is probably another title of the Great King of the Southern Courtyard

(Purely personal opinion welcomes error correction).

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

04, Crusade to the Golden Kingdom

Yanqing three years (1134, jin tianhui twelve years, song shaoxing four years), in the eastern Qarakhanid dynasty

Ibrahim Khan

At his invitation, Yelü Dashi led a large army into his capital, Balasagun, demoted Ibrahim to the position of King of Turkmen, retained his rule over the Kushgar and Hotan regions, and became a vassal of the Western Liao.

In March of that year, Dashi sacrificed the heavens with green cattle and white horses, and appointed Xiao Huili as the marshal of the Terracotta Army, and the former tongzhi Privy Council of the Enemy's Department knew the affairs of the Privy Council

Shaw Cha-la-A-no

As a deputy marshal, he led an army of 70,000 to conquer the Jin Dynasty and restore his homeland.

Before leaving,

Dashi deliberately taught Xiao Huoli the experience and principles of leading the army to fight, hoping that he could share the hardships with the soldiers and measure the enemy in order to achieve Zhongxing.

Wei Tefu and Feng Jiasheng believe that Yelü Dashi actually did not have the will to go on a crusade, and his crusade was only forced by the pressure of his subordinates to miss their homeland, and their views were quoted in online articles.

But in fact,

Dashi, who was deeply influenced by Confucian culture, did not forget to restore his homeland, he was hopeful about the Eastern Crusade, so he sent his first capable general Xiao Huili as the commander and commanded 70,000 troops, this data was also a small number for the Western Liao at that time, how could Dashi be willing to take these elites as a child's play?

What's more, when Dashi swore an oath to sacrifice heaven and earth, he also told the courtiers that Barasagun was not their place of residence, and that their original expedition to the west was to expand the field and establish a richer and stronger material foundation, all of which were prepared for the Eastern Crusade, how could he possibly make a play with the Eastern Crusade?

However, just like the difficulties encountered in the Western Expedition of the Golden Kingdom

Xiao Huoli's Crusade was equally arduous, "Okay

There was nothing to gain for more than 10,000 miles, and niu maduo died

Only the soldiers could return to Balasagun, and Oishi had to make Central Asia his second home.

However, Xiao Huili left troops lurking in the desert when they withdrew, and shortly after their withdrawal, The New Emperor Xizong of jin took the throne

Finish yan qi

, Pai Zong Room Tough General


After marching west to Dashi and entering the desert, he was repeatedly strangled by the troops who were lurking behind by Xiao Huili.

Although the Jin army was fierce and fiercely fought for three days and nights, Zong Han was finally defeated because of the cut off of grain and grass, the freezing of people and horses, and the surrender of thousands of cavalry led by the Khitans in the Jin army to the Western Liao.

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

05, Western Battle of Seljuk

Unable to conquer the Eastern Expedition, Dashi concentrated on expanding his western power, and Xiao Huili, as a fierce general of the Great Stone, followed Dashi to conquer Fernagan and the hezhong region, defeating the Great Khan of the Western Qarakhanid Dynasty

Mahmoud ibn Muhammad

Since Mahmud was a vassal of the Seljuk dynasty, the defeated Mahmud was betrayed by the Gelug and went to the Seljuk Sultan


The call for help finally triggered the Battle of Katwan.

In the eighth year of the Kang Dynasty (1141), the Seljuk sultan Sanjar gathered more than 100,000 cavalry from Khorasan and other places, crossed the Amu Darya River into the river region, and wanted to repair the Gelulu people, who quickly asked for help from the Ju'er Khan Dashi.

Oishi wrote to Sanjar to intercede on behalf of the Gelug people, but Sanjar arrogantly refused and taught Oishi to accept Islam or face a military conquest.

Dashi, who had experienced ups and downs, was naturally not frightened, and he quickly gathered his forces to meet the battle, appointing Xiao Huili and soliciting deputy envoys

Mount Jeroboam

The general attacked the enemy's right flank with 2,500 troops, and the Privy Counsellor made Xiao Cha la a disagreement


The general attacked the enemy's left flank with two thousand and five soldiers, and he personally commanded the Chinese army to attack the enemy's Chinese army.

The two Liao-Cypriot armies met in the Katwan steppe north of Samarkand and fought fiercely, and The combined forces of Sanjar were eventually defeated by the Army of Halaqidan, and fled in defeat, killing 30,000 people and zombies for tens of miles.

Muslim historian

Ibn Asir

It is said that in Islam, there is no greater battle than Katwan, this battle, let the Seljuk forces completely withdraw from Central Asia, this war, but also completely established the hegemony of the Hala khitan in Central Asia, as the first hero under the Great Stone Seat, Xiao Huilila was natural and honorable.

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

06, from a heavy minister to a powerful minister

During his reign, Dashi paid great attention to learning the lessons of the decline and fall of the Liao state and concentrating imperial power as much as possible, so Dashi treated meritorious people and only gave knighthoods and rewards, but absolutely did not give fiefs, did not allow control of a large number of troops, and commanded more than a hundred horses.

In the tenth year of kangguo (1143, the third year of the Jin Emperor's unification, the thirteenth year of Song Shaoxing), Ju'er Khan Dashi died because of his son

Yi Lie

Young, widowed empress

Xiao Ta is not smoke

The supervision of the state is regulated.

Because of the lack of historical data, it is not known whether Xiao Ta Bu Yan was related to Xiao Huoli, but he was loyal to Dashi and shared the glory and wealth with Ju'er Khan

End of speed

The princess married Xiao Huili, who returned home as a daughter-in-law, and at this time she did not have the heart to seize power, after all, the bones of Dashi were not cold.


With the successive reigns of Emperor Tianhou and Emperor Renzong Yilie, Xiao Huili, as the first heavy minister of the empire, naturally became more and more powerful, and the military power that was taken over by Dashi to the imperial family finally fell into the hands of Xiao Huili, and personally suspected that Xiao Huolilai absolutely had private soldiers.

It was precisely because the old and able Xiao Huili held the military power that Emperor Renzong Yilie did not dare to let the underage eldest son take the throne, and before he died, he handed over the throne to his hard-line sister, the princess Pu Suquan, that is, Xiao Huili's eldest son

Shaw Don't

His wife was the Fourth Ju'er Khan of the Western Liao Dynasty and the Khitan of hala.

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

07, killed the daughter-in-law of the female emperor to avenge her son

Xiao Huili was definitely younger than Yelü Dashi, Dashi was born in the third year of Da'an (1087), Xiao Huoli was naturally born later, the following age is only assumed, or perhaps he and Dashi are the same age as himself.

Suppose he is more than ten years younger than Dashi (the same age), 38 years old when Dashi was crowned king (1124), and Xiao Huoli was about 25 years old (the same age is 38 years old); when Dashi was called emperor (1132) he was 46 years old, Xiao Huoli was about 33 years old (the same age was 46 years old); When Dashi died (1143) he was 57 years old, and Xiao Huoli was about 44 years old (the same age was 57 years old).

After the Heavenly Queen, Xiao Ta bu yan reigned for seven years, Renzong Yi was on the throne for thirteen years, and Xiao Huoli was 20 years old, that is, 64 years old (the same age is 77 years old, and it is certainly impossible to be the same age as Dashi).

When his daughter-in-law Pu Su finished ascending to the throne of Ju'er Khan, Xiao Huili was already over the age of Hua Jia, at least not less than 64 years old.

Therefore, he gave power to his eldest son, Xiao Duolu, and the son inherited his position in the army and the power of the head of the Xiao family, so the Book of Zhifeni once said that Ju'er Khan's horse was the country.

Some people will think, why is Xiao Huoli willing to give up power?

Because in his eyes, the entire Hala Khitan was in the hands of his son and daughter-in-law, and he was simply the uncrowned emperor of the empire. Just retire and enjoy! Can the firstborn son he has cultivated still believe?

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor


What Xiao Huili couldn't imagine was that he thought that marrying a chicken would follow the chicken, marrying a dog would follow the dog's daughter-in-law, Ju'er Khan Pu pu finished quickly, she did not regard herself as a member of the Xiao family, people thought that they were the people of the Yelü family, how willing to fall by the military power.

In order to weaken the power of the in-laws and regain military power, the iron-blooded female Emperor Pu quickly locked the object of the alliance to the little uncle, and in the Xiao family, it was not as important as the boss Xiao Duolu

Xiao Pugu only

Sha Li (Sha Li means Lang Jun), the two hit it off and became a loving person.

After a series of conspiracies and conspiracies, Pu Suo successfully took her husband out of the capital and returned the military power to the imperial family, and then gave death to Xiao Duolubu, the king of Dongping.

Just when Pu Suquan and Xiao Pugu only thought that the overall situation had been timed, the veteran general Xiao Huili, who was ignored by them, suddenly fought back and united the second prince


staged a coup d'état,

Bloodbath the court, the old Xiao of the old Ji Futuo "killed his relatives in righteousness", and personally shot his daughter-in-law Pu Suquan and the unfilial son Xiao Pugu only.

This year, it was the fifteenth year of Chongfu (1178), Xiao Huoli was about 79 years old, at such an advanced age, he also teamed up with Zhilugu to eradicate the grand prince of Renzong, and he was really old and strong, and the supported Zhilugu ascended to the throne of Ju'er Khan and changed to Yuan Tianxi, who was the last emperor of the Western Liao.

After Zhilugu took the throne, Xiao Huolila, who was nearly eighty years old, disappeared from the history books, and it is not known whether he was purged by Zhilugu, or whether he enjoyed his life in peace, or because of the lack of historical materials, everything is unknown.

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

08, Monkey Grid said

In the history of the Western Liao, Yelü Dashi and Xiao Huili were a combination of the old owner and the big accounting house that had worked hard to start a business, and when the old owner was alive, the big account house was saddled before and after the horse, loyal, unfortunately, the old owner died, the master mother was in charge, and the still loyal big account room was naturally respected and relied upon, and even the daughter of the main mother was married to the son of the big account house.

When the young owner took the throne, the power of the big account inevitably continued to expand. Even more unfortunately, the young and strong Shaodong family died earlier than his father, and before his death, he suddenly found that the authority of his sister's in-laws and the big accounting room was already irrepressible to the imperial power, how dare he let his young son take the throne and continue to let the big accounting house sit on the throne? So he put his sister on the throne, hoping that her sister would lead the Jeroboam family against her in-laws and fathers-in-law.

At this time, the elderly big accounting room, seeing that the daughter-in-law has become the new owner of the enterprise, it is very sharp to give way to the eldest son, let the eldest son to assist his wife and daughter to take care of the enterprise, is there not a saying that the husband and wife are in the same heart and their profits are broken?

Xiao Huili, the Great King of the Southern Courtyard: Yelü Dashi's family, the founding hero of the Western Liao Dynasty who murdered the daughter-in-law of the female emperor

Retirement and honor of the big account room in the leisure time to recall the past, probably will be proud, the old owner of the painstaking care of a lifetime, do not want to come to the end is for their own family to fight the country, now the Yelü family's enterprise, can not become his old Xiao family's mom-and-pop shop?

What the old accounting room did not expect was that the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law were actually unwilling to be female, sinister and cunning to hook up with the little uncle, fiercely murdered their relatives, let the old accounting room white-haired people send black-haired people, faced with a strong daughter-in-law and a disobedient young son, the old accounting room fought hard, contacted the ambitious second son of the former shaodong family, launched a coup, washed the palace in blood, and avenged the eldest son...

This plot really has the fan of an eight-point dog blood drama, but it is also true that ambition is often bred with different status

Just like when he didn't hide pang and follow Yuan Hao, he absolutely did not dare to imagine the day when he had the right to pour over to the Western Xia; similarly, xiao Huoli was also loyal to the old owner Dashi when he followed the old owner's big stone, how could he think that he also dared to ignore the old owner's decrees and take the military power in his own family?

Of course

The powerful ministers such as Pang and Xiao Huili did not expect that they would one day be eaten by the Shaodong family. Although Xiao Huili was successful in the final counterattack, it was only a tragic victory, and in the political game, it is difficult to say who is the real winner.

That's it.

The image comes from the internet intrusion and deletion.

References: Western Liao history research, Liao history, world conqueror history, historical collections, etc

Through appearances, we search for historical truths, take history as theory, tell personal opinions, and refuse excessive interpretation and conspiracy theories that are divorced from the human environment. Friends who like Liaoxia Jinyuan and Zongmiao Qianqi and harem gossip can pay attention to monkey grid.

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