
Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

author:Luo Ji food

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

Time flies really fast, in the blink of an eye it has reached winter, these days the weather is particularly cold, I don't know if everyone is the same as me, when it is cold, it is a particularly good appetite, look at what they think is good to have an appetite, the old people at home also often say that in winter, we must eat more meat, so that winter will not feel cold, but also listened to this sentence, just into the winter is also not less supplemental.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

But the supplement is also pay attention to the way and method, accidentally supplement is supplemented, but the weight has also increased, for a foodie girl, if you can have a way to lose weight and can also meet the stomach how good, but in fact it is very difficult, not to mention how some people eat not fat, such people are always "others", most of the people are slightly out of control, they have become a fat man.

So winter can not forget to lose weight, otherwise it will become a ball if you are not careful, today to share a slimming meal, the method is simple, low card low fat and full stomach, especially suitable for people who lose weight, if it is a big fish and meat to eat too tired, you can also try to eat this way, the effect of scraping grease is also not good.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

Eggs can supplement the protein needed by the human body, and vegetables are very rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, the body is particularly healthy, eggs also have a strong sense of fullness, people who want to lose weight know that although hungry is a good way to lose weight, but in fact it is really too uncomfortable, you can try this egg vegetable salad, if you use it instead of dinner, to ensure that you can lose weight.

【Dishes】: Seasonal vegetable egg salad

【Cooking ingredients】: half a piece of purple cabbage, half a piece of broccoli, a small tomato, an appropriate amount of lettuce, an appropriate amount of arctic shrimp, a suitable amount of cooked corn kernels, a suitable amount of old yogurt, and an appropriate amount of salad dressing

【Cooking steps】:

1, first of all, the vegetables are clean, I use seasonal vegetables, you can add other vegetables according to your preferences, and then all these vegetables are cleaned.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

2: Bring water to a boil in a pot.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

3, the broccoli with water to wash, and then cut into small pieces, after the water boiled, the small pieces of broccoli into the pot to fry, the time does not need to be too long, about 1 minute can be, otherwise it will affect the nutritional composition of broccoli.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

4, soak the lettuce in water, add an appropriate amount of salt to the water, so that you can remove the pesticide residue and some insect eggs on the surface of the vegetable, because the salt has a bactericidal effect.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

5, the Arctic shrimp naturally thawed, and then blanched with boiling water, you can also put it in the water of blanched broccoli, but the time can not be too long, about a turn to fish out.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

6, eggs boiled, boiled eggs take about 8-10 minutes is the best time, this time the eggs are just the best maturity, after cooking out a little cold water, so that the eggshell of the egg is easy to peel off, and then cut into small pieces.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

7: After the lettuce is soaked, fish it out to control the moisture, then tear it into small pieces and put it on the bottom of the plate, then put the cut eggs on top of the lettuce, cut the small tomatoes into small pieces and place them together with the Arctic shrimp.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

8: Add yogurt to the cooked corn kernels and stir well.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

9: Then pour over the vegetables, add some salad dressing and stir well.

Don't forget to lose weight in winter, egg and vegetable salad, simple to do, low calorie, low fat and full stomach

【Cooking Tips】:

1, salad dressing calories are relatively high, if you care, do not put it.

【Copywriter】Muhai Food King's Small Chef

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