
11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

In the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, it was also an era of outstanding people, and many famous generals such as Cao Cao, Guan Yu, and Zhao Yun were born.

In the period of Emperor Gaozong of Tang, in order to pay tribute to the ancient generals, Emperor Gaozong of Tang honored Jiang Taigong as the King of Wucheng, and Zhang Liang, Tian Hoang Tho, Sun Wu, Wu Qi, Le Yi, Bai Qi, Han Xin, Zhuge Liang, and Li Ji as the Ten Zhe of the Martial Temple, and set up 64 ancient and modern famous generals under his command, thus having the original version of the Wu Temple.

11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

Among them, there are 11 figures from the Three Kingdoms, including Emperor Fusong in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Liao and Deng Ai in the State of Wei, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in the State of Shu, Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Lu Xun, and Lu Kang in the State of Wu, and Yang Hu, Du Xian, and Wang Mao of the Jin Dynasty.

However, when Zhao Kuangyin came to power and came to the Temple of King Wucheng in the Tang Dynasty, he looked at the famous generals painted in the two corridors, but put forward his own opinions, and Zhao Kuangyin first aimed the spearhead at Bai Qi: "The killing has fallen, and it is not even more martial, what is the enjoyment of this?" ”

In Zhao Kuangyin's view, Bai Qi, who rebelled and killed Zhao Guo's descendants, was obviously not worthy of the name of a sage, and ordered his subordinates to remove him.

11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

Therefore, among the philosophers, another change was set off, from 10 people in the Tang Dynasty to Guan Zhong, Sun Wu, Le Yi, Zhuge Liang, Li Ji, Sima Yong Tho, Fan Li, Han Xin, Li Jing, and Guo Ziyi of the Song Dynasty.

During this period, Guo Ziyi, Guan Zhong, and Fan Li were promoted to the position of Ten Zhe, in addition to Bai Qi, Wu Qi and Zhang Liang were also missing, but the two were one up and one down, Zhang Liang was considered to be the hero of the Kuang Fu Han Room, so he became worthy, and his status was even higher than that of Ten Zhe, while Wu Qi "killed his wife and asked for an official" and hurt the body of the King of Chu, and these black materials also caused him to be moved down.

11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

On the basis of the Tang and Song dynasties, the Wumiao Temple also made a substantial modification, expanding the number of famous generals to 72, but the 3 famous generals in the Three Kingdoms period were also excluded by Zhao Kuangyin. Let's take a good look.

The first place is Guan Yu, which is somewhat surprising, as a shu Han general in the Three Kingdoms period, why would he not be welcomed by Zhao Kuangyin? Several points are mentioned in the "Continuation of the Zizhi TongjianChang Edition".

11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

In Zhao Kuangyin's view, Guan Yu was originally an extremely conceited and small person, who would look down on Huang Zhong, and lose the important Jingzhou of Shu Han, and surrender to Cao Cao after being captured, and did not choose to do everything, becoming another stain on him. Interestingly, Guan Erye's popularity in the folk was so high that during the song Huizong Xuanhe period, the Song court silently restored his position, especially after the production of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Guan Yu's name was further mythologized, and even won the title of "Voldemort Emperor of the Three Realms".

11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

The second is Zhang Fei, it is not difficult to understand, Zhang Fei's temper is grumpy, like to whip the soldiers, and eventually lost his life, as for Zhang Fei's record is obviously somewhat difficult to compare, although he made a major contribution to the Battle of Laichuan and the Battle of Brazil, but compared with other famous generals, it seems that it is not enough to see.

The third person was Deng Ai of the State of Wei, Who could be said to be the greatest contributor to the battle to conquer the State of Shu, and under his influence, the situation of the Three Kingdoms could be finally broken, but Deng Ai did not wait for the day of the reward, he began to expand, and carried out monopoly power in Shu Han with the orders of the Son of Heaven, thus arousing zhong Hui's suspicion and executing him for the crime of treason. Although Deng Ai was somewhat wronged, Zhao Kuangyin still removed his status as a famous general.

11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

Interestingly, the famous generals of the State of Wu were retained, and Lu Xun lu kang and others were indeed the great generals of Eastern Wu who were on their own at that time, but was this related to Zhao Kuangyin's own preferences? That's not clear.

From the perspective of Zhao Kuangyin himself, changing the configuration of the martial generals is obviously for his own reasons, for Zhao Kuangyin, who is on the upper body of the yellow robe, loyalty is obviously the first element, which will lead to the revocation of Deng Ai and Zhang Fei and others, and some of the remaining military generals are also controversial because of some details.

11 warriors of the Three Kingdoms entered the Martial Temple, but 3 of them were kicked out by Zhao Kuangyin, who were they?

In the face of Zhao Kuangyin's practices, there were many discussions within the Officials of the Song Dynasty, and some of them expressed obvious disapproval, such as the secretary Lang Zhishiguan Guan Chengliang Zhouhan wrote: "All famous generals are all heroes, and they want to point out flaws, who should be tired!" Once the divine throne is removed, it seems that it is not permissible to nitpick for the wrongs of other generations and to cast a grudge against the evils of the ancients. The subject was confused. ”

In the past, Renxiong, which one did not have a little fault, if such accusations were made and their numbers were taken out, I am afraid that in the future it would trigger a wave of nitpicking and attacking the sages, hoping that His Majesty would be cautious, but this remark, obviously Zhao Kuangyin did not listen to it, and in 1123, Emperor Huizong of Song put Zhang Fei into the list of seventy-two generals, but Deng Ai lost his position forever, for this decision, do readers feel reasonable?

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