
I wish it was a touch of green in your heart

I wish it was a touch of green in your heart

I wish it was a touch of green in your heart

The author | Silly Woman Source | Mulan Shuxiang

Edited by: Ichimon Fangfei ID;dreamflymf


The winter landscape is full of blank hearts

A rich heart, like the smoke of the past

They are all beautiful legends

Our encounter is a ray of sunshine this winter

Our agreement is to nurture a touch of green in this season

Please don't ask why

We read the wind this winter

I understand the snow this winter

Use a handful of winter clouds

Wrap the complicated things in detail

Looking back at the distant mountains, the white of the snow, the red of the plum

More poetic, more shy

In the fairy tale of winter

Tell the story of spring softly

The season of plum blossoms

Please open the doors and windows of the mind

Let the fragrance spread to the corners of the heart

The fragrance that falls in that corner

Nourished you, warmed me

Decorate the world of poetry for you

Light up the eyes of life for you

In the intoxicating winter

The eternity of spring flows

Listen to your heartbeat

Appeal to the poetic end of the pen

Gently stroke the fragrant years...


⊙ Author: Silly Woman, formerly known as Chai Guixia, deputy to the 10th People's Congress of Hebi City, Henan Province, member of The Chinese Poetry Society, member of the Chinese Vernacular Poets Association, recommended poet of China Poetry Network, member of the Henan Writers Association, member of the Henan Poetry Creation Research Association, member of the Hebi Writers Association, and member of the Hebi Calligraphers Association.

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