
108 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the 10th grandson of Dorgon is alive, wearing a yellow robe, and asks to live in the Forbidden City

Recently, a new way of self-blackening has emerged on the Internet: what, the Great Qing is dead? Netizens ridiculed themselves in a relaxed and funny way about their ignorance of an event, and also acted as a "melon-eating masses", hoping that their questions could be answered by enthusiastic people. As we all know, the Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in China, and it has been 108 years since its demise in 1912, and it is not thought that anyone who claims to be a remnant of the Manchu Qing will appear.

108 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the 10th grandson of Dorgon is alive, wearing a yellow robe, and asks to live in the Forbidden City

However, the world is so unpredictable, there is a man named "Ai Xin Jue Luo Zhou Di", he claims to be a descendant of the Qing royal family, the tenth grandson of Dolgun, usually wearing bright yellow clothes, long pigtails of the Qing Dynasty, acting in the same style as the Qing Dynasty, without the slightest regard for the opinions of others. From a very young age, Zhou Di received a complete royal education, according to him, his father was a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, often admonishing him to remember the ancestral precepts, abide by the rules, and not to forget the ancestors, and the young Zhou Di took his father's words to heart and never overstepped them.

108 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the 10th grandson of Dorgon is alive, wearing a yellow robe, and asks to live in the Forbidden City

Zhou Di has ten brothers and sisters, he is the seventh in his generation, their whole family follows the ancient system of title, the children call their father "Amma", but in front of outsiders, they dare not, can only be called "Uncle". For many years, the color of the clothes worn by the state was basically yellow, and the brothers and sisters were the same, even in the era of extreme material scarcity, the color of the clothes should be as close as possible to yellow to highlight the royal dignity.

108 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the 10th grandson of Dorgon is alive, wearing a yellow robe, and asks to live in the Forbidden City

In addition, the structure of Zhou Di's home is also different, not only has no traces of modern decoration, but is more like a Qing Dynasty royal palace. Pushing open the door, the first thing that comes into sight is antique furniture and rolls of calligraphy and paintings, and the swords and bows and arrows hanging on the walls seem to show the glory that once belonged to them. Old porcelain vases, stacks of old books on the shelves, portraits of Nurhaci and Dorgon on the wall in the center of the living room, through the rising smoke, their faces seem to be more real.

108 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the 10th grandson of Dorgon is alive, wearing a yellow robe, and asks to live in the Forbidden City

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of people's tolerance, Ai Xin Jue Luo Zhou Di has also revealed to the world another amazing identity of Ai Xin Jue Luo Puyi's cousin. Related to the last emperor, the secret of Zhou Di has aroused the interest of many experts, one of whom is Wang Zongyou, the president of the Guangzhou Manchurian Research Association. Wang Zongyou questioned: According to historical records, Dorgon had only one daughter and no sons in his life, and the identity of Zhou Di's "Tenth Grandson of Dolgun" was very untenable.

108 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the 10th grandson of Dorgon is alive, wearing a yellow robe, and asks to live in the Forbidden City

In addition, Tong Shun, vice president of the Manchu History and Culture Research Association, also put forward his own views. First, the generational arrangement of the Ai xin jueluo family is very strict, respectively, "Zai, Pu, Yu", etc., according to the name of Zhou Di, he is obviously not the same generation as Puyi, and his identity is doubtful; second, the Qing Dynasty once stipulated that the Residence of the Manchus could not leave the city for 40 miles, according to Zhou Di's family residence and family business history, it was obviously contrary to the ancestral precepts, which was fundamentally contradictory to Zhou Di, who claimed to always follow the ancestral precepts.

108 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the 10th grandson of Dorgon is alive, wearing a yellow robe, and asks to live in the Forbidden City

For the expert's questioning, Zhou Di was very dismissive, he always believed that he was Puyi's cousin, no matter where he said that he was a descendant of the royal family and should live in the Forbidden City. In this regard, many people laughed at him for not knowing the height of the sky and shouting: The Great Qing is dead! However, Zhou Di still went his own way, never explained too much, and finally made people confused, not knowing whether his identity was true or false.

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