
The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

author:First cuisine

Today to share with you a very simple home-cooked dish "green pepper ham scrambled eggs" method, a simple stir-fry, appetizing and unsatisfied, more delicious than big fish and meat, there are likes to learn quickly.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

Ingredients: Ham, egg, green pepper

Accessories: green onion

Seasoning: salt, white vinegar, soy sauce, pepper

【Scrambled eggs with green pepper ham】——Salty and delicious

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare two green peppers, remove the green pepper seeds first, cut the green pepper into long strips, and then cut into slices.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

Prepare two hams and cut them into slices with a slashing knife.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

Beat two eggs into the bowl, add a little salt, a little white vinegar, a little water, a little pepper, stir well with chopsticks, add white vinegar and water to make the eggs more tender and fishy.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

2. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare the green onion in one section, break open and cut into green onions.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

3. Start cooking below

Heat the oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, pour in the green pepper and the green onion and stir-fry together, fry the shallot flavor, pour the ham into the pot and continue to stir-fry, stir-fry after cooking.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

Then burn the oil in the pot, pour the egg liquid into the pot and gently stir, scramble until the egg liquid is all solidified, pour in the green pepper and ham, add a little salt, light soy sauce 5 grams, turn on high heat and stir-fry a few times, you can get out of the pot.

After the egg liquid is set, it can be fried a few times to get out of the pot, and the taste is easy to get old after too long.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

Well, a simple and nutritious scrambled egg with green pepper ham is ready.

The head chef scrambled green pepper eggs with a new pattern, salty and delicious, attractive color, no skill zero difficulty

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