
Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

author:The breeze is consistent

Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and seeing that the leaves will be full of green branches, this vitality always makes people feel excited. We look for spring, not only in the countryside, not only in the branches, but also on our tables!

  From time to time, not eating has become the dietary creed of many people, spring is coming, taste the season, do not miss the spring of all kinds of fresh things yo. Spring leeks are just in time, wild vegetables are fat, sprouting, it seems to be full of mountains and forests overnight, be sure to take advantage of this best season, taste the most beautiful taste. Taste everything, that's what it is.

  There are many kinds of bamboo shoots, the varieties of bamboo are different around the place, and the bamboo shoots are also different, but no matter what kind of bamboo shoots, they are rich in nutrients, protein trace elements and vitamin content are very rich, belonging to low-fat and low-calorie foods, which is the ideal ingredient for gourmets.

  Oil stew is a famous dish in Hangzhou, heavy oil and heavy sugar, vegetarian but still fragrant rap, bamboo shoots are indispensable to this dish!

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

  Oil stew

  Ingredients: bamboo shoots,

  Seasoning: salt, soy sauce, sugar, peppercorns, cooking oil, pepper

  The practice of oil stewing

  1. Material drawing, two bamboo shoots, medium size.

  2. Wash and set aside.

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

  3, the bamboo shoots are divided into two, remove the skin, and then use a knife to cut off the skin, the root to the hand can pinch is appropriate, too old is not good to eat.

  4. Change the bamboo shoots into slices.

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

  5. Cut the inch segment.

  6: Sit in a pot and boil water, add salt and blanch the bamboo shoots. Cook for 2 minutes.

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

  7: After cooking, use it to cool. After that, drizzle off the water.

  8: Pour oil from the pot and sauté the peppercorns.

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

  9: Fry the bamboo shoots until the edges are slightly yellowish.

  10: Add a small amount of broth as appropriate.

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

  11, boil on high heat, turn the heat to a small heat and let the taste,

  12: Put the upper section before coming out of the pot, turn it evenly out of the pot.

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots


  1, the most convenient way to peel the bamboo shoots is to divide the bamboo shoots into two, it is very convenient to peel.

  2, bamboo shoots for fresh, the fresher the taste of the better, if you can not eat for a while, it is best to put salt in the refrigerator after cutting.

  3, bamboo shoots are slightly cold, cold people should eat less.

Home-cooked oil braised spring shoots

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