
Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

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Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

Life requires six mirrors


Look at the far mirror

Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

Only by ascending can you look far

Du Fu said: "When you stand tall, you will see the mountains in the distance, and people will naturally have great pride, and in an instant, they will have the motivation to move forward.

Su Shi said, "I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but I am only in this mountain." But if you stand on a high place and look out, then the shape of Lushan Mountain will be unobstructed. Only by standing on a high place can one see clearly what kind of truth is hidden behind the complex appearances.

In the "Left Biography", it is said, "A gentleman knows the great and far away." Only when a person stands tall can he see far, and only by looking far can he know how to go in the future.

A person with a telescope has a never-lower enthusiasm, the ability to see through the fog and the sky, and the mind to plan for the future.


Put the mirror wide

Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

Enlarge your mind

As the saying goes, if you can tolerate people, you can gather people. Only by gathering people can things be accomplished. If a person is a small belly, then no one wants to stay by his side. Alone, how to break into the world?

Amplify your ideals

Liu Bang said, "The big husband should be like this", a Surabaya pavilion chief set up an ambition to seize the world,

Mozi said, "The ambition is not strong, the intellect is not up to it", which means that if a person's ideal is not ambitious enough, then he cannot obtain the intelligence and ability to match it.

It is precisely because of his ambition to seize the world that Liu Bei is constantly inspired, so Liu Bei can start from the pavilion and have the ability to seize the world.



Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

Look down on the world and hide yourself

Watch the world quarrel and quarrel, disturb, bustling, profit and profit. If not a heart that is calm enough. He will be wrapped up in the affairs of the world, and there will never be a peaceful day.

A pair of sunglasses, even the most dazzling things will become dull. Things that are not accustomed to looking at will also be neutralized. That's what sunglasses are all about. Add a layer of isolation to the harsh, scorching real world.

Life in the world, the bottom of the heart is dustless, innocent as ever, naturally it is a good thing, but it is inevitable that some people will take advantage of it and take advantage of the opportunity to frame, so we must properly hide our true thoughts, so as not to give people an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Frankness and frankness are naturally good things, but the heart of prevention is indispensable. Sunglasses are just the right amount of cover to keep yourself out of a lot of trouble.



Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

See the details and do the details well

A horseshoe can lose a battle. An ant nest can erode a levee. Sloppiness in the details can lead to a total loss. Carelessness in small places can accumulate enough to destroy the overall situation.

The difficult things in the world must be done easily, and the big things in the world must be done in detail.

Pay attention to details and learn to be more authentic. Doing ordinary things well is extraordinary, and bringing together small things is big things. Quantitative changes will definitely cause qualitative changes, and things will become fine in detail.


Ha Ha mirror

Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

It's hard to paste

People who live confused are easy to be happy; people who live sober are easy to be troubled. Sober people see too really, too really, and they are troubled everywhere; while those who are confused, who think less, find a great taste of life.

People who are too sober are destined to live hard, there are always unaccustomed, there are always those who can't put it down, and they struggle; people who are confused are instead dashing and sprinkling away.

Of course, when it should be confused, it is confused, and when it should be understood, it is never pretending to be confused.


Flat mirror

Life needs six mirrors! (In-depth good article)

Looking at the mountains is the mountains, and looking at the water is the water

Looking at the mountains is the mountains, and looking at the water is the water. This is a kind of anti-basics that looks at the aftermath of the world.

The experience of life has accumulated to a certain extent, constantly reflecting, having a clear understanding of the world and the pursuit of oneself, realizing that "the world is a big dream, and life is cold several times in autumn", knowing what you are pursuing and what you want to give up.

That is to say, there is no longer a need to look at the world through telescopes, magnifying glasses, haha mirrors, microscopes, and sunglasses, and accept its original appearance.

"Man is a man, there is no need to deliberately be a man; the world is the world, there is no need to carefully deal with the world." Knowing this, man acquires nature and authenticity, freedom and tranquility.

Shu Lan painted a micro-journal

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