
A Chinese emperor who frightened Europe, if he did not die, would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan

In ancient times, Europeans were very afraid of the nomadic peoples from eastern Asia, and China was often attacked by nomadic peoples on the border and suffered a lot. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, under the command of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty almost exhausted the strength of the whole country, and finally completely defeated the Xiongnu army and forced them to move west.

The Huns, who were driven to Central Asia and Eastern Europe, still did not forget their old ways, burning and plundering along the way, and also made many natives become slaves, and europeans changed their color. Genghis Khan, the most powerful leader of the Mongol tribes at that time, fought in the south and the north, carried out crazy territorial expansion, and fought all the way to the Danube River Valley in Europe, establishing a huge empire of 35 million square kilometers.

A Chinese emperor who frightened Europe, if he did not die, would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan

However, whether Genghis Khan Chinese has been controversial, he was born in the territory of present-day Mongolia in the north of the desert, and he is not Han Chinese, but the emperor to be talked about next is a real Chinese, he relied on his own strength to open up territory in the western region and continue the fate of his dynasty.

Yelü Dashi was born in 1087 in Shangjing, the Liao Kingdom, is the eighth grandson of Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, Yelü Dashi grew up to be intelligent and easy to be ordinary people, such a person is certainly not willing to be willing to be followed, so he became a jinshi in 1115, and later became an envoy of the Liaoxing Army.

A Chinese emperor who frightened Europe, if he did not die, would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan

At this time, China was founded by the Jin people of the Jurchens, the Liao founded by the Khitans, and the Song founded by the Han Chinese, but the Liao state was not as peaceful as the other two countries, it was sandwiched between the Song and Jin dynasties, coupled with the faint corruption of the Liao court, which soon led to the invasion of the Jin army from the south.

At this time, the Liao court was the reign of The Tianzuo Emperor, he was also an arrogant and arrogant person, seeing that the Jin soldiers were getting closer and closer, this old brother not only did not quietly guard the city, step by step, but also took the initiative to attack, Yelü Dashi knew that following this stupid emperor was a dead end, so he took a part of the army and slipped to the west.

A Chinese emperor who frightened Europe, if he did not die, would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan

Sure enough, the Liao state was destroyed by the alliance established by the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. Dashi looked at it, while leading the troops to flee to Central Asia, while calling himself emperor, the history of yelü Dashi's dynasty is called The Western Liao, but he fled to the territory of other people's families, others see that you are uninvited, even if you want to be an emperor, naturally you will not be good wine and good meat hospitality.

After the Great Stone of Yerushalayim entered the river basin of Central Asia, the local Islamic Seljuk Empire and some small countries felt threatened, and at this time, the Gelug annexed to the Western Liao and the Islamic state of the Middle East, the Western Qarakhanid, had friction, and the Seljuk Empire, which considered itself the big brother of Central Asia, could not continue to watch.

A Chinese emperor who frightened Europe, if he did not die, would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan

The Seljuk Empire took the opportunity to find an excuse to call on other Middle Eastern countries to expel the Western Liao infidels, and organized an army of 100,000 to attack the Western Liao.

Yelü Dashi was also not a vegetarian, and he personally gathered an army of Turks and Khitan Han Chinese, and defeated this Central Asian army with fewer victories and more victories by means of cavalry circling around. The war shocked Eurasia, and the Europeans feared that Yerushalayim would continue to lead their armies into Europe, and like the Huns, they sent emissaries to establish diplomatic relations.

A Chinese emperor who frightened Europe, if he did not die, would reach Europe, not Genghis Khan

The subsequent Yelü Dashi was unstoppable, taking advantage of the victory to continue to advance into the deep hinterland of Asia and Europe, and when he was planning to march west, in 1143, Yelü Dashi unfortunately fell seriously ill and eventually died, if he did not die, the territory of the Western Liao was likely to expand to Europe.

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