
60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

Madame Chanel once said: Two things that a girl must have, elegance and beauty.

When we are young, we have a naturally growing face; in middle age, the personal experience of life is imprinted on the face; in old age, all of life is written on the face. The face may age, but the elegance and beauty will not fade, they will become more attractive as they age.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

Just as today's fashion is no longer the exclusive label of young people, there are many mature and even elderly people leading the fashion trend, who use their own fashion and dressing attitudes to interpret another fashion and beauty like people.

That issue we will take a look at the fashion of these North American Chinatown grandparents, see how they take into account the comfort and outstanding, 60+ women do not always say that it is difficult to dress, see these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign, let's take a look at it:

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

We often say that there are three realms of dressing: harmony, beauty and individuality. Specifically, in terms of dressing and matching, one is to dress neatly, the second is to have beautiful colors, and the third is to wear with style, which is the advanced road of fashion collocation and the key step of taste improvement.

First of all, let's talk about the first layer of neat dress, for middle-aged and elderly women, the most essential thing to wear is clean and decent, and the collocation based on this is the best response to beauty.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

What kind of clothing is clean and decent?

First of all, it is not difficult to understand that our dress is generally clean and without too many wrinkles, such as a set of clothing should not be worn for too long, winter clothing will be changed once every two or three days, and heavy coats will look cleaner than the same clothes even if they are not washed two or three times a week.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

In addition to dressing neatly and tidyly, the same is true for hairstyles. We often say that beauty is not beautiful to see hairstyles, and hairstyles as important modifications to the head and face affect our mental outlook to a large extent.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

A clean hairstyle can also make our body and mind relaxed and visually more beautiful. For middle-aged and elderly women, do not reject white hair, and accept it calmly to create an exclusive style. For example, this grandmother, with white hair, generously exposing her forehead and ears, a generous smile is charming enough.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

The focus of the appropriate embodiment is the selection of clothing. The clothing selection of middle-aged and elderly women is first of all based on comfort and appropriateness, such as the looseness of clothing, people to middle age or old age, the figure will be more or less out of shape.

Then when we choose clothing, we try to choose a larger tolerance for the body, such as wide-leg pants, coats, trench coats, loose sweaters, etc., these clothes are both beautiful and atmospheric and do not expose the shortcomings of the body.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign
60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

When choosing clothing, we should also pay attention to its quality and tailoring, compared to a garment that is outdated or started once or twice, the quality and cut of the garment can be worn for 5 or even 10 years.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

Many people think that dressing up is a very time-consuming and expensive thing, especially on clothing, in fact, learning to dress up can not only make you happy every day, but also save a lot of unnecessary clothing expenses. Similarly, these points of wear are also suitable for middle-aged and elderly men.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign
60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

The cleanliness of the dress is the basis of clothing, and if you want to get visual beauty, you must learn to use color matching reasonably.

Color is a person's first visual impression, and whether the color is good or not also affects the overall wearing effect. First of all, we should pay attention to the choice of color, many middle-aged and elderly women will prefer dark color clothing, because dark clothing can make people look more mature and stable, but also in line with the style of middle-aged and elderly people.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

In fact, dull clothing will only make people look unenergetic and look old-fashioned, on the contrary, brightly colored clothing has the effect of brightening the skin tone, which can easily appear 10 years younger.

We should pay attention to the proportion when choosing colors, that is, the basic color accounts for 70% (or 60%), and the bright color accounts for 30% (or 40).

%), so that the color collocation does not appear too dull or too fancy.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

In terms of color matching, it should be noted that when the whole body is wearing a more basic or dull clothing, choose a brighter color to match on the clothing, which can make the dress look less bland.

For example, the grandfather's outfit, the overall color is dark and dark, with an orange knit shirt as a highlight stacked inside the jacket, increasing the overall dress point.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

This kind of bright color embellishment is especially suitable for when a large area of the same color or basic color, the use of other colors to embellish, brighten, not monotonous and highlight special, both men and women are suitable.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign
60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

In fact, after watching the outfits of my grandparents in North American Chinatown, I have a great improvement in their ability to use color, because in addition to the basic color collocation above, they are also comfortable with contrasting colors.

For example, this grandmother's wear, pink + red + yellow + light pink wear, most of them are bright colors, but because the color is clean, and the exposed area is not much, the overall is also good and clean.

In fact, for color collocation, no matter what the technique, the focus is to look neat and beautiful.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

Or this blue and red contrast. The combination of a large area of blue and a small area of red will appear more special as a whole, and this small area of contrast will be safer. If you want to use color to enrich your outfit, you can choose this contrasting color between large areas and small areas.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign
60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

The third level of dress is the display of style, for middle-aged and elderly women, the fashion of wearing is to create their own style. In addition to the elegant temperament we often say, in fact, the interesting, trendy style is not another interpretation of beauty?

Like these grandparents in North America's Chinatown, they don't just choose elegant and temperamental outfits, but choose interesting combinations.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

For example, many grandmothers will choose floral clothes, they will use the same printed clothing to match. It is worth mentioning that they will concentrate this highly visual sense of clothing in a certain part and not let the line of sight be distracted, which also weakens the complexity or eye-catching feeling brought by the stacking of fancy clothing to a certain extent.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

For the style of middle-aged women, the focus is actually more on self-expression, do not have to stick to a certain style of wearing, you can try to mix and match and overlap, improve the utilization rate of clothing while having a new attitude to look at the same dress.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign
60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

The greatest pleasure of dressing up is that it is changeable and interesting, and when you have another interpretation of beauty, your dress will naturally take on your own style, which is unique.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

Fashion has nothing to do with age and gender, no matter what age stage you are in, you can express and interpret fashion.

60+ women don't always say that it is difficult to dress, these fashion grandmothers use these 3 tricks, elegant and foreign

Well, about the grandparents' fashion wear, this issue will be shared here, if you still have questions about fashion, wear and other related questions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area ~

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