
Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

The Shu Han Dynasty, the last regime of the Han Dynasty, was established by Liu Bei, and finally came to an end at the hands of Liu Chan, and the Han Dynasty disappeared and ceased to exist. Speaking of shu han, it is worth letting future generations comment, in addition to that wonderful story, there are also characters who have left their faces in the long river of history although people have passed away. Forty years in the Shu Han Dynasty, the Five Tigers generals were famous.

In the early days of the establishment of the Shu Han Dynasty, there were generals who were brave and good at war, the most outstanding of which were the five tiger generals of the Shu Han, that is, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Huang Zhong. Among the five generals, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, and Ma Chao died of old age or illness, while Guan Yu and Zhang Fei all died in the war. After the death of the five tigers, their descendants will have different endings, but only one person's descendants will last for a thousand years.

Gentian gun god Zhao Zilong

Single-handedly breaking through the siege, Nagasaka slope showed its might, that is, Zhao Yun, the main general of the Gentian Divine Gun. Zhao Yun, one of the Five Tiger Generals, is also the second highest in the military value of the Three Kingdoms in the public rankings for many years. He was also Liu Bei's right-hand bodyguard, the general who won the heart of Zhuge Cheng xiang the most of the Five Tiger Generals. Zhao Yun's life is a legendary life, and it is also the longest living among the five tiger generals, he has fought and killed all his life, xiao yong is good at war, invincible, and finally died of old age and illness, ending the successful life of a martial general.

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

Zhao Yun had two sons, named Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang, and it is rumored that one of his daughters was married to Guan Yu's son Guan Ping. After Zhao Yun's death, his eldest son Zhao Tong inherited his Marquis of Yongchangting, and there is no historical record of the subsequent situation, and it is estimated that no heirs will inherit it. The second son, Zhao Guang, followed Jiang Boyo and the Wei army in the Battle of Sichuan, and then died in the battle. In addition to these, Zhao Yun's descendants have no other historical records, and his descendants are estimated to have no continuation.

Wu Sheng Zhongyi Guan Yunchang

Guan Yu, with a red face and beautiful hair, holding a green dragon crescent knife and riding a red rabbit war horse, was revered by posterity as a martial saint and a symbol of loyalty. Among the Five Tiger Generals, Guan Yu's status in the hearts of the Chinese people can be said to be the highest, not only the people who worship their brothers after him, but even the gangsters and gangs of the underworld use him as the object of worship.

In the novel, he rode through five levels and slashed six generals, killed Yan Liang, killed Wen Ugly, bravely and courageously went to the meeting with a single knife, Xiang Fan was captured in the forbidden, and killed Pound, all of which became good stories passed on by the people of later generations. Unfortunately, later the hero Wasqueath, defeated Maicheng, and was beheaded by Lü Meng's subordinates and dedicated to Eastern Wu.

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

According to historical facts, Guan Yu had two sons and a daughter, Guan Ping was his eldest son, and when he was young, he fought and killed with Guan Yu, and later Guan Yu was also around when he was killed in Linfeng, and he was killed together. The second son, named Guan Xing, was young and promising, and served as the Central Supervisor at a young age, which shows that Zhuge Liang also greatly valued him.

Although Guan Xing died early in the Northern Expedition, he still left a bloodline for the Guan family, he had two sons, a concubine and a concubine, Guan Tong was Guan Xing's concubine, and had no heirs after his death.

Guan Yi was Guan Xing's son-in-law, who succeeded guan Tong after his death, and later due to the extinction of the "Zhonghui Rebellion", Guan Yi's line could not continue. Guan Yu's daughter has no historical records, so Guan Yu's descendants have not been able to continue for a longer time.

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

I. Yingjie Ma Mengqi

Ma Chao, when he was young, was famous and brave. In the early days, Cao Cao was recruited to Beijing as an official many times but he refused, and later Liu Bei attacked Liu Zhang to persuade him to surrender, so he defected to Liu Bei, and after the establishment of power in Shu Han, Ma Chao's official position was promoted to the rank of General of The Horse Rider and Marquis of Xiangxiang.

Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu both praised him as a generation of heroes, heroic and heroic, and even a major worry in Cao Cao's early days. To borrow the original words of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Wei Zhen Xi Liang made great achievements, and the most heroic of the six battles of Weiqiao. He died of illness shortly after establishing the Shu Han regime with Liu Bei.

Ma Chao had only one pair of children, the son was named Ma Cheng, and there was no other record in the history books except that he inherited his father's title after Ma Chao's death, and it is estimated that there are no heirs. Daughter Ma Shi, it is rumored that she married Liu Bei's son Liu Li, there are no more records in the future, and Ma Chao has no descendants to inherit.

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

The arrow god is not old Huang Hansheng

Huang Zhong, old and strong, would rather move the heart of the white head. Although Huang Zhong, one of the famous Five Tiger Generals, was already a veteran general, his spiritual attributes were much higher than those of the young generals, and he had the courage and courage to strategize in not accepting defeat, and he also had the arrow technique of wearing Yang with a hundred steps, which made him occupy an unshakable position among the Five Tiger Generals.

Huang Zhong died of illness in the second year of Liu Bei's reign as King of Hanzhong, and posthumously honored him as Marquis Gang. Although Huang Zhong did not die early, he only had one son, named Huang Xu, but unfortunately, Huang Xu did not live longer, and died early at an early age, so after Huang Zhong's death, there was no heir inheritance, and there was no record of death. This heroic veteran has no more stories and inheritances.

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

Invincible Yanren Zhang Yide

The five tigers will be the last, Zhang Fei. This tiger general, heroic and invincible, but not lacking in strategic courage, Chen Shou said that he was majestic and mighty, and was the enemy of all people. Zhang Fei has a majestic aura, a bold and domineering body, but he is not a brave and reckless person without wisdom.

When Cao Cao led the army to pursue Zhao Yun'adou to the Changsaka Bridge, Zhang Fei used the dust raised from the back mountain to create a momentum, pretended to have a large number of troops in ambush, and stood alone at the head of the bridge to deter Cao Cao's army, frightening cao's army that no one dared to come forward, so that the suspicious Cao Cao could only seek stability and lead the army back to the camp.

From this, it can also be seen that Zhang Fei is brave and strategic, and he is superior. However, it is a pity that Zhang Fei's death can also be said to be caused by his own personality, he is fierce and unkind, has no compassion for his subordinates, and finally was murdered by his generals Zhang Da and Fan Qiang, ending his life.

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

Zhang Fei had two sons and two daughters, the eldest daughter later became Liu Chan's first empress, and died within fifteen years, and then the second daughter also married Liu Chan to take over the position of empress dowager. Zhang Fei's eldest son, named Zhang Bao, is also an excellent general, and he is considered a tiger father without a dog, but he also died young. Zhang Bao had an only son, named Zhang Zun, who was also a minor general who later died in a battle to defend Mianzhu. After Zhang Zun died, there were no heirs, and there was no successor to Zhang Bao's lineage.

Zhang Fei's second son, named Zhang Shao, Did not experience the cruelty of the Northern Expedition like his brother, Zhang Bao died early, he inherited the title of Marquis of Xixiang after his father's death, and there were not too many ups and downs behind him. By the time of the fall of the Shu Han Dynasty, Zhang Shao could only follow Liu Chan to Luoyang, and was later made a marquis by Cao Wei, and it was because of this that Zhang Shao received a good death.

Zhang Shao's descendant has been passed down for a long time, and although there are no more records to date, there is one thing that can reflect the long inheritance of Zhang Shao's lineage from the side, that is, a newspaper newspaper reported that there were Taiwan celebrities who claimed to be Zhang Fei's descendants, and many people in the group went to Zhang Fei's temple to worship many times.

Will the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty have descendants to pass on? Most of them have died out, but the descendants of this person have lasted for thousands of years

There is no relevant historical record to prove this situation, but it can also be seen that Zhang Fei's descendants have been able to continue in the future, so the Five Tigers will also be zhang Fei's descendants and heirs are clearly inherited.


The Five Tiger Generals are gone today, and the soul of the martial general is passed down in Huaxia. History is the process of the demise of generations, some people will come, no one can stop the cruelty of time, just like the brave and brilliant five tiger generals, the horse has been fighting all his life, but the inheritance of future generations is not satisfactory.

Although Zhao Yun was able to die well, but there was no descendant heir to continue, Zhang Fei died in the war, but the descendants lasted for a thousand years, so it is said that the inheritance of the bloodline clan is affected by various circumstances and the characteristics of the times, not only by strength, but also by luck, just like many luck in a person's life, it is impossible to meet.

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