
Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

author:A purse that will eat

When summer arrives, you can enjoy a variety of summer delicacies. Chilled watermelon, ice cream, smoothies are all my favorite foods, but after a big meal, I always feel that I have no energy, my face is sallow, and the toilet is not clean... Fortunately, I was instructed by my aunt to eat some ginger and dates every day. As the saying goes: eat turnips in winter and eat ginger in summer. Summer is a good time to eat ginger, and since ancient times, there have been eclipses of three dates, immortality. Ginger and dates are good partners, but it is very troublesome to eat and cook fresh every day, and few people can stick to it, is there a more convenient way? Here I will teach you a trick: ginger and red dates are a perfect match, teach you a simple way, make a drink for a summer, eat as you go.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Ginger and dates are a natural pair. Why? The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and in order to cool down, we hid in the air-conditioned room and ate a variety of cold foods and cold drinks, and even ate watermelon and cucumbers to be chilled for a while. This does make us cool for a while, but after excessive greed, our spleen and stomach will be particularly cold, and it may not be so easy to relax in the summer.

Eating ginger in the summer is in season, "eat ginger every day, race past drink ginseng soup". Ginger in ginger can drive away the cold, go to the damp, you can eat ginger alone, a little difficult to swallow, add some red dates! Red dates are not only delicious, nutrition is also very rich, it is known as the "king of vitamins" reputation, often eat some dates can also nourish the spleen and stomach, for women, children and the elderly are of great benefit. How can dates and ginger be eaten better?

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

There are many ways to cook ginger and red dates, boil ginger date tea, boil ginger date paste... But ginger jujube tea has to be boiled every day, I think it is too troublesome to do so, and boiling ginger jujube paste takes several hours, and I feel that it is not convenient enough. Fortunately, the method I developed is simpler, cutting red dates and ginger into strips, putting them in a soy milk machine and cooking, brewing a cup every morning, really delicious. Doing this once is enough to drink all summer, and it is really convenient to eat and take as you want.

The method of this ginger and red date is: homemade ginger date juice, the method will be seen once, but in the process of making, there are some precautions that you must know. The purse will be explained for you in the detailed production steps below.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

How to make homemade ginger date juice? The detailed methods will be sorted out for you to see below.

500 g ginger, 250 g dates, 150 g brown sugar. Although eating ginger and red dates in summer has many benefits, only at the right time and with the right method can it be more effective with half the effort, what is the correct drinking method and taboo of ginger jujube juice? (Explained at the end of the article), you must remember to read.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Take a piece of ginger first, and the large piece of ginger can be broken into small pieces first, so that the soil in the cracks can be easily washed. Sprinkle a small spoonful of salt on the surface of the ginger, scrub it repeatedly, and wash it with salt not only to remove the impurities on the surface of the ginger, but also to play a role in sterilization.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Pour the dates into a large bowl, pour in warm water, sprinkle a spoonful of starch and stir well. Rub the dates by hand, each one should be scrubbed carefully, starch can adsorb the dirty things on the surface of the dates, and then rinse several times with water, control the water and set aside. How do you wash dates? Are there any other ways?

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Rinse the washed ginger with water and cut into shredded ginger. Ginger with no ginger peel? Ginger skin can balance the role of ginger meat, so that the role of ginger is softer and not hot, so when eating ginger in summer, there is no need to remove ginger skin, so that it will not be on fire.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Place the dates on a board, use a knife to cut the dates into strips, remove the kernels of the dates, and then change the knife to cut them into small pieces.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

After the red date pieces and ginger shreds are prepared, then break the brown sugar into small pieces, pour them together into the soybean milk machine, add water to the position of 900 ml, choose the soy milk program to cook, do not add too much water, so as not to be too thin. After the procedure is over, pour out the ginger and date juice and let it cool well.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

If you think the ginger jujube juice is a little thin, teach you a trick, you can pour the ginger jujube juice into the wok and heat it over medium-low heat for a while, and the soup will gradually thicken.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

After the ginger and date juice has cooled, pour it into a sealed jar that has been brushed beforehand, dry it thoroughly, tighten the lid, refrigerate it in the refrigerator, and take it as you eat. Ginger jujube juice is not directly eaten yo, the following is about the correct drinking method of ginger jujube juice and food contraindications:

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Every morning from 7 to 9 a.m., scoop a few spoonfuls of ginger date juice, pour it into a cup, rinse into boiling water, stir evenly until warm, with this simple method, we can easily stick to a cup of ginger date tea every day. Remind you not to drink cold, do not drink on an empty stomach, do not drink after noon, and do not drink again in the evening.

There is still about a month to go from now until the ambush, during which time you can drink one cup a day. The frequency of drinking can be adjusted according to the weather conditions and personal physical conditions, without being rigid. If you think this method is still very troublesome, read on!

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Every morning, break open a few dates, remove the jujube cores, put them in a cup with 1 small piece of ginger brown sugar, brew them with hot water above 85 degrees, cover the lid and simmer for a few minutes to drink. Ginger brown sugar is added to the boiling of brown sugar, because ginger is matured, the spicy taste is reduced, the taste will be much softer than ginger, and it is less likely to catch fire.

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go. As the saying goes: rice is not fragrant, eat ginger, since ancient times, there is also a saying that "eat three dates a day, a lifetime does not look old". Red dates and ginger are a perfect match to eat like this. We can do more and it won't be bad all summer. Drink a little every day, save time and effort, especially convenient. Ginger and dates are not for everyone, so if you don't know who can't eat them, ask me.

Hot days, don't eat cold drinks and cold food anymore, a cup of fragrant ginger jujube tea under the belly slightly sweaty, this is called really relieving the heat, stick to it you will also be surprised to find that your temperament is rosy, eat full and sleep fragrantly, the day is hot and there is also a spirit, hurry up and try it!

Ginger and dates are a perfect match, teach you simple ways to make a drink once a summer, eat as you go

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