
Chinese Cultural Industry New Year Forum: Cultural Genes and China's Path

On January 8, 2022, the 19th China Cultural Industry New Year Forum was unveiled, with the theme of "Cultural Genes and Chinese Roads", focusing on the "Centennial Journey" and "Contemporary Mission", and jointly discussing the development of cultural genes and Chinese roads.

The forum was hosted by Peking University. Wang Bo, Vice President of Peking University, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the main forum, and stressed in his speech that digging deeper into the deepest cultural genes in traditional Chinese culture is an important topic for the development of China's cultural industry in the new era, and looks forward to the experts and scholars participating in this forum to provide insights for better pioneering a new path of Chinese-style modernization. Ten domestic and foreign experts and scholars from the field of cultural industry made wonderful speeches on the application and development of cultural genes in cultural context inheritance, intangible cultural heritage transformation, regional development, international communication, technology transformation, and IP creation.

Chinese Cultural Industry New Year Forum: Cultural Genes and China's Path

"Create a 'pie' type of strong power belt and strengthen the new layout of China's cultural space"

Li Xiangmin, vice president of Nanjing University of the Arts, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Cultural Inheritance and Industrial Innovation", emphasizing that the fundamental task of cultural inheritance lies in the activation and materialization of cultural genes, and advocated that cultural industry workers excavate and tell stories, develop and extend stories, bring stories home, organically combine creativity and industry, form a new cultural format, and promote the innovation and inheritance of Chinese culture.

In his speech, Li Xiangmin introduced that according to the definition of the American anthropologist Krakohen, "context" is defined as a system of survival created in history. "Because the English word Context itself is a contextual meaning, because it speaks of context, it actually has a cultural context in the contextual connection. Context is not just the fruit of a word, or the presentation of a text, but also includes all ways of life and mode of production. From this point of view, it can also be seen as a trajectory of civilizational and cultural changes. "In his view, for the collation and development of the context, on the one hand, it can highlight the personality of the city, and on the other hand, it can also dock with industrial innovation." The focus of the context is on stories and symbols, and a fundamental task of the context is the activation and materialization of cultural genes. This involves three aspects: first, dig up and tell a good story; second, when the story is excavated, how to tell such a story well and make it continue? Finally, it must be implemented in how to tell the story to 'take' home and spread it. ”

Hua Jian, director and researcher of the Cultural Industry Research Center of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, is an old friend of the New Year Forum, and he has been one of the important scholars who participated in the initiation since the first session. The title of Huajian's speech this time is "Relying on Node Cities to Deepen the Cooperation between Cultural and Creative Industries and Cultural Trade along the Belt and Road". "The first great geographical discovery from the fifteenth century gradually formed a large world market. This great geographical discovery has brought about a huge leap forward in human civilization, and in the process of hundreds of years, it has gradually parasitic some drawbacks - let the East gradually subordinate to the West, let the South gradually subordinate to the North, and let the developing economies become more dependent on the developed economies. Therefore, it is not enough to stop the way of understanding and construction of the first geographical discovery, more countries need to optimize the existing world order, which makes China's initiative of the 'Belt and Road' have the far-reaching significance of the second geographical discovery in human history. ”

In Huajian's view, the Silk Road cities or "Belt and Road Cities" have formed three major circle layers, "the first circle layer is a node city along the Belt and Road in China, including the Yangtze River Economic Belt City Cluster, the Coastal Economic Belt City Cluster, and the Eurasian Land Bridge City Cluster; the second circle layer is the node cities along the Belt and Road in the traditional sense outside China, such as Manila, Phnom Penh, Madrid, Budapest, Ankara, etc.; in addition, it also includes non-traditional Belt and Road extra-territorial docking cities, including Auckland, Panama City, La Paz, Santiago, Port of Spain, etc., can be said to be forming a belt and road city system with the Belt and Road Initiative as the golden line and more urban agglomerations participating together. ”

Combined with node cities to explore how Chinese cultural genes can be better disseminated and developed along the Belt and Road, Huajian emphasized in his speech that it is inward and outward, creating a "pie" type strong power belt, further strengthening the new layout of China's cultural space, exerting the attractiveness and radiation of innovative cities, and promoting the international cultural industry cooperation and cultural trade of the Belt and Road to bloom more brilliant flowers Three major power belts are being formed: the first Yangtze River Economic Belt power belt, the second Eurasian Land Bridge Economic Belt, the third coastal economic belt power belt, including some economic corridors. They are like a giant 'faction' type, covering China's territory and connecting with overseas passages. ”

Yu Dan, Dean of the Capital Institute of Cultural Innovation and Cultural Communication Engineering of Beijing Normal University, delivered a speech on the topic of "Creative Transformation of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Urban Cultural Ecology", focusing on the theme of how to make intangible cultural heritage live in the present, explaining the relationship between intangible cultural heritage and urban cultural ecology from the three propositions of seeing people, seeing things and seeing life, and discussing how to promote the integration of intangible cultural heritage into modern life from the three levels of creativity, resource power and communication power. "Finally, I would like to say that we still have to return to Yangming Xinxue, Wang Yangming wrote in the poem "Other Lives", 'Do not leave the daily use of the usual line, directly before the birth is not painted.'" His successor, Wang Geng of the Taizhou School, also mentioned that 'the daily use of the people is the Tao'. Therefore, intangible cultural heritage is not a heritage, it is a living soul, which can truly improve our ecology and enhance our inner growth under today's lifestyle. Yu Dan said.

François Colbert, former Chair of UNESCO's Cultural Management Committee and tenured professor at the University of Montreal's Hector School of Business, gave a speech on the significance of the arts, artists and cultural industries in shaping national identity and building national identity. He pointed out that no matter what kind of art is inseparable from cultural inheritance and value development, emphasized the role of different subject means such as the market, family, school and so on, and expressed his expectations for the future of culture and art to help build China's national identity.

Chinese Cultural Industry New Year Forum: Cultural Genes and China's Path

Guests of the main forum

Focus on the metacosm and show the possibilities of building a digital world

In October 2021, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, published a "Founder's Letter: 2021", announcing that Facebook had changed its name to "Meta". At this year's Chinese Cultural Industry New Year Forum, many participating scholars also expressed their views on the "meta-universe".

Li Fengliang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Southern University of Science and Technology and Founding Dean of the Institute of Cultural Industry of Shenzhen University, delivered a speech entitled "Metacosm and Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Innovation", proposing that the latest technical means should be combined to create high-quality cultural content, explore new formats such as digital collections, virtual idols, and digital performing arts, and look forward to the future of deep integration of meta-universe and traditional culture from three aspects: inheritance, creativity and innovation.

Professor Huang Changyong, dean and professor of the Shanghai Theater Academy, delivered a speech entitled "Metaverse: Re-examining Art and Technology". He believes that the concept of metaversity should be said to be insufficient in the general attention of the academic community now, "I think we must face it squarely." In the current context, the metaverse connotation absorbs the achievements of the virtual reality technology revolution such as the information revolution, the Internet revolution, artificial intelligence, VR, ER, AR, MR, game engine, digital blockchain, etc., showing human beings the possibility of building a holographic digital world parallel to the traditional physical world. ”

Huang Changyong said that at present, many platform companies are laying out the meta-universe, "Microsoft needless to say. At the end of last year, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Shanghai Electronic Information Industry". The plan mentions that we should focus on cutting-edge areas, prospectively lay out key technology research and development, and consolidate the development capabilities of common basic technologies. Strengthen the forward-looking research and development of the basic capabilities of the underlying core technologies of the meta-universe, promote the development of new terminals and systematic virtual content construction that deepens perceptual interaction, and explore industry applications. This is leading the way in China, and many other provinces and cities may not have noticed this, and Shanghai has systematically studied the impact that the metacosm may have on future industries. ”

In Huang Changyong's view, in the face of the meta-universe, we still have to return to an ancient proposition, that is, what is the relationship between technology and art? "I think art has never been separated from technology since its birth, and the history of human development is inseparable from art... The metacosm may have hit a limit, that is, through technology to break the boundary between true and false, the boundary of space-time, to present a multidimensional world. He also cited the premiere of China's first science fiction opera "Seven Days" in Shanghai in early November last year as an example, "poetically inhabiting, which is an undeniable value orientation and attitude towards life." At the same time, we should also see that technology is still moving forward. Without technology, in the era of Ru Mao's blood drinking, poetry would be nowhere to be found. There has always been a trend of thought in art, with a critical attitude towards machines, industries, cities, genes, networks, artificial intelligence, etc., but paradoxically, artists use the development of technology to criticize the world brought about by technology. Without technical changes, such criticism would have been impossible. ”

Professor Xiang Yong, dean and professor of the Institute of Cultural Industry research at Peking University, finally stressed that the lifestyle and cultural ecology of the world today are undergoing drastic changes, and the ups and downs of the new crown epidemic have also accelerated the reshaping of people's perception, discourse and lifestyle. In the face of the new era, new situation and new needs, we must not only grasp the initiative of history, but also need to take innovation and creativity as the starting point, better integrate the connotation of China's excellent traditional culture into all aspects of production and life, and explore the spiritual source and innovation momentum for the better inheritance of Chinese cultural genes and the higher quality development of China's cultural industry.

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