
Most children with low emotional intelligence have these mantras, and parents do not pay attention to them now, and it is difficult to correct them

In this society, if you want to live like a fish, emotional intelligence is really important, even more important than IQ. People with high emotional intelligence are more popular in social life, and the so-called tao and more help are naturally more likely to have a role.

Because of this, many parents will deliberately cultivate their children's emotional intelligence from an early age, and innate sensitivity is important, but the acquired educational environment plays a greater role.

In addition to the parents' exemplary and imperceptible education, it seems to be more urgent to find out the signs of children's low emotional intelligence in time and intervene and correct them.

Most children with "low emotional intelligence" have these mantras

1) "I don't"

Children who often put words such as "I don't" and "I won't" are likely to be manifestations of low emotional intelligence.

Even if children with high emotional intelligence leave their parents and survive alone, they can also live a "prosperous life", because they have a certain independent self-care ability, even if they will not and do not want to learn to try according to the real situation.

If you think about it, these children are not really "don't want" or "don't want", but a manifestation of escaping social responsibility. It's not that they can't do it, they're just afraid of the consequences.

Most children with low emotional intelligence have these mantras, and parents do not pay attention to them now, and it is difficult to correct them

Of course, some children are just more assertive, but parents should tell them that it is good to have their own opinions, and sometimes they can listen to the opinions of others and integrate them.

2) "I want you to take care of it"

Most of these children grew up under the doting of their parents, self-centered, with no one in sight, and do not take the establishment of relationships with others seriously.

But any relationship is mutual, and such a child can hurt other people's self-esteem over time and lead to the estrangement of relatives and friends.

The lethality of language is very large, "you want to manage" these three words or less to say as well, after all, you are not the domineering president of film and television dramas, and you do not have enough capital.

When the child says these three words, the emotional intelligence is indirectly exposed...

3) "Kill you"

Some children lack emotional management skills, and when they are not happy, they open their mouths to say the three words "kill you". And it is really "consistent with words and deeds" and hits people with big people, which is really enough!

Most children with low emotional intelligence have these mantras, and parents do not pay attention to them now, and it is difficult to correct them

People with high emotional intelligence will learn to control their emotions on various occasions, tolerate the shortcomings and deficiencies of others, think twice when encountering things, and easily not get angry.

Parents do not pay attention to it now, and it will be difficult to correct it in the future, especially for children who often say the third mantra, it is easy to become a "bear child" if they do not correct it in time.

People with high emotional intelligence know how to be grateful, know how to share, know that "giving people roses has a lingering fragrance", helping others while not forgetting to improve themselves.

Selfish, harsh and mean people are basically incompatible with "high emotional intelligence".

What happens to children with "low emotional intelligence"?

1) Influence interpersonal communication

People with low emotional intelligence either don't talk or they don't talk to people. Imagine, would you be willing to be friends with such a person?

People with low emotional intelligence in life usually have few friends, few confidants, and extremely poor interpersonal relationships.

Most children with low emotional intelligence have these mantras, and parents do not pay attention to them now, and it is difficult to correct them

2) It is difficult to gain a foothold in society

There are hundreds of people in society, and if you want to stand on your feet, you must know how to communicate. The so-called multiple friends and multiple roads, if one mouth offends the people around them, it is estimated that future development will become a problem.

What should parents do to raise children with "high emotional intelligence"?

1) Lead by example and teach by example

Parents are a mirror for their children, and they should lead by example and teach by example.

Such phenomena abound in life: parents are stupid, do not know how to speak, and in most cases children have problems with communication. If the parents have a high emotional intelligence, even if they do not know how to educate their children, but subtly, the child's emotional intelligence will not be low.

Even if it is for the good of the child, parents should also start from themselves, improve their shortcomings, and set a good example.

Most children with low emotional intelligence have these mantras, and parents do not pay attention to them now, and it is difficult to correct them

2) Teach children to share and be grateful

People with high emotional intelligence will know how to share and be grateful, which is also the focus of parents' education.

Tell your child to always have a grateful heart, remember everything that others have done for themselves, give benefits to others, and their own life path will be much smoother.

High emotional intelligence is very critical to the child's future development, not to let him smooth out the edges and corners to adapt to the world, but to live more wonderfully in this difficult world.

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