
Four important generals in the Eastern Wu army had a mixed ending, two of whom later surrendered to the enemy

The former general is at the head of the four generals, and the general who holds this position also has a certain prestige in the army. There were four former generals in the history of Eastern Wu, all of whom were commanders in the Eastern Wu army, but the final outcome of these four generals was mixed, and two of them later surrendered to the enemy.

The first former general of Eastern Wu was Lü Fan, and although Lü Fan was not as good as the Twelve Tiger Generals of the Eastern Wu River, he was also an important figure within Eastern Wu. Lü Fan was a veteran of Eastern Wu, and in his early years, he followed Sun Jian and Sun Ce's father and son on the battlefield, and made important contributions to the establishment of Eastern Wu.

Four important generals in the Eastern Wu army had a mixed ending, two of whom later surrendered to the enemy

The Lü family is a large clan in Jiangdong, and when Sun Ce raised an army, Lü Fan led the family's disciples to his command, and he once led the disciples to successfully rescue Sun Ce's mother, Lady Wu, and was deeply treated by Sun Ce. After Sun Ce's death, Lü Fan continued to be loyal to Sun Quan, who had lost to the Wei general Cao Ren at Dongkou, and Sun Quan did not blame lü Fan for his assistance. Lü Fan was a long-time defender of Yangzhou for the eastern Wu town in the later period, and before his death, he was also promoted by Sun Quan to the position of Grand Sima (大司馬).

The second former general of Eastern Wu was Zhu Huan, a new generation of famous generals during the Sun Quan period, zhu Huan was brave and good at war. After the Battle of Yiling, the State of Wei raised an army to attack Eastern Wu, and Sun Quan dispatched Zhuge Jin, Lü Fan, and Sun Sheng to resist the Wei army, and when the State of Wu was defeated and retreated, only Zhu Huan won a great victory. Zhu Huan faced the famous Wei general Cao Ren, but he was not weak in this battle, and he not only destroyed Cao Ren's troops, but even personally beheaded the Wei general Chang Diao and the three armies of Wei Zhen.

Four important generals in the Eastern Wu army had a mixed ending, two of whom later surrendered to the enemy

Zhu Huan became famous, inseparable from Sun Quan's promotion, his nature was arrogant, and he was light on wealth and righteousness, and the generals also loved him very much. After Zhu Huan's death, Eastern Wu was also in a state of grief, and Sun Quan, in recognition of his merits, gave him the title of Marquis of Jiaxing.

Compared with Lü Fan and Zhu Huan, the other two former generals of Eastern Wu performed very badly.

The third former general of Eastern Wu, Tang Zhi, was a general of the State of Wei, and during the reign of Emperor Cao Pi of Wei, Tang Zhi was defeated and defected to Eastern Wu for rebellion, and he was used by Sun Quan and gradually rose to the position of former general. After Tang Zhi surrendered to Wu, he also had some military achievements, he once led an army to defeat Luo Li, the head of the Luling thieves, and later, he accompanied the general Lü Dai to attack Jiaozhou and break the Shishi emblem of Jiaozhou. Although Tang Zhili had certain military achievements, he was born as a general after all, so he was not trusted by Sun Quan from beginning to end.

Four important generals in the Eastern Wu army had a mixed ending, two of whom later surrendered to the enemy

Tang Zhi had certain military achievements in the early stages, but in his later period, he performed very poorly. In 257 AD, Zhuge Zhi rebelled against Sima Zhao in Shouchun, and the Wu lord Sun Liang found the right moment to send Tang Zhi and Wen Qin to lead troops to meet Zhuge Zhao, but just after Tang Zhi and others entered Shouchun, the Wei soldiers and horses took the opportunity to surround him, Tang Zhi, Wen Qin and others were captured by Sima Zhao, and the troops of the Wu army to the north were also completely destroyed.

After Tang Zhi was captured, he did not show the courage to sacrifice his life and forget his life, and soon he surrendered to the State of Wei. The Wei general Sima Zhao appointed Tang Zhi as the general of Anyuan and transferred him to the Yongzhou front. In 263, Tang Accompanied By Zhong Hui joined in a crusade against the Shu Han.

In addition to Tang Zhi, another general of Eastern Wu also behaved very badly, he was Sun Xiu, the fourth former general of Eastern Wu. Sun Xiu was a member of the Eastern Wu clan and was the grandson of Sun Quan's younger brother Sun Kuang. Sun Xiu was able to fulfill the position of former general, mainly by virtue of his own status as a clan.

Four important generals in the Eastern Wu army had a mixed ending, two of whom later surrendered to the enemy

Compared with Tang Zhi, Sun Xiu was much inferior, Sun Xiu did not have any military achievements, and he was still living in the era of tyrants. Sun Hao, the late Emperor of Wu, was a famous tyrant in the history of Eastern Wu, and his cruelty was easy to kill, and even the Wu Guozong family was not spared. During Sun Hao's time, Sun Xiu was the only representative general in Wu Guozong's office, but because of this, he was suspected by Sun Hao. In 270, Sun Hao sent his close associate He Ding to lead 5,000 soldiers and horses to Sun Xiu's territory of Xiakou to hunt. Sun Xiu was afraid to kill Sun Hao, so he led his cronies to surrender to the Western Jin Dynasty.

After Sun Xiu surrendered to The Jin Dynasty, he was favored by Sima Yan, the Emperor of Jinwu, who was made a general of the Hussars by Sima Yan and ranked above the generals of the Four Directions.

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