
The baby has a "heavy breath" and may be indigestion

The baby has a "heavy breath" and may be indigestion

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The baby has a "heavy breath" and may be indigestion

Q: What is indigestion?


Dyspepsia is a very common disease of the digestive tract. Babies' digestive systems are not yet mature, and indigestion is common. With the addition of complementary foods, the variety of foods gradually increases, and the baby's digestive system is more likely to have problems.

Q: What are the manifestations that predict indigestion in your baby?

Dyspepsia refers to having persistent or recurrent symptoms of digestive dysfunction. Specific manifestations are:

Epigastric pain, bloating, early satiety, belching, anorexia, heartburn, acid reflux, nausea and vomiting and so on. However, the baby cannot speak, and the mother should pay close attention to the baby's following performance in order to avoid the baby's indigestion.

1. For small babies, it is often manifested as milk leakage, and slightly older babies often have vomiting, which is generally not serious, and the vomit has a sour taste.

2. The child has loss of appetite, bloating, hyperintestinal sounds, and even without a stethoscope, the "grunting" sound of the stomach can be heard.

3. Bad breath. Because the substances your child eats have not been digested in time, it may cause the baby to have acid or bad breath. If this happens, parents need to hurry up and solve the problem of indigestion in their children.

4. Diarrhea. Foul-smelling stools, accompanied by a small amount of indigestible food scraps. At this time, although the baby has no diarrhea, he has the precursor of eating. At this time, the amount of diet should be reduced immediately, adjusted, and avoid the occurrence of diarrhea.

Q: How can indigestion be prevented?

1. Feeding should be regular and quantitative.

Let the baby develop good habits of eating from an early age and make his internal organs better adapted. After your baby is able to eat on his own, he should be encouraged to develop the habit of eating on his own.

2. Maintain your baby's appetite.

Because eating is most beneficial only if there is an appetite. To maintain a good appetite for the baby, you must pay attention to the eating environment can not be too noisy, not to eat while watching TV; do not eat snacks before meals; avoid eating when the baby is too tired or nervous.

3. Pay attention to the warmth of the abdomen.

Do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract with cold while minimizing respiratory infections.

4. Pay close attention to keeping the digestive tract unobstructed and develop the habit of regular bowel movements.

5. Pay attention to hygiene

Parents should first develop the habit of washing their hands before meals, and also pay attention to the cleanliness and freshness of food. Eat more foods that are easy to digest and avoid foods that are difficult to digest.

Q: How can indigestion be treated?

1, observe the baby's condition, is the illness caused by indigestion, or eat what food caused, you must find the cause.

2. If it is a disease that slows down the operation of the digestive system and there is indigestion, it is necessary to find out the root cause, and after the baby's condition is cured, it can slowly restore internal digestion.

3. If you eat some more difficult to digest food, or eat too much and lead to indigestion, you need to reduce the baby's food intake and try to eat some complementary foods with a thin texture.

4. The baby rests more, increases the growth of the body, and allows the baby to recover under sufficient sleep.

5. If the child is accompanied by diarrhea and abdominal pain, the patch product can also be used to help the baby effectively stop diarrhea and relieve pain, which has a certain conditioning effect on the baby's stomach and intestines.

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