
Feng Yuxiang is known as a patriotic general, how patriotic is he?

When Feng Yuxiang was a company commander in the Beiyang Army, he once read the "Book of The Family of Zeng Guofan" in the barracks, which contained many words that taught people to be loyal subjects. Comrade-in-arms Sun Jiansheng laughed at him, do you still want to be a loyal servant of the Qing Dynasty? He then quietly gave Feng two books, namely "Jiading Tucheng Chronicle" and "Yangzhou Ten Diaries". Feng Yuxiang was very stimulated after seeing it, and from then on his thoughts turned to anti-Qing and revolutionary.

There is a passage, the reporter asked the old master, if you have a hundred acres of land, are you willing to donate to the country? If you had a million, would you be willing to donate it to the nation? The old man replied yes.

However, when the reporter asked the boss if he would like to donate the cow, the boss refused, because the boss really had a cow.

Feng Yuxiang is known as a patriotic general, how patriotic is he?

Although this is only a paragraph, the problem reflected is real, and the vast majority of people are not willing to donate their property for the country, let alone their lives.

In 1911, Sun Yat-sen sent Bai Yayu to ask Feng Yuxiang, are you willing to give your life for the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty?

Feng Yuxiang's answer was: I do.

At that time, two months after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, the Qing Dynasty was still unwilling to admit defeat and wanted to rely on the Beiyang New Army to tide over the difficulties. As a result, Bai Yayu, together with wang jinming, Shi Congyun, and Feng Yuxiang, three battalion commanders of the Beiyang New Army, launched an uprising in Luanzhou, the heart of the Qing Dynasty, dealing a heavy blow to the Qing rulers.

The price paid by the insurgents was significant. Wang Jinming, Shi Congyun, and Bai Yayu were all captured and killed, and Feng Yuxiang was also imprisoned, but rescued by Lu Jianzhang, a big man in Beiyang.

Although Feng Yuxiang was lucky enough to escape the disaster, the patriotism he showed during the Luanzhou uprising was unquestionable. At least Sun Yat-sen remembered the patriot Feng Yuxiang from then on, and Feng Yuxiang and Sun Yat-sen have maintained contact ever since.

In 1915, Yuan Shikai declared himself emperor, and Cai Yi set off a campaign to protect the country in Yunnan, leading the Northern Expedition of the Dian army to attack Sichuan. Yuan Shikai sent Feng Yuxiang's 16th Mixed Brigade to Sichuan to suppress the defending army. At that time, Feng Yuxiang had nine thousand people under him, and Cai Yi only had three thousand people. If Feng Yuxiang wanted to make meritorious contributions, promote his ranks and make a fortune, it would not be too difficult to defeat the Defending Army. However, Feng Yuxiang was also opposed to Yuan Shikai's claim to the throne in his heart, so he privately negotiated peace with Cai Yi and jointly telegraphed against Yuan Shikai's claim to emperor, and made Yuan Shikai half dead.

Feng Yuxiang is known as a patriotic general, how patriotic is he?

In 1926, Feng Yuxiang formed an alliance with the Nationalist government in Guangzhou, and Feng Yuxiang supported the Northern Expeditionary Army and jointly attacked the Beiyang warlords Zhang Zuolin, Wu Peifu, and Sun Chuanfang. Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army fought from the northwest to the east, and the Northern Expeditionary Army fought from south to north.

In May 1926, Feng Yuxiang's 200,000 Nationalist army and Zhang Zuolin, Wu Peifu, and Yan Xishan's 500,000-strong army broke out in the south entrance of Beijing. The war lasted for three months, and although the Nationalist army retreated to the northwest after a crushing defeat, the Battle of Nankou strongly supported the Northern Expeditionary Army. In particular, Wu Peifu's main forces were in the north, and there were very few defensive forces in the south, and the Northern Expeditionary Army hit Wuchang all the way.

In 1926, Feng Yuxiang held an oath-taking meeting in Wuyuan County, Inner Mongolia, and reorganized his army to attack Zhang Zuolin's warlords from the northwest to the east. At this time, the Northern Expeditionary Army only had 100,000 troops, while Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army was close to 400,000.

The Northern Expedition lasted from 1926 to June 1928, when Zhang Zuolin was killed by the Japanese at Huanggutun. In terms of merit, Feng Yuxiang was the first, surpassing the transport captain and Bai Chongxi.

Feng Yuxiang is known as a patriotic general, how patriotic is he?

In 1931, after the "918" incident, both the Northeast Army and Chiang Kai-shek passively resisted Japan, but Feng Yuxiang always took a clear stand calling on the people to resist Japan and recover the lost land.

In May 1933, Feng Yuxiang and his former fang zhenwu and Ji Hongchang organized the Chahar People's Anti-Japanese Allied Army, serving as commander-in-chief, and recaptured Duolun and other four counties in one fell swoop, but eventually failed under The opposition of Chiang Kai-shek, and the patriotic general Ji Hongchang was killed.

In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, although Feng Yuxiang no longer had an army in his hands, he still urged the old department of the Northwest Army to actively resist the war, running in many directions in the rear, publicizing the anti-Japanese resistance, raising funds for the anti-Japanese resistance, training new soldiers, and doing his part for the anti-Japanese resistance.

In short, Feng Yuxiang's patriotism is beyond doubt.

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