
What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

From birth, we are racing against time, growing, maturing, and then aging. Time is the fairest referee, and no one can escape the rules of nature and stay in the youth forever.

And as they get older, women who love beauty will gradually feel the oppression of age: every wrinkle that comes out of the new life is frightening, and every trace of white hair is indicating the signs of aging...

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

Sagging skin, fat loss, sagging skin and flesh are all processes we have to go through, but despite this, we will find that there is a big gap between women in the same process of aging.

Some people are old-fashioned at first glance, some are mature and elegant, some are not trim, and some are exquisite and beautiful, showing completely different characteristics at the same age.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

In fact, these gaps are accumulated by some inconspicuous small details, and the temperament itself has traces to follow. What I want to share with you in this issue is about the temperament details that women need to pay attention to after reaching a certain age.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are very critical, let's take a look at it

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key
What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

When young, women like to pursue fashion, often encountering popular models and not moving, because no one wants to be called "out of time". In fact, under such a vivid face, women will look very good when they dress up a little, even if the popular style is not so suitable for themselves, they will be covered up by a beautiful appearance, and they will still be praised more.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key
What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

However, after getting older, it is not appropriate to blindly pursue popular models. The fashion trend itself is not justified, and the appearance of this season's popular colors and popular elements may only be for an accidental reason.

Women who lack aesthetic underpinnings are easily carried away by fashion trends and make themselves look rustic and cheap. For example, middle-aged women are still wearing doll collar clothes for fashion, which looks different to outsiders.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

The older and more elegant the woman, she will choose the part that suits herself in the popular elements, so that fashion becomes the spice of life. For example, if a woman with black and yellow skin happens to encounter the popular white color, then you can try it to enhance your image.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key
What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

Women can not be beautiful, but they must not be sloppy. After middle age, the charm of women is not pure fashion, smart women will look for simple and comfortable dressing styles to create natural beauty.

But this does not mean that the clothing should be all loose to choose, moderate restraint is still necessary, in the shape to maintain a neat silhouette in order to have a sense of refinement.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

Shaping the sense of sophistication can also be done through accessories. Compared with clothing, accessories are the second need, but when the clothing itself is difficult to shine, the addition of accessories can play a role in the finishing touch.

Good taste, good temperament is inseparable from the jewelry foil, for middle-aged women, the luxurious texture of pearls can enhance women's femininity, so that the shape is vivid and chic.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

The sense of refinement is also reflected in the appropriate modification. The core idea of optimizing the image is to promote the strengths and avoid the shortcomings, middle-aged women in addition to the figure of the blessing, but also may encounter problems such as sparse hair, lack of color, so in the face of this situation, whether to use makeup to cover up to improve the color, or to add accessories to divert attention, these are the problems that need women to think carefully according to their own needs.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key
What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

Mentality is a very magical thing, invisible and untouchable, but it determines the tone of a woman's image.

Many women become depressed because of their age, thinking that their faces are no longer necessary, but in fact, what really makes women no longer beautiful is not a series of changes brought about by age, but it is this kind of mental slackness.

Without the attitude of loving life, naturally they cannot find their own beauty, and women do not want to change their image, and under this vicious circle, the old posture will be more obvious.

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

But women who love life are just the opposite. They will gladly accept the gifts of time, cherish and appreciate the accumulation of their youth, so as to grasp the leisure of the current life.

From reading books and drinking tea to raising flowers and walking around, the trivial things that used to pass through the clouds of smoke have become fun worth digging into because of their peace of mind. How can a woman with this kind of interest be tripped by age and stop chasing beauty and elegance?

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

Everyone has women around them, they may not be beautiful, but they are like raising their hands and feet.

When the beautiful skin bag is no longer there, the manners are revealed in time, and the years will eventually tell us that it is not "the years are undefeated beauty", but "the years make the beauty".

What did those women who were getting older and more temperamental do right? These 3 things are key

Well, the main points of this issue about getting more and more elegant after aging are shared here, if you still have questions about fashion, dress, etc., welcome to leave a message in the comment area, we will see you in the next issue Oh ~ Eli

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