
Nutritious appetizing tomato egg soup, there are tips for the method, quickly remember to make it for the family to drink

author:Raising flowers

Now that it is winter, it is cold outside, and when you go out and go home, you feel very cold, and you want to drink a hot soup. A lot of soup is actually still more troublesome, but today Huahua said to everyone this kind of soup, it is simply too simple, even if it is a small white cooker can also make it at home. This soup is tomato and egg soup. Tomato egg soup tastes sweet and sour, appetizing, but also with a little salty feeling, in winter to drink such a bowl of hot soup, it is simply too comfortable! The tomatoes inside can be appetizing, and the eggs can also supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, which is very suitable for both adults and children.

Tomato egg soup is something that many people can make, but everyone makes it with a different taste. Some people cook delicious and some people make it without any taste. Many friends will do it, but everyone makes it with different tastes. Most people like to drink that kind of thick tomato egg soup, today Huahua came to teach everyone the most authentic way, hurry up and learn to make it for the family to drink it~

Nutritious appetizing tomato egg soup, there are tips for the method, quickly remember to make it for the family to drink

1. Prepare the ingredients

First of all, we have to learn to prepare ingredients, two eggs, two tomatoes, green onions, garlic cloves, sweet potato starch, salt. Raw materials are not very troublesome, these are enough.

Nutritious appetizing tomato egg soup, there are tips for the method, quickly remember to make it for the family to drink

Second, the production method

1, we first choose two more complete and full tomatoes, it seems that there are no scars, such tomatoes are healthier. Then we use a knife to draw the shape of a cross flower knife on top of the tomato, and then put it in a bowl, blanch it with boiling water, and the skin of the tomato can be peeled off, and this method of peeling is still very simple.

Nutritious appetizing tomato egg soup, there are tips for the method, quickly remember to make it for the family to drink

2, if there is no boiling water at hand, we can use a knife to scrape potato skin to scrape tomatoes, and it is also a more convenient method, and flower friends can choose one of the methods to use Oh ~

3: Prepare the tender shallots, cut the green onions and green into green onions, and then set aside the green onions. Then prepare a little garlic cloves and cut into minced garlic.

4: Beat the eggs into a bowl, then add a small spoonful of salt, beat with chopsticks, add salt to increase the umami taste of the eggs.

Nutritious appetizing tomato egg soup, there are tips for the method, quickly remember to make it for the family to drink

5, cut the peeled tomatoes into small pieces, pay attention to the bottom of the tomato stalks to remove, otherwise it will affect the taste.

6, then we prepare a small bowl, put a sweet potato starch in it, and then pour a little water to dissolve directly. Ready for final use.

7, now put a little oil in the pot, burn until 50% hot, then put the garlic cloves and green onions into it, fry out the aroma, and then throw the chopped tomatoes into it, fry the tomato soup, and then pour in a little water.

Nutritious appetizing tomato egg soup, there are tips for the method, quickly remember to make it for the family to drink

8, then open the fire to start boiling water, after boiling first pour in the starch liquid, wait until the soup becomes more thick, we will beat the egg flowers into it, according to their own taste, add salt, chicken essence, raw soy sauce seasoning can be. Cook for about 5 minutes, add a little sesame oil before coming out of the pan, and the taste is very strong.

Nutritious appetizing tomato egg soup, there are tips for the method, quickly remember to make it for the family to drink


1, tomatoes must choose to pinch up the inside of the more water, do not choose the kind that looks very green and hard.

2, when frying tomatoes, you can add a little salt, you can better fry the soup.

3, do not add too much starch, starch is mainly to make the taste more intense, too much too viscous but not good.

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