
To educate a child, we must teach him to eat three things: eat, suffer hardships, and suffer losses!

To educate a child, we must teach him to eat three things: eat, suffer hardships, and suffer losses!

To educate a child, we must teach him to eat three things, the first to eat, the second to suffer hardships, and the third to suffer losses. Eat well and get healthy.

If you can bear hardships and stand hard work, respect nature, and fear the saints, this heart will be healthy. If you are not afraid of loss, and if you are willing to give benefits to others, then your spirituality will be healthy. Health is divided into physical health, mental health, and spiritual health.

To educate a child, we must teach him to eat three things: eat, suffer hardships, and suffer losses!


To know how to eat, you can see from eating whether a person is grateful for natural creation. The first is to eat.


Let the child enjoy every meal with a grateful heart. This gratitude includes the fact that nature brings us a variety of seasonal delicacies in all seasons, including to the people who make these foods, but also to these foods that supplement us with nutrition and energy. This feeling of gratitude, rather than the way to hold chopsticks, than the sitting posture of eating, should be passed down as a family culture.


Raise children to sit in their elders first and give them meals first. Respect for the elderly is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, when the child is young, parents should do a good job of demonstration, first invite the elders in the family to sit down, and first serve the elders. Before the elders have moved the chopsticks, the juniors should not eat first. When the parent hands the bowl to the child, the child should take the bowl with both hands to show respect for the elders.


Train your child to hold chopsticks correctly. Just a use of chopsticks, can make a person appear very cultured, our ancestors invented chopsticks, a prop can be used for a variety of food, contains a deep "to cope with the ever-changing, to simply cope with the complex" of the traditional cultural essence, which is also what we must inherit.

To educate a child, we must teach him to eat three things: eat, suffer hardships, and suffer losses!


Avoid having your child flip around on the plate. Don't use a spoon or chopsticks to flip around in the dish in order to pick your favorite dish, some children even take away all their favorite dishes, and leave the unpalatable dishes to others, which is a very rude behavior and seems selfish.


Ask your child not to do anything else while eating. The time to eat is the time for the family to get together, and it is also the best time to strengthen parent-child communication, and the child will also have many things to share with parents and parents, please cherish this time. After all, in such a busy modern society, it is actually a very happy thing for a family to eat a meal together in a beautiful and beautiful way without any interruption.


Develop the habit of helping to clean the table, clean up the dishes, or help wash the dishes after meals. For most parents, during the Spring Festival, there are more opportunities to eat with their families and guests than usual, and this is also an excellent opportunity for children to educate themselves on table manners.

Every parent wants their child to be praised by others, so parents should start to pay attention to their children's table manners from usual, so that when it comes to a certain occasion, there will be no embarrassment that should not be.

To educate a child, we must teach him to eat three things: eat, suffer hardships, and suffer losses!


Mencius admonished the people: "The heavens will descend upon the people of Si, and they will first suffer their hearts, strain their bones and bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and confuse their deeds." The old people also often say: "Small losses do not eat big losses, and small sufferings do not eat and eat big sufferings."

That is to say, when a child is a child, it is a good thing to suffer a little and encounter some difficulties. If we are afraid of the child's hardships and assume the child's responsibility, although it avoids the child's crying and entanglement, it deprives the child of the opportunity to cultivate good character and develop self-ability, which is a great harm.

We always say that today's children don't understand things, but we don't know because we protect them too well and don't let them understand things. If you want your child to understand things from an early age, to be able to think about others, and to understand their parents, you should let your children suffer from an early age, so that they can recognize the sufferings of the world, know how to cherish and understand.

To educate a child, we must teach him to eat three things: eat, suffer hardships, and suffer losses!


Suffering losses is a blessing, and the same is true in ancient and modern times.

In real life, many parents believe that children will suffer losses if they are too honest, and they will not be able to adapt to the fierce social environment if they always suffer losses, so many parents are teaching their children how not to suffer losses. However, too much emphasis is not on loss, and the child is either too domineering or calculating.

Being kind to others is the premise of healthy personality development. As a parent, first of all, let the child discover the beauty of the people and things around them, respect and love every flower and grass, and treat everyone kindly.

Second, don't be strong and competitive in everything, let the children eat some losses appropriately, have a broader mind, learn to think from the perspective of others, and resolve contradictions with tolerance. Finally, tell your child that being overbearing is a stupid act that will only make you lose your heart.

Teaching children to learn to suffer losses is not to make children obey others without principle, but to teach children to learn to be humble, to learn to understand and tolerate others, and to learn to treat others with reason.

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