
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

author:Little fish loves gossip
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Since its premiere in 2004, "Avenue of Stars" has quickly become one of CCTV's most popular entertainment programs. With its unique grassroots culture and people-friendly style, this show has attracted countless ordinary people to the stage of their dreams, giving them the opportunity to show their talents and even become famous overnight. However, some of these grassroots singers who once shined on the stage are still active in the public eye, while some have long faded out of people's memories and even gone to a low point in their lives. These stories of success and failure are not only embarrassing, but also worth pondering.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Successes vs. failures

On the stage of "Avenue of Stars", some contestants have successfully reached the top of the entertainment industry through their own efforts and talents, and have become household names. For example, Li Yugang and Phoenix Legend are among the representatives. Li Yugang has won the love of the audience with his unique anti-string performance style, while Phoenix Legend has captured the hearts of countless fans with his dynamic music style and profound singing skills. Their success stories have not only inspired countless grassroots singers, but also added infinite brilliance to the "Avenue of Fame".

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

However, compared to their brilliance, the fate of others looks particularly bleak. Yang Guang, Jiuyue Miracle, Liu Xiaodong, Xu Yizhou, A Bao and other singers who used to be beautiful on the stage are now in a downtrodden situation. Their stories are not only emotional, but also make us rethink what success and failure really mean.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Yang Guang: From an inspirational idol to a big name falling out of favor

Yang Guang, the blind singer touched countless audiences with his song "You Are My Eyes" and won the 2007 annual championship. As a blind singer, Yang Guang's story is an inspirational legend in itself. However, after becoming famous, Yang Guang gradually lost himself in the aura of fame and fortune, and there were frequent news of playing big names. His change in attitude disappointed the audience who had supported him, and eventually, he lost the support of the audience and returned to the ordinary. Yang Guang's story tells us that success requires not only talent, but also humility and gratitude.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

The Miracle of the Nine Moons: From the couple's union to the silence after the breakdown of the marriage

The Nine Moon Miracle, as a rare couple combination on the Avenue of Stars, was another highlight after the Phoenix Legend. They not only won the 2009 annual championship, but also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times. However, the breakdown of the marriage made the combination fade from view. Today, although Wang Xiaowei tried to restart the Nine Moon Miracle, the audience is no longer popular. This once-glamorous combination is now trying to find an opportunity to get back to the top.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Liu Xiaodong: From the peak nose to the debt stall

Liu Xiaodong, the "nose king" known for his nose skills, has been on the Avenue of Stars. Not only are his stunts amazing, but they also make him a highlight of the show. However, at his peak, he spent extravagantly, and eventually fell to the point of being millions in debt, making a living by setting up stalls and live broadcasts. His down-and-out image in the video is embarrassing, but his authenticity is questionable. Liu's experience reminds us that self-discipline after success is just as important as financial management.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Xu Yizhou: From the king of scenery singers to being in prison

Xu Yizhou, the "Tujia Singer King" who was famous long before the Avenue of Stars, thought that he would become a representative of promoting the scenery of Guizhou. However, in 2023, he will be arrested for gang-related crimes, and he will completely disappear from people's sight, which is embarrassing. His story shows us that personal character and norms of behavior cannot be ignored at any time.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Po: From simple characters to the decline after the lie was exposed

Po, the first annual champion of the Avenue of Stars, once won the love of the audience with his simple image. But as his fake peasant persona was exposed, his image plummeted. Now, he is trying to become popular on the short video platform, but the audience has long stopped buying it. Po's story shows us that false images will eventually be exposed, and truth and integrity are the long-term solutions.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy
The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Discussion of the reasons for failure

The failure of these singers was not accidental. Their disorientation, playing big names, and inappropriate private life after success led to their eventual downfall. After success, self-loss and indifference to the audience made them gradually lose the support and love of the audience.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

The frequent big-name behavior has caused these singers to gradually lose the support of the audience. Audiences want to see talented and humble idols, not self-aggrandizing, arrogant and impudent stars. The story of Yang Guang and Liu Xiaodong is the best example. Their change of attitude after becoming famous disappointed the audience and eventually lost their original supporters.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Audience popularity is the key to a singer's success. The failure of Jiuyue Miracle and Po is precisely because they gradually lost their audience popularity after their success. Whether it is the breakdown of marriage or the debunking of false images, they have lost the trust and love of the audience.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Disorderly private life is also an important reason for the failure of these singers. Xu Yizhou's gang-related incident completely destroyed his image in the hearts of the audience. Personal morality and behavioral norms are particularly important in the entertainment industry, and once they are lost, it is difficult to regain the trust of the audience.

Revelations for successful singers

In stark contrast to the failed singers, there are successful singers who are still active in the entertainment industry. Their success lies not only in their talent, but also in their steadfastness, perseverance and self-discipline. Li Yugang and the Phoenix Legend are the best examples.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Li Yugang

Li Yugang has won the love of the audience with his unique anti-string performance style. After his success, he always maintained his original intention, cherished every opportunity to perform, and constantly improved his ability and character. His success lies not only in his talent, but also in his respect and gratitude to his audience.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy

Legend of the Phoenix

Phoenix Legend has captured the hearts of countless fans with its dynamic music style and profound singing skills. After their success, they always insist on creating and performing, constantly innovating and breaking through themselves. Their success lies in their steadfastness and persistence, as well as their cherishing and gratitude to the audience.

The current situation of the 5 singers on the Avenue of Stars: divorced, living in a bridge cave, and imprisoned, none of them are worthy of sympathy


"Avenue of Fame" provides a platform for grassroots singers to realize their dreams, but talent alone is not enough to stand on a long-term foothold. Only by having both talent and character can you gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. I hope that these failed cases can sound the alarm for those who come after them, cherish every opportunity, and be down-to-earth in order to go further.

Success and failure are not accidental, and each individual's choices and actions will affect the final outcome. Whether in "Avenue of Stars" or on other stages, only by always maintaining the original intention, respecting the audience, and cherishing every opportunity can we be invincible in the highly competitive entertainment industry.