
Sun Haiyang sunbatheed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

"Happiness is not easy to come by", this sentence may be a "common language" for ordinary families, but for Sun Haiyang's family, it is a personal experience. Now that the family is finally reunited, I believe that life will be better and better in the future.

Sun Haiyang sunbathed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, bluntly saying that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

Since Sun Zhuo found it, it has been attracted the attention of netizens, which is a blessing for everyone, and Sun Zhuo's case is also a positive orientation, and everyone hopes that more children can be found.

Sun Haiyang's family has not moved in order to find their son, and now that Sun Zhuo has returned, his father has also sunn out of the "180 square meters" house, and the family is ready to move.

Sun Haiyang sunbatheed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

There are four rooms in the house, daughter Sun Yue, eldest son Sun Zhuo and young son Sun Hui each have a room, and the couple lives in one room, such a distribution is simply enviable.

And as a father who has been looking for children for many years, Sun Haiyang frankly said: If it were not for him, I might have bought a house a long time ago. Netizens who know the origin of the matter know that the "he" in Sun Haiyang's mouth of course refers to the person who caused Sun Hui's loss.

There are also netizens who are uneven for them: if it is not to find children, they may have bought a house a long time ago, and even the business will be better.

Sun Haiyang sunbatheed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

After all, the house in Shenzhen was not so expensive before, and they could only use a lot of money and energy to find children, but fortunately, years of hard work were not in vain, and the family was finally together.

The reason why his father Sun Haiyang rents a big house is mainly to let the children have independent space and be able to learn better, and such parents are also well-intentioned.

Some careful netizens also found that sun Haiyang seemed to have left the largest room to his daughter when allocating the room.

Sun Haiyang sunbatheed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

Everyone also said that perhaps because there are many things for girls, various cosmetics and clothes are piled up together, and more space is needed.

For this, netizens not only did not complain, but envied such a family, parents are well considered, the family is equal to men and women, it is no wonder that daughters and sons are so excellent, it turns out that parents are the best teachers for children.

As Confucius said: His body is upright, and if he does not order, he will obey. Compared with the education method of Sun Haiyang and his wife, it is worth many of our parents to reflect on and get some inspiration from it.

Sun Haiyang sunbatheed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

In modern life, there are many parents who directly send their children to tutoring classes or interest classes, but they are wholeheartedly "playing with mobile phones and brushing videos", so how can they educate their children well?

Looking back at Sun Haiyang and his wife, although they never said to their younger son that the whole family has been looking for a "brother", Sun Hui has always been able to feel the tenacity of his parents, so he accepted the brother who has been "separated for a long time" with love, and at the same time can ensure his own achievements, so that "other people's children" are really enviable.

For children, parents are their best teachers, even if parents can not give children "superb skills and IQ", but can teach children how to behave, do things, life, when encountering problems in life, how to face, how to solve. This is the wealth of their lives.

Sun Haiyang sunbatheed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

Judging from the practices of Sun Haiyang and his wife and the excellent children who have been educated, they are undoubtedly qualified parents, and the unity of knowledge and deeds and the consistency of words and deeds are the best gifts for children.

George once said: a good parent can be worth a hundred school teachers, because most of the words and deeds of children are learned from parents, in short, children are "compressed versions" of parents.

All in all, while we wish The Sun Haiyang family a reunion, we should also learn more excellent qualities from the parents, and their children's education methods and deeds are the most valuable qualities in education.

Sun Haiyang sunbatheed the "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago

Write at the end:

Sun Haiyang sun "180 square meters" house ready to move, frankly said that if it were not for him, he might have bought a house a long time ago, and no amount of resentment would help, but fortunately everything was happy.

I also hope that more parents can better understand the essence of education and want to cultivate excellent children, parents are the core of the problem, not teachers.

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