
Sichuan Hu clan: At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and the end of the Yuan Dynasty, many foreign Hu surnames entered Sichuan and became a large family

During the Ming Dynasty, the population of Hu surnames in Sichuan was not much, and in the demographic statistics of the Ming Dynasty, Sichuan did not enter the forefront. However, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and the end of the Yuan Dynasty, many foreign Hu surnames moved into Sichuan one after another, multiplied, and gradually became a large family, and some figures who were admitted to the world because of their reading.

According to one data, there were 24 jinshi in Sichuan (including present-day Chongqing) during the Ming Dynasty, which is indeed very small compared to other provinces. Among them, Jingyan County has the largest number of jinshi, with 5, followed by Ba County (present-day Banan District, Chongqing), with 4.

In terms of celebrities, there were two main characters in Sichuan during the Ming Dynasty who were more famous: one was Hu Zizhao and the other was Hu Shi'an. When these two people are compared together, it is very intriguing: Hu Zizhao lived in the early Ming Dynasty, was a proud protégé of the famous Confucian Fang Xiaoru, who was killed for not yielding to Zhu Di; Hu Shi'an lived in the late Ming Dynasty, and after the Qing army fell to the Ming Dynasty, he submitted to the Qing court and became a "second minister", and the official did a great job. Hu Shi'an also set a record: he wrote the first poem in the history of Chinese literature that is currently recordable and wrote the first poem in the history of Chinese literature to chant Tiananmen.

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the three Hu brothers moved from Xiaogan to Sichuan

Among the Hu people in Sichuan today, there is a large tribe that is very special, and for various reasons, they are divided into Hu surname, Li surname and Du surname.

Sichuan Hu clan: At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and the end of the Yuan Dynasty, many foreign Hu surnames entered Sichuan and became a large family

Cover of "Hu Li Family Tree (General Genealogy of Leshan Area)". (File photo)

According to the "Hu Li Family Genealogy (General Genealogy of Leshan Region)", in the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty, Hu Yinghan, who lived in the Bodhi River of Wild Boar Ditch in Xiaogan Township, Macheng County, Huangzhou Province, had five sons: Hu Ye, Hu Ai, Hu Shou, Hu Jue, and Hu Cai.

In the 6th year of Baoyou (1258), Möngke Khan attacked the Southern Song Dynasty in three major armies, his fourth brother Kublai Khan attacked Wuhan, the general Wuliang Hetai attacked Changsha, and he led an army to attack Sichuan. The following year, Möngke Khan was killed in Diaoyu City, and the Mongolian army withdrew.

Kublai Khan and Wuliang marched to Wuhan and Changsha, and the people in Wuhan were panicked, and the people fled one after another.

The Hu brothers heard that the war in Sichuan had been put to an end, and in order to avoid the chaos of the war, Hu Shou took his wife Liu Shi, carrying the ancestral tablet, carrying the Hu clan genealogy, and set out into Sichuan with Hu Jue and Hu Cai's two younger brothers, Jing Ding in the first year (1260).

The following year, Hu Yu and his party went through all kinds of hardships and hardships to come to the Boaluo Trench under the Golden Lantern Mountain in Qianwei County, Jiading Province (now Jindeng Village, Cheche Town, Shizhong District, Leshan City).

Sichuan Hu clan: At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and the end of the Yuan Dynasty, many foreign Hu surnames entered Sichuan and became a large family

Preface to the Huli Family Genealogy (General Genealogy of Leshan Region). (File photo)

With the turmoil of the times and the intensification of taxation, the indigenous residents under the Golden Lantern Mountain, Such as Liao, Shi, Zan and Zeng, all fled one after another. Hu Fu did not leave, took over their fields to cultivate, paid taxes on behalf of the servants, and the couple made a living by striking iron and farming.

Hu Jue was favored by a widow surnamed Li on the half side street of Jiading Province, and became a son-in-law of the upside-down door, and the eldest son was changed to the surname of Li, and the second son was still surnamed Hu.

Hu Jue was good at hunting, and often sold hunting hares in Uyouba, and was nicknamed "Li Rabbit". Later, Hu Jue moved to Hongya County with his second son.

The descendants of Hu Jue's Surname Of Li are mainly distributed in Qingshen, Sanqing Temple, Meishan, Hongya and other areas of Leshan, and the Hu Li family tree has regulations on the hu and Li families not to marry.

Hu Cai was recruited as a son-in-law by a local Du family, and among his descendants, some of them were surnamed Hu and some were surnamed Du. Therefore, there are also local customs of Hu, Li and Du surnames not intermarried.

Although Hu Shou was in a chaotic world and his family was not rich, he followed the ancestral precept of "farming and reading, poetry and etiquette", and the couple worked hard, worked diligently and frugally, and the family situation was getting better and better.

Sichuan Hu clan: At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and the end of the Yuan Dynasty, many foreign Hu surnames entered Sichuan and became a large family

"Hu Li Family Tree (General Genealogy of Leshan Area)" text. (File photo)

Sichuan Hu clan: At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty and the end of the Yuan Dynasty, many foreign Hu surnames entered Sichuan and became a large family

Cover art of "Hu Li Family Tree (General Genealogy of Leshan Area)". (File photo)

The four Hu Tiancai brothers moved and settled separately

Hu Shou and Liu Shi had a son, Hu Yuan, who was revered as the ancestor of Jinchuan. Hu Yuan was generous, good at management, strict in governing the family, hiring teachers and godsons, and gradually becoming rich.

Hu Yuan's son Hu Renqin, Hu Renqin is good at business, wanguan family wealth, rich side, has Hu Tianlun, Hu Tianzhong, Hu Tianqi, Hu Tiantian 4 sons.

At this time, the Hu family followed the ancestral training and produced the result: Hu Tiancai was admitted to the Yuan Dynasty's Jinshi, and the official went to Changzhou (州治大足县, in modern Dazu District, Chongqing) zhizhou.

Hu Renqin purchased land in several places and distributed it to four sons: Hu Tianlun stayed behind to guard the ancestral estate of Jindeng Mountain, Hu Tianzhong moved to Guangjiao Temple in Renshou County (around present-day Shijian Town), Hu Tianqi moved to Gaotanxi in Jingyan County, also known as Yushichong (around present-day Gaofeng Town), and Hu Tiancai moved to Rong County and Xianxiang Heaven Temple Black Bird Bay (around present-day Dongxing Town, Rong County).

Hu Tiancai later settled in Hujiawan, Jiulongtan, Tangshan, Dongsheng Village, Youting Town, Dazu District, Chongqing, and his descendants now mainly live in the areas of Renshou, Rong County, Jingyan, and Weiyuan.

Consultant: Mr. Hu Chuanhuai, an expert in literature and history in Pengxi County, Sichuan Province

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