
At the end of Yuan Shikai's life: a meal topped the secretary's 10-day meal, walking like a duck

When yuan shikai is mentioned, I believe that most people's first reaction is to "steal the achievements of the Xinhai Revolution" and "intend to restore the imperial system", these 2 points alone are enough to nail him to the column of shame in history. In addition, in the history books of major textbooks, Yuan Shikai was also criticized for these two things, so that students who did not read much and did not cover a wide range of topics had too one-sided views on him as a person. Is Yuan Shikai wrong? Yes, is it meritorious? There are also. However, the righteous gentleman inevitably has bad habits, and the cunning villains also have shining points.

At the end of Yuan Shikai's life: a meal topped the secretary's 10-day meal, walking like a duck

In 1908, on the occasion of Yuan Shikai's fiftieth birthday, when Cixi had not yet died, she gave Yuan Shikai a large number of gifts such as the Infinite Life Buddha and the Golden Buddha, not only to highlight Yuan Shikai's prominent position, but also to tie him to the ship of the Great Qing. In addition, Prince Yili of Qing also gave Yuan Shikai a pair of shoulian, and the above drop was: Foolish Brother Yili, these 4 seemingly insignificant words, but let the people present have a sense of vertigo. Later, the historian described the scene of Yuan Shikai's fiftieth birthday in this way: Ding Weinian, the fiftieth birthday of Xiangcheng Military Aircraft Minister, was the most imposing.

At the end of Yuan Shikai's life: a meal topped the secretary's 10-day meal, walking like a duck

It has to be said that Yuan Shikai is a very capable person, in 1882, there was a military turmoil in Korea, Yuan Shikai as a representative of the Qing court went to "mediate". During the battle, Yuan Shikai was a pioneer and was not afraid of danger, and his enthusiasm not only infected his soldiers, but also successfully quelled the rebellion and was praised by the imperial court. In 1884, Yuan Shikai repelled the Japanese army that intended to control Korea, and under the influence of this, Japan was forced to slow down the pace of aggression against China and make him the number one enemy: the bones of regret, the fall of every strategy.

At the end of Yuan Shikai's life: a meal topped the secretary's 10-day meal, walking like a duck

After the Sino-Japanese War, Yuan Shikai returned to China, and as a witness and witness to the war, he not only perceived the gap between the two countries in the army, but also planned to emulate Germany and open a new mode of military training. In 1895, Yuan Shikai went to Tianjin Xiaozhan to train troops, and this army was the later Beiyang New Army. However, the allegiance of the Beiyang New Army was not to the Qing Dynasty royal family, but Yuan Shikai, so the future Beiyang warlords always regarded him as the boss, and his own status in the imperial court was getting higher and higher.

At the end of Yuan Shikai's life: a meal topped the secretary's 10-day meal, walking like a duck

However, although Yuan Shikai was deeply favored by Cixi, after Puyi ascended to the throne, he had a conflict with Zaifeng. The history books record: "(Zaifeng) wanted to hit Yuan with a pistol, but after being discharged, the tide began to stop. In fact, at the beginning, Zaifeng originally wanted to kill Yuan Shikai, but Zhang Zhidong and others desperately tried to persuade him, for the simple reason that, first, Yuan Shikai was capable of outstanding, he was a sword of the imperial court, and he could quickly quell the war; second, Yuan Shikai had a new Beiyang army behind him, and once he was killed, it might cause political turmoil, and even the Beiyang army would rebel, which was more than worth the loss.

At the end of Yuan Shikai's life: a meal topped the secretary's 10-day meal, walking like a duck

In this way, Yuan Shikai was deposed, and he spent several years at home in peace, until he was invited out of the mountains again after the Wuchang Uprising. However, since Yuan Shikai could not defeat the revolutionary army, and the speed of the situation was dizzying, he simply let go of his hand, drilled confucius of two opposing factions, and sat in the position of president of the Republic of China. However, Yuan Shikai took a wrong step after 3 years, he vainly wanted to restore the imperial system, and as a result, he was driven down, and even his body could not support it, and he soon came to the end of his life.

At the end of Yuan Shikai's life: a meal topped the secretary's 10-day meal, walking like a duck

According to the secretary's recollection, after Yuan Shikai's abdication, a large number of supplements will be paid every day, including many ginseng, deer antler velvet and other ingredients, and sometimes some live Rodan and sea dog ginseng, which are all big supplements. In addition, Yuan Shikai's food is also amazing, he can eat 20 eggs and 1 cage of cakes in one breakfast, more than the secretary ate breakfast in 10 days. So it didn't take long for Yuan Shikai's body to be blessed, showing a kind of discordant "fat", and when he walked to the stage to speak, his body shook like a duck, as if he would fall down at any moment.

On June 6, 1916, Yuan Shikai died of uremia, and this controversial and contradictory person was left to posterity for comment.

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