
He was the only one who had participated in the Qing Army, the Beiyang Army, and the Nationalist Army, and was awarded the title after liberation, and his name was very familiar

In 1955, the Chinese People's Liberation Army for the first time to confer the title in Beijing Zhongnanhai solemnly held, ten marshals, ten generals were born, 57 people were awarded the rank of general, 177 people and 1360 people were awarded the rank of lieutenant general and major general, respectively, and among the soldiers who were awarded the title, there was a special figure, the only person who had participated in the Qing Army, the Beiyang Army, and the Nationalist Army, and the oldest lieutenant colonel, whose name was very familiar.

He was the only one who had participated in the Qing Army, the Beiyang Army, and the Nationalist Army, and was awarded the title after liberation, and his name was very familiar

He is Jiang Weiping, formerly known as Jiang Shunfa, born in 1878, the family is poor, in childhood he studied apprenticeship, did apprenticeship, Zhang Gong, when the world is chaotic, the Qing court needs soldiers, Jiang Weiping is difficult to maintain in the chaotic world, so he entered the army under the responsibility of Li Hongzhang.

Later, he joined the army under Yuan Shikai and Duan Qirui, and even served as a deputy regimental commander in the Beiyang Army, but in the early days of the Republic of China, warlords were fighting, Jiang Weiping was a person who did not have much heart, and was a figure with a knife mouth and a tofu heart, although he was a person with a soft heart, but others may not see his goodwill, but will remember his hatred because of words, and Jiang Weiping has also seen things that kill because of saying the wrong thing.

He was the only one who had participated in the Qing Army, the Beiyang Army, and the Nationalist Army, and was awarded the title after liberation, and his name was very familiar

In 1930, Jiang Weiping left the army and returned to his hometown to study medicine and cultivate land. The following year, the Lugou Bridge Incident occurred, our people were filled with indignation, Jiang Weiping also had a patriotic heart, joined the army again, served as the chairman of the management horse department in the Third Division of Song Zheyuan's Twenty-ninth Army, and was determined to resist Japan, but the army was disbanded shortly after, so Jiang Weiping returned home again and opened a Western pharmacy.

In 1937, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in full swing, Jiang Weiping was already sixty years old, but he still wanted to participate in the anti-Japanese resistance, but Jiang Weiping did not know how to proceed. While he was pondering, the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army advanced into Pingxi and passed through Jiang Weiping's hometown in the first half of 1938.

He was the only one who had participated in the Qing Army, the Beiyang Army, and the Nationalist Army, and was awarded the title after liberation, and his name was very familiar

Jiang Weiping immediately closed the pharmacy, took all the medicines, and his righteous son, and went to Changcao Village, the anti-Japanese democratic government station in Fang (Shan) Liang (Township), to participate in the revolution. Although Jiang Weiping is older, he has a sincere heart for the country, painstakingly studying Chinese and Western medicine, going deep into the folk to collect more than 300 kinds of prescriptions, formulating more than 40 kinds of pills, powders, creams, Dan and so on...

Even if Jiang Weiping has a good temper and loves to scold people, few people will remember it in their hearts, everyone knows that Jiang Weiping saved lives and helped the injured, his heart is particularly good, and Jiang Weiping never loses his temper with the wounded and the sick, and sometimes he also takes out his own allowance to buy nutritional products for the wounded and sick.

He was the only one who had participated in the Qing Army, the Beiyang Army, and the Nationalist Army, and was awarded the title after liberation, and his name was very familiar

In 1943, the 65-year-old Jiang Weiping served as the farm director of the 719 regiment in Jiulongquan, Nanniwan, and he led the whole field of hundreds of people to painstakingly open more than 400 acres of land, not only to achieve grain self-sufficiency, but also to hand over 28,800 kilograms of public grain, and also opened a wooden factory, rice mills, etc. Under the leadership of Jiang Weiping, the 719 regiment farm became the first model farm of the 359th Brigade.

During the Liberation War, Jiang Weiping served as the vice president of the First Branch of the Bethune International Peace Hospital of the Eighth Route Army, personally led medical personnel to treat more than 1,200 wounded in the Battle of Qingfengdian and the Battle of Shijiazhuang, and personally managed a company of more than 400 wounded.

He was the only one who had participated in the Qing Army, the Beiyang Army, and the Nationalist Army, and was awarded the title after liberation, and his name was very familiar

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic of China, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, a number of patriotic people emerged in our country, and their ardent expectation was that the motherland would be able to drive out foreign enemies and the people's lives would get better and better, so they paid without complaint or regret and shone where they could, so we should not forget a figure like Jiang Weiping.

In 1955, at the age of 77, Jiang Weiping was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel.

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