
But there is a kind of spring that can make him work hard to rejuvenate, dead wood spring

author:Flower Grandpa


I brushed a video in a certain tone, and his copywriting is like this.

"If you see a handsome guy on the road, be brave enough to see it, because it's the last time you see him."

I agree deeply.

This is the preface.

On the subway to my brother's house, I really met a handsome guy with wide shoulders and a narrow waist, a height of 180+, excellent body proportions, and very tasteful clothes.

I remembered the words in this video, so I stared at him wildly.

But because I am short-sighted, looking at the past, everything is hazy, which is like covering my ears and stealing bells, the hazy world gives me an illusion, others can't see my movements, very secure.

I narrowed my eyes, but I could only see the handsome man move, and I still couldn't see what it looked like.

Hazy beauty is really hooky, hook people's hearts itch.

I ignored the full makeup on my face and took my glasses out of my bag and put them on.

At the moment of looking up, I met a pair of clear eyes.


I don't know if you have ever experienced the feeling of blood rushing backwards and forth to your brain, taking a sauna in the winter of November, steaming hot, and wanting to carry the subway away from the earth overnight.

I have.

The handsome man sipped his mouth, and there was a pear vortex at the corner of his mouth, full of helplessness and helplessness.

Handsome is really handsome.

I didn't dare to move, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

Handsome, my brain was blinded, and I rushed out at the moment when the subway door opened, and the wind was under my feet, and I flexibly walked to avoid the flow of people on the train.

Someone behind me seemed to be shouting, "Wait a minute."

But my ears were buzzing, and I felt like it was my delusion.

So I sat in the subway station two stops away from my destination and thought about life.

I'm an adult, I should have the ability to think for myself, I shouldn't believe what I see on the Internet, and I'm stupid enough to put it into practice.

When I was in a calmer mood, the subway behind me entered the station and opened the door drop by drop.

I didn't care, stood up and waited for the next subway, and suddenly my shoulder was tapped.

The handsome guy who had been offended by me stood behind me, holding my little pink umbrella in his hand.

It was raining heavily outside, and my heart was raining lightly.

I took the umbrella and said in a weak voice, "Thank you."

The handsome man smiled a little, and he didn't know what he was laughing at.

I stole a glance at him.

It's so good-looking.

I looked again.

"Just now on the subway, you've been staring at me."

His voice is not low, it belongs to the clear juvenile tone.

It was so good that my face turned red again.

Blood flowed back into my brain, making me unable to think to the point of incoherent speech.

"Do you want to charge?"

He was stunned, and I was dumbfounded.

Help me? What am I talking about? I don't understand, what words came out of my mouth?

Am I supposed to say such outrageous things?

I was dead in my heart and wanted to make amends, "No, I mean, I'm short-sighted, in fact, I didn't see clearly before, and I didn't look long after wearing glasses..."

"Hmm... Give you a discount?"

The handsome guy is so humorous.

Why do my tears often contain tears, the source of sin is my mouth.

I don't know why, it is clear that the handsome guy suffered a loss, but I felt very humiliated.

So much so that I gave up on myself, exposing my bad intentions, "So, first add a WeChat, WeChat transfer?"


I'm ready to be looked at by him with the look of an lsp.

Just look at it.

Anyway I would have been...


I was stunned and looked up at him foolishly.

He had already opened WeChat and said to me, "Do you sweep me or I sweep you?"


That's how it went, I added the handsome guy's WeChat in a vague way.

After the circle, I looked at the newly added friend with excitement.

I quickly edited an idea on a platform where I was writing the novel, and highlighted my broken heart.

"Do you understand my feelings, you don't understand, you will only comment at the bottom: hahahahahaha And so I built happiness on my social death.

But I'm not sad, after all, I have a handsome guy's WeChat, and you can only hold your phone and brush me to death."

Sure enough, the comments below didn't surprise me, and the readers, one by one, bought toilets in my comments and showed me their beautiful buttocks.

I don't have many fans, and the reply sent out is also within my expectations, so I picked a few familiar ids to reply and then withdrew.

In a daze at the handsome man's WeChat page, his avatar is pure black, the WeChat name is a capitalized y, and the circle of friends can be seen for three days, but he has not sent a circle of friends for three days.

So I didn't know anything about him.

I hesitated to send him a message, and my eyes caught the "The other party is typing..."

My heart trembled, I held my phone, and my eyes were like torches.

My brother was startled by this look and kicked me very badly, "Go and clean the dishes."

I hate.

I took my phone to brush the dishes and turned the volume to maximum, not giving me a chance to miss the handsome guy's message.

But the other party had been typing for eight hundred years, enough to write hundreds of novels, and he didn't even send me a full stop.

Was he asleep?

Could it be that his phone is running out of battery?

Did he message me as he walked and fell into the sewers?

I had plastic gloves on my hands and foam on them, and I couldn't resist bringing my phone over again and again.

In this way, the mobile phone slid into the pool like a live fish.

The phone has a black screen.


I threw my eye knife at my brother viciously, and he groaned in debt, "You said how old you are, you still have a mobile phone to brush the dishes, you see, long lesson."

As if giving alms, he drew two hundred dollars from his old antique wallet, "Don't say brother doesn't hurt you, take it to fix your mobile phone."

My sister-in-law gave him a blank look and said to me, "There is a mobile phone repair shop in the community, I will take you over."

She paused, "But next time don't play with your phone while washing the dishes."

I smiled coldly, "I'll buy a dishwasher when I get back."

I originally wanted to go directly to the mobile phone repair shop, but my brother volunteered to help me fix it.

After half a day of blowing with the hair dryer, pressing the power button, the phone vibrated a little, and he just showed a smacking smile on his face, and I almost looked at him with surprise.

The screen on the phone that had just lit up a little bit was dark as if it were going to make us happy.

Quiet as a chicken.

I sighed, and my brother didn't panic, but instead righteously said to me, "There is a specialty in the art industry."

The little brother who repairs the mobile phone is very enthusiastic, and after listening to my brother's explanation of adding oil and vinegar, he is very intimate and does not laugh out loud.

And he said to me, "It's a lot of trouble, you have to give me a night."

I stayed at my brother's house for one night.

The next morning I went over to get my phone, and my brother had already fixed it for me.

I had no problem with it, let out a breath, paid the money, and opened it as I walked to my brother's house.

Habitually open a message prompt, see the explosion of 99+, 99+, 99+ dumbfounded.

Quit re-entering and found out that it wasn't my delusion.

In the comments, there is a lot of "squatting", "fast change", "hahahahahahaha

I couldn't help but send another thought, "Good fellow, I didn't see you so enthusiastic when I opened the new pit, I thought I was a zombie fan."

Where is the follow-up, do you think this is a novel, and there is a follow-up. Do you think that I have a handsome WeChat and am different from you? It's not bad, I'm still me, the fireworks that emit a fragrance."

Saying that there is no follow-up, the heart is still secretly poking and poking there are some little girls looking forward to.

I landed on WeChat.

Only the official account and WeChat steps sent me messages.

This mobile phone actually can't receive the news of the handsome guy, is it time for me to change the phone?

I patted my brother, "Send me a message and see if I can get it."

The elder brother replied, "If there is no news, you should first reflect on yourself."

I blacked him out with my backhand.

It seems that this phone is targeting handsome guys.

I went to see the blacklist, and only my brother's lonely avatar lay there.

Suddenly lost the joy of brushing the phone.

I went home and watched One Night's One Hundred Years of Solitude.


On Monday, to watch students read early, I got up from bed with dark circles under my eyes, didn't bother to put on makeup, and rode a little electric donkey to school.

After a long morning, I returned to the office to be gased by the student's homework to a spike in blood pressure.

Halfway through the batch, I couldn't resist throwing the pen, covered my forehead and opened the phone, ready to calm down.

When I went to work, I used to mute my mobile phone, and there was a red label on WeChat, and I thought about it as a WeChat movement, so I didn't care.

Opened so-and-so, the private message exploded, flipped down from beginning to end, a red.

I clicked on one.

"I want to go crazy, so You think of such a Mary Sue thing, why don't you say that you have butterfly disease?" 」

Confused, I clicked on another one.


As you click on one private message after another.

My eyes widened irrepressibly.

I'm on fire.

Writing a novel for so long has no fire, because an idea is on fire.

There were hundreds of comments on both ideas.

Someone said, "I suspect that handsome guy brushed it too."

This review has more than a hundred likes.

My heart clucked, panicked like a dog cut to WeChat.

The solid black avatar is displayed on the top of the phone, with a red 3 on the right.

I shuddered as I opened, the first one from last night, a greeting meme.

The second is a screenshot.

It is a screenshot of a certain tone, the screenshot content is my idea, and there have been 1w+ likes.

The third is his problem.

"Is it you?"

Is that you??

Is that you???

be! you! Do it!

It was as if a frog was beating tirelessly in my chest, my heart was beating like thunder, my hands were shaking, and I clicked on the emoji, ready to ease the atmosphere.

But as soon as my hand slipped, I sent a panda head, the panda's head was red on both cheeks, and the bottom clearly wrote "dead ghost".

I breathed heavily and withdrew in seconds.

But it was too late.

The handsome guy sent me a string of ellipses.

"Hand slip."


The two messages came and went, and the screen went quiet again.

My eyes went black, my mind was dizzy, and I sent a dog's head over.

"It seems that this kind of thing is quite common, and there are people like us hahaha."

Believe it or not, I don't want to stay on Earth anymore.

But before I left Earth, I wanted to know if he believed me or not.

I waited for his reply.

He sent me a dog head.

I slammed my phone in rage.

What a good handsome guy, what a dog head!

Is this believing or not believing?

I even want to approve students' work.

"Teacher Shui, why is your face so red?"

The teacher in the office spoke to me.

I wanted to cry without tears, "The air conditioner is blowing, I go out to breathe."

When you stand up, your legs are not only soft, but you're also swinging.

The teacher looked at me deeply, and I walked down the hallway, covered my face and took a deep breath, blown by the cold wind, itching my nose and sneezing.

A student in the class ran over to me and handed me a piece of paper, and crisply asked me, "Teacher, are you uncomfortable?"

The teacher is not only uncomfortable, the teacher simply wants to die.

I thanked the little handsome man, plucked up the courage to open the phone, and the handsome man sent me a message again.

"Your memes are so interesting, can you send me some?"

No one knew how to break a jar better than I did, and I gave him more than two dozen different dog heads, and more than fifty panda heads.

He replied to me, "Hahahahahaha thank you."

Another dog's head squeezed with eyes was sent.

I replied to him, "No thanks, I still have little yellow chickens, little sharks, tearing cat heads here, do you want them?" I'll send it to you."

It's really me.

In this case, I actually calmed down strangely and chatted with him.

Memes are a great invention.

While he was adding memes, I went to the private message to find a link to click in, and went to the private message blogger to delete the video.

I found several, only one of them was quickly deleted, and the others either played tai chi with me or ignored me.

Out of anger, I reported it one morning.

Even in class, the class representative came to me.

I thought that when I entered the class, the class would be noisy and chaotic.

But no, they performed even better than usual.

Comforted my wounded heart.

Before class, I half-jokingly asked them, "Why are you so well-behaved today?"

The squad leader said, "Zheng Zixuan said you are sick."

Zheng Zixuan was the little handsome guy who handed me the paper.

My heart was burned, and I smiled at him and said, "Thank you."

It's so cute for kids.

When this word came together, the other children comforted me with their tongues, their thinking was wild, and the comforting words also made people cry and laugh.

I was about to cry, and a little boy asked me aloud, "Teacher, are you sick because you are out of love?"

The squad leader immediately retorted, "No! Teachers don't have boyfriends, right teachers?"

...... The bell rang just after class.

I walked away without looking back.

Thank you, squad leader.


This is the fourth day of my morning, I went directly to the canteen when I left the classroom, and at the moment when I sat down, the originally lively table suddenly fell silent.

Those teachers smiled and squinted at me, meaningful.

The leader of the grade group even gave me the chicken leg she had not eaten, "The little girl pays attention to her body, and it is better to eat more physique."

I suspect she has any other meaning, but I have no evidence.

I buried my head in the chicken leg, the teachers ate earlier than me, left earlier than me, and after they left, I opened my phone and found that the handsome guy had sent me a message.

It's still in the morning.

I was so preoccupied with reporting that I forgot to reply to him.

He said, "I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Zheng Yi."

I read it unconsciously, and the corners of my mouth couldn't help but hook up, "It seems that your parents want you to be a righteous person."

I regret sending it out, what a reply, ah, too embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing than when I took the UGC exam without a student.

My scalp was tingling, and Zheng Yi quickly replied to me, "Haha, yes, but many people will see Zheng Tie at first glance and say that I don't match my name."

He looked cheerful, and I was relieved, "I think it's quite in line, you look like a good citizen."

...... Help me? What am I talking about!

Add a dog head.

Before my dog's hair passed, he sent another one, "My name is okay, my brother's name is Zheng Zhi, hahahahaha."

I thought about it and sent it over, "A good family of citizens."

He hadn't replied to me in a while, and I suspected my response had depressed him.

I am sorry.

I sent a WeChat message to my mother, "I'm sorry Mom, I may have to trouble you to find someone to give me a blind date in the future."

I can't pinch it myself, and I will even strangle the flame of my own love.

My mother sent a voice, "You are an adult, can you not always think about relying on your mother?" Are you Mommy?"

Sorry to bother.

Love is distressing or teach. I sent a practice paper to the student.

After doing it yourself, walk down to see how they are doing the problem.

Turning around, stabilizing his blood pressure, he took the roll back to the office expressionlessly, and did not hold back to spit out a word.

"Always teach, always know, once the exam is not right." 」

The other teachers laughed, "You're not married, you're going to be angry when you get home if you have a child."

My temples jumped, "Then I'll do Dink."

They laughed and said nothing, and I put up with the liver torch to finish the roll and let the students take it home to sign.

Blocking parents and leaders sent a circle of friends.

"In the previous life, I killed pigs, and I taught in this life."

I threw away my phone, fell on the bed, went to take a shower in front of my sleepy eyes, but woke up, and then went on to watch "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

Truly an outstanding work of magic realism.

The reality is indeed very magical, I touched my phone and wrote on the platform's signature: Reprinting is prohibited.

I know it's useless, but I still want to say it.

I changed the signature for a while, and some readers caught the evidence of my online line and sent me private messages without stopping, urging me to change.

I bitterly sent him a panda head and said, "You give me an emotional intelligence lesson, maybe I may be able to get off the list, give you a follow-up."

"I don't care, you have to make up a follow-up."

It's really unreasonable.

He sent me another screenshot to give me a reward for a free novel.

I deleted word by word from the word "reason" and re-entered, "I will work hard."

So I sent an idea, a dog head and a panda head, with the text: Do you know what these two pictures represent? This means that you are not only inappropriate but also take bamboo shoots.

Sending it out, I commented on it myself: Today is also a day without falling off the horse.

Then cut the software, open WeChat, Zheng Yi's avatar did not move.

I clicked in and suddenly moved.

The pure black head turned into a lip-biting panda head in an instant.

I didn't understand, and I was shocked.

What's going on in the head of the handsome guy?

I couldn't resist asking him, "Good evening, why did you suddenly change your avatar?"

He replied, "Hahaha, I just think panda heads are cute."

I pressed back the urge to ellipise and went back hahaha.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet."

I was stunned, and then I remembered that I knew his name, but I didn't tell him mine.

"My name is Shui An'an."

"Good evening Teacher Shui."

I was still typing, and he sent another message, "I went to follow the author who had the same experience as us, and she also likes dog heads and panda heads, so coincidentally."

As soon as my heart stopped, I almost deleted the idea, but fortunately I stopped in time and did not explode my identity.

And he played haha, "Hey, it's the marketing hype, Bo traffic, there's nothing to pay attention to."


He typed slowly, "But I think the author is very sincere."

Thank you for identifying with my character.

But I now have some remorse for setting up my image so well.

"It's not early, I'll have to get up early tomorrow, good night."

Without waiting for him to reply, I gasped, recharged, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.

As long as I was confident, my vest was firmly on my body.


The roll that the students brought back was handed over this morning, and the originally regular appearance is now completely unrecognizable.

I drove the little bee, called people to the rolls one by one, and after reading the names of all the rolls, I said, "Stand up without a name."

Seven or eight people stood up in the class, and I asked them, "What about your papers?" Do you know that you are not in a hurry to destroy the evidence?"

Someone was smiling, I looked at it coldly, and the classroom was quiet again.

"Can I hand it in now?"

Some people have left their papers at home, some people can't find them, and some people forgot to hand them in the morning and only now they have to hand them over.

I looked closely at Dragon Fei Fengwu's signature and said to Zheng Zixuan, "Your father's name is Zheng Zhi?"

He nodded.

I sipped my lips, "It wasn't like this before your dad's handwriting."

Before, I could only see a messy arc with some kind of regularity.

Zheng Zixuan said, "My parents are out on a trip, and this is the name that my uncle signed for me."

I silently turned off the little bee and lowered my head, "Is your uncle's name Zheng Yi?"

His eyes widened, "Teacher, how do you know?"

I patted him on the head, got him back in his seat, and gave a lesson.

After class, I walked quickly back to the office and fell back in my chair.

This magical world.

Some teachers misunderstood and comforted me, "Just get used to it, the students in your class are smart, just careless, and it is enough to let them remember for a long time."

I responded with a few words, opened the platform, and clicked on the idea.

Want to send something.

I was afraid of dropping the vest.

A teacher in the office was discussing the theme class meeting at the end of this month and mentioned me.

"Teacher Shui, what are you going to do with that class?"

I'm not the head teacher, but the head teacher seems to have told me about it.

She said the theme of the class meeting was to thank parents.

So, she would ask the parents to come over.

She also said, "You can also go and see them, and by the way, mention their language scores."

I promised to come down, but...

Now I'm a little nervous, Zheng Zixuan's parents go on a trip, then it will be Zheng Yi who will come to give him a parent-teacher conference, and I will see him at school.

It's a bit like a netizen face base.

I sent a message to my mother again, "Mom, what should I pay attention to on blind dates?"

She called me, "Ann, your brother is laughing at you again?"

...... My brother is still on the blacklist.

"You are still young, you are not in a hurry to get married, marriage is a big thing, and you can't rush things in your life." 」

She said a bunch of things, and I distilled the central meaning: don't hate to marry.

But she still didn't tell me to pay attention to something.

I pulled my brother out of the blacklist and asked him, "What kind of girls do you men like?"

He would, "It's not like you anyway."

I sent him a knife.

He replied with a sweaty soybean face, "Really, I don't always like the cuteness of the emoji that the panda head dog head is all day long, right?"

first blood.

"There are also talks that come and go, that we talk comfortably, and that we don't talk to the sky to death."

double kill.

"There is a connotation, don't stare at people all day long when you see a handsome guy."

triple kill.

"Also, sincerity and kindness, will not deceive people."

quadra kill.

My heart trembled, "What if people like panda heads, Geng Zhi, don't mind looking at handsome guys, girls who have bitter intentions to hide?" 」

"You also said it was just in case, and there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand."

I didn't reply to him, he seemed to realize something.

"How?" Do you have someone you like anymore? Iron tree blossoming? Dead wood in spring?"

I blacked him out again.

Click on Zheng Yi's chat box and ask him, "What do you think of panda heads?"

He presumably took a lunch break and quickly replied to me, "It's cute."

A drop of blood came back.

"What about people who don't talk much and don't have a high emotional intelligence?"

He did not reply immediately, but after a few minutes, "This is nothing, some people will socialize, some people are more dull, this is not a criterion for judging whether a person is good or bad." 」

Two drops of blood were returned.

"If someone especially loves to look at handsome men and beautiful women, do you think they are very superficial?" 」

"Hahahahahaha, isn't that normal?" Why reject good people and things?"

Three drops of blood.

"Last question, if someone hides something from you out of bitterness, will you be angry?"

He sent a dog head, "People have secrets that they don't want people to know, and if they don't hurt others, respect is good."

Resurrection with full blood.

Sure enough, the difference between man and man is greater than the difference between man and pig.

I'm ready to see Zheng Yi at the end of the month.

...... It seems that nothing has changed from before.


I asked in my thoughts, "Friends, how do you make a good impression on the netizens?"

If it was me who pounced on the street before, I would only have a single-digit comment.

But now it's different, everyone is eating melon, and as soon as I had an idea, they thought they were cphe.

Maybe the response was a bit much for a while, and my phone stuck for a while.

The recent mobile phone has been used one by one, not as easy to use as the original, and the message has been delayed.

When I saw their reply, full of expectations were disappointed, they ate melons, and only ate melons, and did not give me any constructive advice, I only saw a field of melon fields.

Rolling it over, a familiar y caught my attention, and my back went cold.

Isn't he?

"Just be true to yourself."

Be true to yourself...

I seem to have been forced to be real in front of Zheng Yi all the time.

"Teacher, haven't you been upset lately?"

Zheng Zixuan gave me a lollipop.

"How do you see that?"

He pointed to my face, "You have a pimple on your face, and my mom gets acne every time she loses her temper."

I don't know what to say.

How did his uncle's emotional intelligence not fall on his nephew at all?

"Teacher, are you worried about your boyfriend?"

Don't ask, don't ask, ask is the mother-fetus solo.

"Teacher, what kind of boyfriend do you like?"

"What, you're going to introduce me?"

He actually nodded solemnly, "Yes, I have a little uncle, twenty-six years old, an engineer, a car and a house, handsome, hairy, not old, and now there is no girlfriend."

I deliberately teased him, "Your uncle should not lack objects under this condition."

He frowned, "He's too bored, stuffy, doesn't like to talk, has no socializing, dies when he goes to school, college is an engineering school that can't meet girls, the big masters who go to the office of the class, the grandmother is in a hurry, let him go on a blind date, he will run away with a few words."

He stopped and sighed, quite embarrassed, "Uncle is useless except for being handsome and a little rich, which girl will like him?"

...... Is this really his own uncle and nephew, and his uncle Zheng Yi and the Zheng Yi I know are really the same person?

I have a little doubt.

"But the teacher is different, you can't talk, you can't find a boyfriend, I think you two are a good match." 」

...... Thank you for your affirmation.

He brushed down a series of numbers with his small hand and stuffed them into my hand, "My uncle's phone, he will come at the class meeting, if you are shy, you can secretly see him during the class meeting."

I am here not to disappoint the class teacher and Zheng Zixuan.

On the day of the cold wave, I was personable in a trench coat.

After a few sneezes, the tip of the nose was flushed, and I didn't have to blush to see pity.

The director wanted to give me her fluorescent coat just in case, but I politely refused.

I saw Zheng Yi's stunned look as I wished.

He stood at the door of the classroom, attracting the attention of countless parents and teachers, but he was looking at me sideways.

There are already people who have a lot of meaning on their faces.

My face was hot, a trance, and Zheng Yi had already walked towards me.

"Water Teacher?"

I nodded.

"You... Not cold?"

It was quite cold.

Clear-eyed people can see it, and you still ask!

Ask, no wonder you're handsome and single.

The next second, my body was warm, and I had an extra black coat on the outside of my trench coat.


Zheng Zixuan waved at Zheng Yi from the classroom and ran out with a small short leg.

Look at his uncle, who is only wearing a sweater.

Look at me again in his uncle's coat.

Hesitantly, he shouted at me, "Little aunt?"

Zheng Yi immediately covered his mouth and said to me, "I'll go to the class first, Teacher Shui, when are you going to leave work?"

I answered him softly, and Zheng Zixuan took Zheng Yi's hand and said, "Teacher, are you uncomfortable in your throat?" Why is it so small?"

...... Do you want me to talk with a little bee?

"Teacher, do you want me to help you get the little bee?"

I grinned at the corners of my mouth, "Thank you, teacher, you don't have to, you go to class."

The corners of Zheng Yi's mouth revealed a small pear vortex again, which was particularly small, "I'll go to you after class later."

I blushed and nodded.

"Why are you looking for water..."

I covered Zheng Zixuan's mouth and sent him into the classroom, interlacing my eyes with Zheng Yi, "The office has air conditioning, and you still have to wear a coat."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of the cold."

Said and held out his hand to me.

"My palms are still hot."

He saw me looking at him in shock, blinked, and put his hand back, "I'll go to the class first."

"Oh well." I hurriedly gave way to him and went back to the office with my hot face covered.

There was still a teacher in the office, and when he saw me, he sighed, "Teacher Shui, where did you get this dress?" I didn't see you in the morning."

I didn't know how to explain it, but just as another teacher came in and said, "Teacher Shui, that parent is your boyfriend, he looks really handsome."

"No, it's not."

The two teachers looked at each other, reached a tacit understanding that I did not understand, and laughed vaguely, "Don't be embarrassed, I already saw that you had a boyfriend."

"It's nice to be young."

What are they lamenting?

How do they see that?


The teacher in the office was gone, and I brushed my phone, ashamed to say that as a novel author, some of the first groups were not readers but cp fans.

But I'm going to call the readership.

I had a ride-to-face chat with the reader.

They were more excited than I was, asking me how my face was.

I said, "I think it's still wide."

Then they started the.

I just wanted to say that he gave me his coat, and suddenly I hesitated to think that he would be in this group.

On second thought, he's in class right now, and I'm saying now that the news will definitely be brushed up when he leaves class.

So I confidently sent a shy panda head, "He gave me his coat."

Sure enough, in a few seconds, the screen was full of "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Blame it.

I couldn't suppress the corners of my mouth, and the bell rang at the end of class.

I turned off the air conditioner and the office lights, picked up my bag and walked outside.

I saw Zheng Yi leading Zheng Zixuan over.

I clenched my hands, and my heart began to beat faster, reaching its peak as Zheng Yi approached, so much so that I could hear my own rumbling heartbeat as I spoke.

I opened my mouth and found that I didn't know what to call him.

"Teacher Shui." He called out to me.

I looked at the past expectantly.

He asked, "How is Zheng Zixuan's Chinese grades?" I read the volume he took home last time, and many of them were basic points lost, and reading comprehension was also very poor, is there a way to improve this?"

He came to me for Zheng Zixuan's language score?

I've got a big self-inflicted amorous?

"Uncle, I'm hungry, so please let me eat with Teacher Shui."

Zheng Zixuan tugged at Zheng Yi's sweater.

Zheng Yi looked down at him and then at me, "Teacher Shui, are you free to eat with us?"

Or else? Am I staying off work to save the cost of the air conditioner at home?

Are you so reluctant to invite me to dinner? One sentence is bumpy.

I smiled and didn't laugh, "I'm free, but I..."

No, can't go, if I leave, won't I be frozen in vain? I turned my words sharply and said to Zheng Yi, who was looking at me with his eyes, "Okay, what to eat?"

Zheng Yimei had a little smile in his eyes, and then sneezed.

I raised an eyebrow and returned his coat to him, "You still have to wear it, don't get cold."

He took Zheng Zixuan's hand and said as he walked outside, "It doesn't matter, it will be warmer in a moment when you get in the car."

As soon as the air conditioner in the car was turned on, my hands were warm.

Zheng Zixuan held my hand and sighed, "Teacher, go out to see the weather forecast, the weather is getting colder, you are a girl, weak, it is easy to have a fever and a cold."

I blamed Zheng Zixuan, this child's emotional intelligence is old.

Zheng Yi looked in the rearview mirror from time to time, looking at it to say something, but he was indeed as Stuffy as Zheng Zixuan said.

I was angry and found that I couldn't blame him, after all, he didn't say anything else, it was my own thoughts.

So I took the initiative to talk to him, "Thank you for the coat."

"You're welcome, what does Teacher Shui want to eat?"

Zheng Zixuan yawned at this time, and I asked him, "What do you want to eat?"

He came to his senses in an instant, and just said a word "I", Zheng Yi coughed again, and when he finished coughing, Zheng Zixuan said, "What the teacher eats I eat."

All kinds of bright signs flashed on the side of the road, and I thought for a while and proposed, "It's a strange cold day, let's eat hot pot."

Zheng Zixuan immediately cheered, took my hand and slapped him.

The nearby shopping mall was brightly lit, the waiter of the hot pot shop led us to the seat to sit down, Zheng Yi and I scanned the code, ordered the Mandarin duck pot, I was in line with the purpose of leaving a good impression on Zheng Yi, eating very little, Zheng Yi did not eat much, only Zheng Zixuan ate happily.

I made a note to him in my heart: I don't like to eat hot pot.

Some people don't like to eat hot pot!

Just when my thinking was diverging, he suddenly opened his mouth, "Teacher Shui, how do you see how Zheng Zixuan's language should progress?"


Zheng Zixuan and I looked at each other, and he blinked, and immediately jumped out of his chair, "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

Ran away with a cigarette.

I put down my chopsticks, put my hands crossed on the table, and looked at Zheng Yi, "Mr. Zheng, you asked me to come out just to talk to me about Zheng Zixuan's Language scores?"

Through the steaming mist, his ears seemed to be red, and in the middle of the night, he raised his eyes, and his eyes were a little helpless, "I want to talk to you, but I don't know what to talk about."

A straight ball hit me a little confused, how do I get back to this? A bit embarrassed.

"Talk, play... Bounce away crow's feet?"

I closed my mouth, but he laughed, and there was a tendency to become more and more intense, and he suppressed his smile with his mouth tightly, but the eyes bent into crescents could not hide it.

I laughed twice and ate with my head down.

When Zheng Yi sent me home, his coat was still on me, and the tip of his nose was blown red by the wind.

At the door of the community, he suddenly coughed, I looked over, he silently said to the tip of his nose, "Teacher Shui, can I still talk to you later?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Talk about Zheng Zixuan's Chinese grades?"

He shook his head hurriedly, slightly raised his mouth, and the small pear vortex on the side of his cheek was particularly obvious, "I don't know how to chat with others, it's okay to chat on WeChat, but it's a little too late to face it." So..."

"You don't sneak up on Tutorials when you chat with me on WeChat, do you?"

His ears became more rosy, and he didn't know whether they were frozen or shy, his eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly the corners of his mouth drew a shallow smile.

"Can Teacher Shui teach me?"

I was stunned, and I didn't know how he interpreted my expression, and suddenly my speech became faster, "I can pay the tuition."

After my heart suddenly jumped, I couldn't help but smile, "Forget it, I didn't give you your money when I stole it, so it cancels out each other."

Mom, I don't have to go on a blind date, there is a big handsome guy trying to find a way to seduce me.


On Saturdays, I don't have to get up early, I sleep until eleven o'clock in the afternoon, and when I wake up, the readership is asking me about my progress.

I drew the corners of my mouth, "It's going well!"

It stuck for a while before it was sent out, and I complained and didn't care.

I drank ginger tea before going to bed last night, no cold, just a little hungry now.

Just ordered takeaway, WeChat rang, Zheng Yi called me early in the morning, so studious?

I cleared my throat, calmed my heartbeat, answered the phone, and before the word "hello" was finished, Zheng Zixuan's voice came from the opposite side.

"Teacher, my uncle has a fever, what should I do?"

That's what he calls not being afraid of the cold?


What can I do, take him to the hospital.

The first time I entered the man's house, although it was my own student's home, I was still a little nervous, so I pulled my brother out of the blacklist and sent him a location.

"Call me in half an hour."

He didn't reply to the message, but he was free at this time and could definitely see it.

I let out a breath, rang the doorbell, and there was the sound of the slippers stepping on the ground from inside the door, and when I stopped at the door for a while, there was the sound of tables and chairs rubbing against the ground.

After a while, the door opened, and Zheng Zixuan opened the door for me to change my shoes, and there was a small stool next to the Xuan fantasy wall.

This is the sound of friction just now.

"Teacher, I just looked at the cat's eye and couldn't open the door for you in time."

I touched his head, "You're doing the right thing."

"What about your uncle?"

He led me inside, "He's sleeping with his medicine, but I'm scared."

The first time I entered the man's bedroom, I was a little excited.

This room is probably a guest room, not much stuff, a bag bulging on the bed, up and down, breathing in and out.

I put my bag on the bedside table and took out the thermometer I bought by the way.

Gently patting Zheng Yi awake, "Open your mouth and take your temperature."

Confused and obedient, he opened his mouth to take the thermometer in it, and then closed his eyes again. He was a head taller than me, and usually only knew that he was handsome, but he didn't have the opportunity to look at him carefully.

Only today did I find out that his eyelashes were dark and dense, long enough for me to be lemon. There are faint dark circles under the eyes, probably not resting well. The bridge of the nose was very straight, and the brow bone was high, trying to let people know how deep his eyes were when they were opened.

The most amazing thing is that he has lip beads, whew, good envy, good like.

I pulled out my phone, looked at Zheng Zixuan, who was curled up next to me, and said to him, "The teacher is a little thirsty, where is the water in your house?"

He immediately stood up, "I'll pour it."

At this time, I secretly took a photo and set it as a screensaver for my mobile phone, and as soon as I opened my phone, I could see this picture, which was almost ten years longer.

After ten minutes, I took the thermometer out of his mouth, 37.4, and it was ok.

Relieved, I walked out of the bedroom and asked Zheng Zixuan to take me to the kitchen and asked, "Have you eaten?"

He shook his head, "Uncle cooked porridge in the morning."

It's 12 o'clock now and I'm definitely hungry.

I opened the fridge and there were noodles, green vegetables and mushrooms, and half a chicken.

He first cooked a bowl of vegetable egg noodles for Zheng Zixuan to eat before he began to cook chicken soup.

The chicken soup took a long time to cook, so I covered the lid and zheng zixuan laid a mat on the floor of the guest room and played checkers.

In my ears was the shallow breathing sound of Zheng Yi, and Zheng Zixuan and I both lowered our voices.

The doorbell rang suddenly.

Zheng Zixuan and I looked at each other, stood up together and walked to Xuan Xian, I first looked at the cat's eyes, "It's an aunt."

Zheng Zixuan stood on a stool, looking at the cat with his eyes, "Grandma!"

He hurriedly opened the door, and the smile on my aunt's face froze at the moment he saw me, and within a few seconds a bigger smile broke out.

She stepped in, closed the door, pushed Zheng Zixuan, who was standing in front of her, to the side, and put the vegetable bag on the table next to Xuan Xian, directly taking my hand.

Good handsome, what is your name and what do you do?

I was stunned and honestly replied, "Shui An'an is a primary school Chinese teacher."

She smiled even happier and led me into the living room.

"How did you meet Zheng Yi?" How long have you known each other?"

I chose between the two of them on the road and the parent-teacher meeting, saying, "I am Zheng Zixuan's Chinese teacher, and yesterday Zheng Yi went to the parent-teacher meeting for the children."

She looked stunned, "Then you're not..."

"What's not?"

"It's all right, Teacher Shui, are you here to visit your home today?"

"No, Zheng Zixuan called me to say that his uncle had a fever and was afraid, so I came here."

"Oh, so, teacher, you are so nice, Zheng Yi has a fever and you come over... Zheng Yi has a fever?"

I nodded.

She hurriedly got up, but her figure suddenly stopped.

"Mom, how did you get here?"

Zheng Yi stood at the door of the guest room, facing the living room, his voice was obviously hoarse, inexplicably a little stained with the smell of lust.

My ears were faintly hot.

"I'm going to cook for you, it's not healthy to eat takeout all the time."

I suddenly remembered the chicken soup I had cooked, trotted into the kitchen, not overheated, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Yi followed in, and the kitchen was forced to stand up in an instant.



He and I spoke at the same time, and at the same time there was silence.

"Sorry, but the phone at the head of the bed just kept vibrating, and I thought it was me and answered the phone."

I suddenly thought of the message I sent to my brother before entering the door, took the phone from his hand, pressed the power button, but it was still a black screen.

Looking at the black screen, I suddenly remembered the screensaver I had just changed.

Help me! I immediately turned my head to look at him.

Zheng Yi touched his neck with some discomfort, "I said hello, and a man on the other side began to scold me, but he shut down without scolding two sentences, and I don't know why."

...... I probably knew why my brother scolded him.

The phone didn't turn on, so I borrowed it from him and suddenly found that I couldn't remember my brother's phone number.

Zheng Yi asked me to insert the phone card into his idle mobile phone, I called my brother, but no one answered.

He sat down on the couch, took my phone apart, checked it for a while, looked at me, "Your phone has been repaired?"

"You weren't there when you were practicing?"

He restored the phone, "The motherboard was replaced."

That little brother looked intimate, and actually had me behind his back!

At this time, my brother called back, I connected and heard him gasping like a broken bellows, trying to make him gasp for a while to catch his breath, but I didn't expect him to hold his breath, and I heard him swallowing.

Then his voice came over, although the voice was still unstable, but very calm, "I am her brother, now downstairs in your house, you can ask for money, don't move her."


I looked at Zheng Yi, who shook his head inexplicably.

"Brother, what do you think?"

It was quiet there for a while, and before long my gentle and easy-going brother, whom I had mixed with when I was a young man, broke out and scolded, the kind of dirty words that could not pass the trial or had to be silenced.

I was so vain that I turned off the speakerphone when the momentum was not right, and went to the balcony to whisper.

This also led to a series of questions that I could not interrupt him.

Finally, while he was taking a breath, I quickly explained, "My phone is broken, the man is my student's uncle, he is sick, the student is afraid to call me, I have nothing with him, he did not force me." 」

He breathed a sigh of relief, "You are a girl, your mobile phone is broken, you dare to run to a man's house, do you have a brain?" Is there no one in his house but you? Do you know that Lao Tzu almost..."

"Almost what?"

"Almost went to pick a feng shui treasure for you!"

I admit my mistake sincerely.

He calmed down, "Come down, follow me."


"But what' the point, you don't come down and Lao Tzu's head is pouting for you, don't hang up the phone, I'll see you in less than a minute, otherwise Lao Tzu will call the police."


I knew my brother's dog temper, too late to explain it to them, said goodbye, picked up the bag and rushed downstairs.

My brother stood at the door of the community with his waist crossed, steaming hot on his body, and a poor little yellow car lay at his feet.

With a clear murderous look in his eyes, he rushed towards me... Behind you.

I immediately grabbed Zheng Yi's arm and said to him in a low voice, "How did you get down?" My brother will hit people!"

He was the runner-up in karate in the province at university.

Zheng Yi patted my hand and said softly, "It's all right."

I was angry that he didn't listen to good people, and suddenly felt a chill hit, I looked up, and faced the four big words in my brother's eyes, "You are doomed."

However, the fight scene I expected did not take place, and after a friendly conversation, my brother even agreed to Zheng Yi sending us away.

In the car, I sat like a needle felt, sitting in the back seat, Zheng Yi and my brother one drove, one sat in the co-driver, you come and go, talk and laugh.

My brother is an eight-faced exquisite character, seeing people talking about people, seeing ghosts talking about ghosts, Zheng Yi is not timid at all, where there is a half-cramp in front of me.

Damn, go back and let my brother publish a book: The Art of Talking

When passing by a shopping mall, my brother asked Zheng Yi to stop the car, he went out for a trip, and when he came back, he threw a box into my hand.

I opened it blindfolded, it was a new phone.

I almost burst into tears, he grew up grabbing spicy strips with me, when was it so generous.

"Replace the mobile phone and return it to others, the family still doesn't hurt you, a broken mobile phone is not good, I don't know how to change it."

While changing the mobile phone card, I wondered, is our family style not a new era of equality between men and women, independence and autonomy?

When did I have a pain, and when I was beaten, I didn't see weakness.

But I didn't say it, handed him Zheng Yi's mobile phone, and he casually put it in his pocket.

When I got to the place where my brother picked up the car, there was a ticket on it, and it was fortunate that it was not a traffic fortress, otherwise my conscience would be uneasy.

My brother took the ticket down, sighed, glanced at Zheng Yi, and Zheng Yi's brow moved, "I'll pay the fine."

I tugged at his sleeve, and he calmed him down, and looked up, and my brother was staring at me again.

"I'm sorry, otherwise, let's add a WeChat, and you can transfer it to me on WeChat."

This familiar word...

But the difference between me and my brother is that I transfer money and he collects money.

My brother added WeChat as he wished, I said goodbye to Zheng Yi, sat on my brother's co-pilot, and before he could fasten his seat belt, my brother fired and turned on the Bluetooth in the car to call my sister-in-law.

"Daughter-in-law, take our washboard to the living room."

My heart skipped a beat, and I said weakly, "Corporal punishment is not advisable."

Zheng Yi is not here, my brother is exposed, scolded me, if the language is a knife, then I am now full of holes, half of my body is not successful.

"Next time, do you dare to go to the strange man's house?"

I weakly retorted, "That's my student's parent."

He sneered coldly, "People's hearts are separated from their stomachs, do you know your students and you know Zheng Yi?" He's a little nicer to you and you're muddy? Our family did not spoil you much, but did not treat you harshly, you have also seen good, other people's families are good to you, you are moved not to know the southeast, south, and northwest, there is no interest."

"I don't feel like he's that kind of person."

"That's your luck, what if you're unlucky?" No, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, you're out of luck? Meet a bad one, you stupid paste it, do you see if I have time to save you?" 」

I sat up straight, ready to be scolded.

My sister-in-law played a round field, my brother looked better, entered the community, first went to the mobile phone repair shop to get justice for me, he sprinkled a breath, came out of the mood obviously changed, and changed back to the original lazy look.

Don't say that brother doesn't hurt you, your mobile phone has a total of more than six thousand four hundred, brother added four hundred to you, six thousand you will transfer to me as soon as possible.


"You bought it for me, and I didn't ask you."

He nodded, "It's all because of Zheng Yi, I bought it for you, or I went to him to ask for the six thousand yuan."



When I got home, I blurred the specific process, cried about my six thousand yuan in my thoughts, and angrily rebuked my brother for the means of robbery.

I didn't expect that the bottom side praised my brother for his sense of security.

There is also the saying that I do owe it to consideration.

I know it's wrong, don't scold, don't scold, never again.

I sent a message to Zheng Yi, "I'm home, I'll pay the money for the ticket."

Then give him the money.

He didn't take it, but called me, his fever not quite healed, and his slightly hoarse voice passed through the handset as if it were talking in his ear.

"Your brother is right, girls' safety is important. I should warn Zi Xuan not to call you. It's my problem."

"Ah... Don't blame yourself, I forgot to reply to my brother's message, the phone is broken again, it's not your problem."

He coughed twice, and I asked him, "How's your fever going?"

"It's almost fine, just a little cough."


Suddenly, there was only the sound of the two of us breathing.

I suddenly remembered Zheng Zixuan's evaluation of the two of us, one does not like to talk, and the other does not speak.

That's right.

My hand casually grabbed, touched a cardboard, glanced at it, opened my mouth and said, "What do you think of the book "One Hundred Years of Solitude?""

yes...... What I was saying, I was already starting to regret it.

He laughed lowly, and the laughter went through the earpiece into my ears and only burned my whole body.

"Compared to magic realism, I prefer to read some of the romantic books."

"For example?"

"Journey to the West"

"..." I was silent for a long time, "Hmm... I seem to know why you're single."

He laughed, his tone with unspeakable lightness and pleasure, "I will read other books in the future and teach me love, will you recommend it to me?"

"Yes, I can push you now."

"Well, I listen."

"Dream of the Red Chamber"

This time he was silent, "Maybe, I want to see some love stories that end well."

"Oh." I grabbed the cover of the book, tilted my head and thought, "At first glance, I can't think of it."

"So, will you be free to go to the library with me tomorrow?"

The little frog jerked violently twice in my chest, and I muttered, "Yes."

I hung up the phone and found my readership, "Big news! He asked me to go to the library!"

With the first hair, "My cp has come true!" There are countless +1s.

I smiled and looked at the screen, and vaguely saw a familiar name.

I searched among the group members, typed "Y", and sure enough, there was this person.

Isn't it, isn't it?

I opened Zheng Yi's WeChat, deleted and subtracted, "You... So what..."

I really didn't have the courage to send it out and cut to the readership.

"If you see it, send me a message on WeChat."

Despite the explosion in the group, my palms were sweating and I was holding my phone with my heart, after two minutes.

The screen, which had been slightly dimmed, lit up.

Zheng Yi's WeChat message popped up, and my face was like dead ash.

He sent me a dog head!

I hate dog heads now!

"When did you know?"

"I knew it the first time I asked you."

...... My heart was dead.

"Why don't you expose me?"

"Because you don't want me to know."

I really am, have nothing to say.

"Since you don't want me to know that you know, why do you want to leave me a message?"

"I don't want to hide from you, so I'll tip you."

A few seconds later, he sent another one, "And so many people are sending it, I didn't expect you to notice me."

He really doesn't understand the heart of the author of the street, and I am very excited to read every comment, okay?

Although I haven't written it in a long time...

"Do you at least change your name, do you use one name for all your platforms?"


"My name has changed."

I went to take a look, not Y, replaced by 浂, and his "Yi" pronunciation.

I covered the little frog that had jumped up and asked him calmly, "How did you change that name?"

"I have this word in my mother's name."

He can now use the dog's head very flexibly, but I hate myself who gave him the dog's head in the first place.

"But that's not the reason."

I sent him a question mark dog head.

"Teacher Shui is a Chinese teacher, so you should be able to see it."

My fingertips moved unconsciously, and sent him a voice, "Zheng Yi, are you going to search for tutorials on the Internet again?"

He did not reply to the message for a moment, "The other party is typing..."

Eventually he sent me a small red-faced panda head.

"I'm still learning, and I'll innovate later."


He and I did not officially break the window paper, as if it was natural, the water came to fruition, I pretended to touch his hand inadvertently, he did not hesitate, immediately shook back, asked me, "Teacher Shui, am I a teacher?"

Not only is he a teacher, he has got the teacher done.

At the end of November, I sent out an idea, "Tao Baibai said that Capricorn will take peach blossom luck in November, and I believe it."

The first comment at the bottom is a panda head emoji with the id "浂".

"I'll go, is this an official announcement?"

"Did my cp really come true?!"

"I'm like a dog."

I watched the comments as I was overwhelmed with joy, and Zheng Yi held her phone on the sliding screen.

"Are you reading the comments too?"

He shook his head, "I'm reading your novel."


I immediately jumped up to grab his phone, only to be thrown into his arms, and my forehead hit his chin.

"Nothing to look at!!!

"It's also a way of learning," he said, holding his phone up high, so I couldn't reach it, "and, reading your novels, you can better understand your point of view."

I was ashamed to death.

"Why can't you ask me directly and read my novel?"

He was silent for a while, and he was really thinking.

"Isn't my member's money wasted?"

I snatched his mobile phone and hid it behind him, "If you want to send a picture to a member, you send a panda head every day, don't lose."

So he really launched the panda head in his mind, more than fifty days, every day is different.

Those who pay attention to him for the sake of bumping cp are afraid that they will not think he is a fool.

Zheng Yi also listened to those people's words, removed the watermark, and after sending the panda head, he launched the dog head...

In addition to commenting on my answer to the idea, it is a daily punch like a love pack, without wasting his day's membership.

I couldn't resist asking him, "Do you lack this money for membership?"

He showed the small pear vortex at the corner of his mouth, "Some people may know your story because of the memes, and a large part of the people will read your novels out of curiosity and inexhaustible mood, and fill in my story with me and you." Well...... That's the joy of bumping cp."

I was in tears.

He's an angel!

He really has to study hard and innovate hard!

I hung up on his neck and kissed his chin, "How do you like me?"

His hand was on my waist.

"It was love at first sight, and it was also a heartbeat."

Fan wai Zheng Yi

Zheng Yi is a boring person.

He was a handsome and boring man.

So he has no shortage of suitors, both men and women, but they are tired of his face, and after understanding his soul, they choose to leave.

The skin bag will grow old, and the beauty of the wood will hate him as a piece of wood.

Zheng Yi doesn't care about these, and in his world, the proportion of love is not large, so he has always adhered to the attitude of indifference.

Until his brother and sister-in-law went on a tour, he went to pick up his little nephew from school.

When she met a girl pushing a small electric car and a pair of smiling eyes came out, covered in hair, wearing a simple yellow sweatshirt and jeans, she greeted the students, greeted the teacher, did not see him, but he felt the heart beating violently.

He remembered a line that came to his heart.

"We will meet many people in our lives, some of them are dull, some are brightly colored, some are brilliant. But occasionally, you'll meet a rainbow-like person. When you do meet, other people become rushing clouds."

"Rainbow-like people..."

It looked like that.

He began to look forward to the next time he went to pick up Zheng Zixuan, but he didn't have to wait, and the next day, he took the subway because of the car warranty.

So he saw a rainbow again in a floating cloud.

And she was watching him too...

He even squinted his eyes, which made him a little restless.

He was relieved to see her bow her head, but his heart was a little lost.

As a result, the next second, he was caught off guard by looking at her.

Then it seemed to scare her.

Zheng Yi touched his face, and for the first time doubted his appearance.

The sight flickered and landed on the small pink umbrella.

He told her to wait, but there were so many people on the subway that he couldn't squeeze it out, and she didn't hear it.

He had to get off at the next stop and take the subway back, hoping that she was still where she was.

The moment he saw her back, he was relieved.

Handed her the umbrella, but did not know what to say, and he did not want to waste this opportunity.

After saying that, he regretted it, and it seemed to blame her for saying this.

It was interesting soul, he thought.

When she was flustered and incoherent.

Zheng Yi had a rare wit, "Give you a discount?"

Then he got his wish.

He waited for her to send him a red envelope or a transfer so that he could reject the money and logically open the conversation.

But until the next night, there was no news from the chat box he was going to keep an eye on.

He was a little anxious, had she forgotten about him?

Zheng Yi once again became suspicious of his appearance.

He searched the Internet, how to say hello skillfully.

Some people say that publish love bags.

He sent memes, but the stone sank into the sea.

This night he did not fall asleep, got up from bed, lay down, got up, downloaded various popular social software, and learned social skills.

So he saw the screenshot.

He stayed up until eight o'clock in the morning, sent her a screenshot, and asked her, "Is it you?"

He already had the answer in mind, and although he was not good at communicating, cleverness was one of his few virtues.

He went again to search for how to chat with girls.

Someone answered: Hahaha is a universal sentence to alleviate embarrassment.

Some people say: you can chat along the style of words that girls like, such as ~, such as overlapping words, such as onomatopoeia, such as memes.

He wrote them down one by one and applied what he had learned.

Got good feedback.

But this mechanical application is too rigid, and in the face of quick-witted people, these are not always feasible.

He flipped to her new circle of friends and realized that teaching students was an entry point, so he immediately wrote it down again.

Try to get her attention, but don't get the other person to resent it.

He thought about it and gave himself a picture of a meme she liked.

Sure enough, he had untraceable temptations to test her, deepening her impression of him, and for today's behavior, he could give himself 89 points.

The remaining 11 points, to chase her and give, otherwise he is 11 of the two sticks.

If you don't succeed, you become a benevolent person.

She took the initiative to send him a message, and he was surprised and a little confused, and there was a vague worry, afraid that she would never want to pay attention to him again if she knew he was a boring person.

"What do you think of panda heads?"

He thought it was a bit funny, but a nice social tool, so he chose the word cute.

He was immediately shocked, isn't that describing him?

He worded it for a long time before he came up with a good answer, "This is not the standard by which a person is good or bad."

Yes, that's it, although he doesn't talk much and his emotional intelligence is not high, but he is very good.

Zheng Yi felt a little tricky because he was in love at first sight, but there was another saying about love at first sight called seeing color.

He must resolve this embarrassment and justify love at first sight.

He didn't express his heart now, because he wanted to do it slowly, and this also... Nothing, right?

He felt that he should answer well.

Zheng Zixuan and he said that the Chinese teacher in their class knew his name, so he asked about it and got a surprising answer.

He knew they had a class meeting on Friday, and although he didn't know if he could see her, he still picked out clothes for a while and went to school with trepidation.

Before seeing her, he was like a walking dead, after seeing her, it seemed that there were special effects in front of his eyes, and everything around him was blurred, and only she was clear.

He was stunned for a moment before he subconsciously walked over to her, he hesitated, a little afraid to confirm.

After receiving an affirmative answer, he did not know what to say.

I happened to remember the homework I had done, "Always pay attention to the other person's state."

So he asked, "Aren't you cold?"

Another sentence rang in my head, say less and do more.

He draped his coat over her.

Zheng Zixuan was an accident, and he took the liberty of saying "little aunt", which immediately made Zheng Yi alarm bells.

Be measured and not make the other person feel uncomfortable.

He covered Zheng Zixuan's mouth.

Before a brief separation, they made an appointment to meet, and she was still concerned about whether he was cold or not.

Zheng Yi stretched out his hand to prove the authenticity of his words, but looking at her shyness, he realized that his behavior was still a bit rash.

In the theme class meeting class, the class teacher is very good at grasping the rhythm and atmosphere, but he is absent-minded, after all, he is only an uncle and his feelings are not in place.

He asked Zheng Zixuan about her, and Zheng Zixuan said, "Chinese teacher, it looks good to laugh, but the class is fierce!"

He covered his mouth again.

He didn't like to hear that.

He thought about what he wanted to talk to her about in a class, and when he thought about it, he found that it was only Zheng Zixuan, but she was angry.

He didn't understand.

It was cold today, and his head hurt a little, but he didn't care.

Because all his attention was on her.

He also wanted to eat with her, but he was afraid of refusal, and he was afraid of her embarrassment.

So there was a little bit of timidity in his heart.

The result was that she was going to return the coat.

Maybe girls are really not afraid of the cold.

He remembered that the girls in his college could still wear short skirts in the winter, and he looked cold.

People's physiques are really different.

At night he felt uncomfortable, but did not care, knowing that the next day was top-heavy, sore throat, hot head, he realized that it was not OK,

He cooked porridge for Zheng Zixuan, ate anti-fever pills and slept down, only to ask Zheng Zixuan not to run around and not to open the door for strangers.

When he heard her voice, he thought he was dreaming, so he obediently accepted her care and slept even sweeter.

The vibration of the mobile phone at the head of the bed disturbed his beautiful dreams, which made him a little irritable, and he was even more inexplicable when he heard the insults of the strange man across from him.

The mobile phone in his hand suddenly turned off, the man's voice suddenly stopped, he opened his eyes, looked at the mobile phone for a while, suddenly sat up and almost fell back.

It wasn't his phone.

that...... Whose is this?

He went to the living room, saw her, and followed her to the kitchen, which turned out it wasn't a dream.

So what is the relationship between that man and her?

He checked her phone for her and heard the grumpy male voice suppressing his anger.

Good thing it's just brother.

Although his head was swollen and unconscious, he also knew that this matter could not be left alone, so he followed.

Met her brother.

He apologized and sent them away, obediently listening to her brother's beatings and pressures, as well as his maintenance and love for his sister.

The fine was secondary, and he knew her brother didn't trust him and had to have a channel to contact him to see him.

He didn't mind either.

Zheng Zixuan listened to his grandmother's urging of Zheng Yi and also had the heart to help, but this may indeed endanger her safety, and he still did not consider it thoroughly.

Her brother later said to him, "You're not bad, and if you hadn't come down with her that day, I wouldn't have put her in your hands."

Fortunately, he was a rational and good person, obedient to his heart, and he also seized the opportunity.

He studied again and again, groped again and again, and talked with her very happily and agreed.

He realized that he might be a piece of wood or a piece of wood that could not support the wall, but there was a kind of spring that could make him work hard to rejuvenate, and the dead wood was springy.

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