
How to achieve a reasonable diet during pregnancy and reduce the chance of congenital malformations of the fetus

Now that the living conditions are better, the state proposes eugenics, and parents also want to have a healthy and lovely baby, but about 1 million new congenital deformities are born in China every year, and the main reason for this phenomenon is the lack of nutrients.

Perhaps many parents will question the number of 1 million congenital deformities, thinking that now that life is better, who will lack food and drink?

01 Nutritional deficiencies stem from ignorance rather than lack of money

Pregnancy is a big thing in the family, naturally everything good wants to be left for pregnant women to eat, and now pregnant women have no shortage of food. So why are there 1 million newborns with congenital malformations caused by nutritional deficiencies? Mainly out of their own ignorance.

Folic acid, which is widely recognized, is to prevent congenital malformations of the fetus. Before the marriage civil affairs bureau did not send folic acid, the other day and a pregnant mother chatted, she said: "The folic acid I ate was sent by the civil affairs bureau on the day of marriage registration, saying that after eating enough, you can also go to the community to get it." ”

Now the Civil Affairs Bureau is so considerate, folic acid is wrapped up for newlyweds, and the state is also broken for eugenics.

So what is folic acid?

It is a must to eat folic acid to get pregnant. Because folic acid is a vitamin, it is an essential nutrient for the body. Folic acid can be ingested through food in daily life, but folic acid cannot be stored in our body for a long time, it will metabolize very quickly, and it will be excreted quickly. According to international large-scale clinical studies, pregnant women oral folic acid to reach a certain dose, can prevent the emergence of fetal neural tube malformations, and then our country has also carried out pregnant women oral folic acid activities, many places are free to pregnant women to distribute folic acid. In order to improve the quality of the population and reduce the birth of malformed fetuses, oral folic acid during pregnancy is very necessary. (From Obstetricians and Gynecologists)

In the whole pregnancy process of pregnant women, different nutrients are needed at different times, but ordinary people do not understand at all, although the whole pregnancy period does not eat less, the result is that the pregnant mother is more than 100 pounds, giving birth to a doll only three or four pounds.

Before learning nutrition, the teacher said that pregnant women do not have to be very heavy, generally about 100 pounds of pregnant mothers before pregnancy, after pregnancy nutritional supplements reasonable plus appropriate amount of exercise, to the due date is also 120 years, give birth to a baby of seven or eight pounds, remove the amniotic fluid, remove the placenta.

After giving birth to the baby, the pregnant mother will be 90 years old. I would have 127 pounds in due date, and I would give birth to a 7.2 pounds of, weighing 96 pounds. The whole pregnancy is not fat, five months pregnant that will, go to school to talk about the storefront, people do not see that I am a pregnant woman.

Insufficient nutrition during pregnancy is mostly because we don't understand it. I thought that eating more every day would be no problem, but most of the results were not ideal.

02 What happens to the lack of nutrients that the fetus needs during pregnancy

Reasonable nutrition during pregnancy is a guarantee of normal fetal growth and development, and malnutrition can adversely affect both pregnancy outcomes and maternal health. The effects on the fetus mainly include fetal growth arrest in the mother's body, intrauterine growth retardation, and its outcomes include: increased incidence of preterm birth and low birth weight of newborns, increased incidence of congenital malformations of the fetus, increased infant mortality, and affected the physical and intellectual development of the fetus.

In recent years, low birth weight (LBW) has received particular attention, and studies have confirmed that low birth weight neonates are associated with the incidence of abnormal blood pressure and glucose tolerance in adulthood and are independent factors in addition to smoking, alcohol consumption and other risk factors:

(1) Low birth weight infants are prone to hypoglycemic hypoinsulinemia and insulin resistance in adulthood.

(2) The negative correlation between blood pressure and birth weight occurs in all stages of childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

(3) People with a birth weight of less than 2,500 g can lead to an increase in the incidence of adult coronary heart disease, while those with a normal birth weight have a lower incidence of coronary heart disease.

The survey also showed that the factors related to low birth weight of newborns were related to maternal nutritional status, including insufficient maternal weight and height before pregnancy, maternal protein-energy malnutrition during pregnancy, insufficient weight gain during pregnancy, low levels of total plasma protein and albumin during pregnancy, and anemia during pregnancy.

03What nutrients are needed during pregnancy

1. Energy

A reasonable intake of energy is the basis of pregnancy. Compared with non-pregnant women, the energy expenditure of pregnant women includes maternal reproductive organs and fetal growth and development, as well as maternal fat reserves for postpartum breast milk. The "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" recommends that pregnant women have 200kcal/day more energy intake in the middle and late stages than ordinary people.

Because pregnant women need far more nutrients than they need for energy, if you increase the amount of food to meet your nutritional needs, it is easy to cause pregnant women to be overweight. Therefore, it is best to use nutrient-rich ingredients for pregnant women's diet, which can meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women without causing excessive weight gain.

2. Protein

During pregnancy, about 925 g of protein is required for the growth and development of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, blood volume increase, and the mother's uterus, breast and other tissues. Because the liver in the early stage of the fetus is not yet mature and lacks enzymes that synthesize amino acids, all amino acids are essential amino acids for the fetus and need to be provided by the mother. The "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" recommends that the RNI added value of dietary protein in the early, middle and third trimesters of pregnancy is 5g/day, 15g/day, and 20g/day, respectively. It can be increased according to the physical condition of the pregnant woman or according to the doctor's recommendation.

3. Fat

During pregnancy, 3 to 4 kg of fat is needed, which plays a very important role in the development of the brain nervous system and retina in the early stages of human life, and there is a special need for fat and a variety of fatty acids during pregnancy. The "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" recommends that dietary fat in pregnant women should account for 20% to 30% of total energy.

4. Minerals

(1) Calcium

Pregnant women have a relatively large demand for calcium, and the transport of calcium by the placenta is carried out with an active reverse concentration difference to ensure the need for calcium in the fetus.

Calcium supplementation during pregnancy may reduce the risk of maternal hypertension, pregnancy hyperinflation, and preeclampsia.

The "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" recommends that the calcium in women in the second trimester is 1000 mg/day, and the third trimester is 1200 mg/day.

Excessive calcium intake can lead to constipation in pregnant women and may also affect the absorption of other nutrients. Milk and dairy products, soy products, sesame seeds, shrimp skin and other seafood can be supplemented with calcium.

(2) Iron

Iron deficiency in the first trimester is associated with preterm birth and low birth weight in infants. The "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" recommends 25 mg/day for pregnant women in the second trimester and 35 mg/day in the third trimester. Animal liver, animal blood, lean meat, egg yolks, beans, rape, mustard greens, spinach, lettuce, etc. can all be replenished with iron.

(3) Iodine

Iodine deficiency can reduce thyroxine synthesis in pregnant women, leading to hypothyroidism, reducing maternal metabolism and thus reducing the provision of fetal nutrients. The World Health Organization estimates that 20 million people worldwide suffer from brain damage due to iodine deficiency in pregnant mothers.

The "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents" recommends that the iodine RNI for pregnant women is 200ug/day, and pregnant women can eat iodine-rich seafood once a week.

How to achieve a reasonable diet during pregnancy and reduce the chance of congenital malformations of the fetus

The whole pregnancy needs more nutrients, such as zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, etc. not mentioned in the article, how much need to be supplemented, depending on the constitution of each pregnant mother, pregnancy time to do a good pregnancy test, what the body needs to supplement, can be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

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